Journal: 20th Century Clunkers vs 21st Century Slims

ICT-IT, IO Sense-Making
Steve Denning

Visualizing the difference between 20th and 21st Century management

I wrote last month about the biggest difference between 20th and 21st Century management. I said there that management in the 20th Century was about achieving a finite goal: delivering goods and services, to make money. Management in the 21st Century by contrast is about the infinite goal of delighting customers; the firm makes money, yes, but as a consequence of the delight that it creates for customers, not as the goal.

That’s a fairly abstract account of the difference.  What does it mean in practice?  Let’s bring that down to earth with a visual embodiment of it.

Network On Call Not In Hand

Read the entire Blog Post

Phi Beta Iota: It's not just about functionality and ease of use–it is about what the handheld allows you to access, leverage, exploit, share, and made sense of.  The handheld is a key, nothing more.  That is why smart phones are history.  It is the collective intelligence of all humans that is smart, first one with a dumb device and a full range of M4IS2 services in the cloud wins.  Google is math hashing digital garbage–we are not betting on them.

See Also:

Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising
2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace
Complexity & Catastrophe (91)
Complexity & Resilience (99)

Reference: Citation Analytics 201

About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Augmented Reality, Balance, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, History, ICT-IT, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Maps, Methods & Process, Multinational Plus, Policies, Policies-Harmonization, Policy, Political, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Processing, Real Time, Research resources, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tools, Tribes

Phi Beta Iota: Most serious analysts now understand Citation Analytics 101.  It's time to move to Citation Analytics 202, and there is no better way to introduce the art of the possible than by pointing to Kevin W. Boyack, Katy Borner, and Richard Klavans (2007), “Mapping the Structure and Evolution of Chemistry Research (11th International Conference of Scientometrics and Infometrics, pp. 112-123.

Full Article with Color Graphics
Graphic as Printable Single Page PPT

There are several take-aways from this article, which is more or less the “coming out” of the Klavens-inspired infometrics field now that he has won his law-suit and has unchallenged access to all Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) access [this was one of the sources we used to win the Burundi Exercise before the Aspin-Brown Commission in 1995].

Continue reading “Reference: Citation Analytics 201”

Handbook: Synergy Strike Force, Dr. Dr. Dave Warner, Round II

About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Analysis, Geospatial, Geospatial, Hacking, Historic Contributions, ICT-IT, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Innovation, Maps, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Research resources, Technologies, Tools

Dr. Dr. Dave Warner

Phi Beta Iota:  STRONG ANGEL was the other major innovation besides CATALYST, Analysis 2000, and MCIA JNID.  Below is Round II from STRONG ANGEL, with Round II from M4IS2 soon to be made public, built around SILOBREAKER (actually, Son of SILOBREAKER).  We considered forcing visits to the Synergy Strike Force home page, but decided that the richness of the content there needed to be displayed here. 

I. Introduction

Welcome to the MESS-KIT wiki: Minimum Essential Software Services for Knowledge and Information Transfer

II. Structure

The MESS-KIT system is composed of three basic components — the software package, the virtual environment and the hardware:

a. APPLICATION SOFTWARE PACKAGE: One or more Virtual Machine Instances that package together an operating system with a web server environment and all free-and-open-source/commercial-off-the-shelf software modules. Example: A VMware instance of an Ubuntu Linux installation with a full LAMP web server hosting environment and associated web software.

b. VIRTUAL MACHINE CLIENT SOFTWARE: One Virtual Machine Software Client to package, distribute, and host one or more Application Software Packages and abstract the application software from the host operating system. Examples: VMWare Fusion and Sun VirtualBox.

c. HARDWARE: Hardware on which the Virtual Machine Client Software and Application Software Package will run. The Hardware will include a host operating system. Examples: MacMini running OSX, ASUS eeePC Netbook running eeeBuntu Linux.

Continue reading “Handbook: Synergy Strike Force, Dr. Dr. Dave Warner, Round II”