Mongoose: Pope, Podesta, Pedophilia — Red Shoes

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

Red shoes, Podesta and pedophile symbols (pizzagate)

Look at the shoes on second pic from an email sent to Tony Podesta from Ashok Mahbubani :

A man shows off his red shoes in front of the pope (is it him?), smiling. The mail says : “Attached are pictures that capture some of the spirit of the evening -** at a couple of different levels**.”

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Robert Steele: Fire & Fury Confirms The Accidental President UPDATE 6: UNHINGED? The Full Review

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Long before Fire & Fury I nailed it. No one wanted to believe it. I got the accidental part right.  I seriously underestimated both the cleverness of the President in going after the 1% once he realized he was in fact the President, and the vulnerability of Mike Pence — back-stabber-in-chief — to eventually being indicted as complicit if not participant in alleged murderous pedophile and related state-wide fraud operations. Fat lady waiting to sing….this appears to be a race between Pence to impeach Trump, and Trump to indict Pence.  I am reminded of the race between Kennedy to indict Johnson, and Johnson to assassinate Kennedy.

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Robert Steele: Deep State, the Documentary Series

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

For some  time now I have wanted to do a documentary series on the Deep State including the pedophilia and Satanism angle, fully covering the pernicious roles of the Vatican and Zionism in perverting the US government and overturning the US Constitution.

The History Channel has been thinking about this for sixth months, the deadline ended on 31 December 2017, so while I have tentatively given them a first option if they  sign and pay the option fee by 15 February, I am now in full search mode for a producer that would like to use me as the primary interviewer along the lines of the below, but updating the series to include both pedophilia & Satanism on the one hand and the bleeding edge of credible extraterrestrial reporting on the other.  Russian and other international producers most welcome — email me.

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