Essential Tenets for Maintaining our Common Good

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Policies
Jock Gill

Greater Democracy

Monday 23 May 2011

Essential Tenets for Maintaining our Common Good

An essay written by Alan Page


The “common good” is the collection of what no one person owns, but which all people depend upon for life.  A simple example is the air we breathe.  No one owns it but we would all perish without it.  Now the “common good” is being threatened by many different human activities and policies. Some of these include:


  • The evolving climate crisis that will affect us all.  Just a shift of a few degrees in the global temperature could deliver a fatal blow to the “common good” by changing what is now a benign climate into a hostile one that can no longer sustain “life as we know it”.
  • The periodic business cycle causes many dislocations that are unnecessary but unavoidable given the current banking system.
  • Less commonly known and generally off the table is the currency and credit formation function and the ramifications of this prime control system.
  • The implications for all other functions are very poorly understood, and will be a major consideration of the TENETS.
  • This compound crisis must be dealt with as if it were a life and death matter.



This document provides some guidance for how to enable humanity to act responsibly in a coordinated fashion without deprivation of anyone’s rights.  An attempt is made to recognize the sources of control and motivation that exist and how to enable effective response as if our lives depended on it.

The PDF of the whole essay is here: Tenets CGF101110.pdf

Alan C. Page, Ph.D.
Research Forester

Phi Beta Iota: The full essay contains some very well-developed itemized measures of merit and we strongly second Brother Jock's recommendation.

Creatives are Underextended….

Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence
Seth Godin Home


There is a lot of fear associated with ‘overextended'.

Take too much financial risk, expose yourself to the vagaries of the market and you'll end up stressed, bankrupt and overextended.

Stretch your knee too much in the wrong direction after a long swim and the doctor will tell you that the ligaments are overextended.

Brands that get greedy and put their names in too many places in too many ways (as Tiffany's did a generation ago) get overextended and take a long time to heal.

But what about the more prevalent, more insidious and ultimately more damaging notion of being underextended?

The factory-mindset encourages every worker to protect his time and his effort. Don't volunteer because they'll never give you any slack. Don't push harder because you'll only exhaust yourself. Don't let them speed up the line because it will never slow down again…

Continue reading “Creatives are Underextended….”

Ben Franklin’s Strategic Narrative: Honest & Open

Cultural Intelligence

The Junto Club created by Franklin in 1727 is an instructive predecessor to what could be today in the way of “collective intelligence.”

Franklin is a counter example of how things might be done differently.
It is important to understand that the Junto Club put BOTH civic improvement, the “commons”, and personal improvement ahead of the financial gain of the members; but there was nothing wrong if financial gain followed the first two improvements.  Hence the Junto Club is also a rebuke to the current Hamiltonian Federalists who champion unregulated free market extreme capitalism over everything else.

Junto in Spanish means “together.”  Below from Wikipedia (Junto).

The Junto was a club established in 1727 by Benjamin Franklin for mutual improvement in Philadelphia. Also known as the Leather Apron Club, its purpose was to debate questions of morals, politics, and natural philosophy, and to exchange knowledge of business affairs.

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Franklin describes the formation and purpose of the Junto in his autobiography:

I should have mentioned before, that, in the autumn of the preceding year, [1727] I had form'd most of my ingenious acquaintance into a club of mutual improvement, which we called the Junto; we met on Friday evenings. The rules that I drew up required that every member, in his turn, should produce one or more queries on any point of Morals, Politics, or Natural Philosophy, to be discuss'd by the company; and once in three months produce and read an essay of his own writing, on any subject he pleased.

Learn more….

Reflections on Tyranny versus Crowd Power

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Open Government
Click on Image to Enlarge

Sacrificial Crowds and Radical Power: A Meditation

by Justin Rogers-Cooper, 19 May 2011

Advocate (CUNY Graduate Center)

In early Jan­u­ary the BBC reported that Moham­mad Bouazazi, a Tunisian col­lege grad­u­ate who ille­gally sold fruits and veg­eta­bles in Sidi Bouzid, had died from his self-inflicted burns. He had set him­self on fire by dous­ing his body with petrol when police con­fis­cated his pro­duce. He didn’t have the proper per­mits. Pub­lic protest had been rare in Tunisia before. When he died, the BBC reported that “a crowd esti­mated at 5,000 took part in his funeral.” The crowd chanted the same mes­sage together, out loud: “Farewell, Moham­mad, we will avenge you. We weep for you today, we will make those who caused your death weep.”

Safety copy below the line–note ending on Bush-Obama “crowd control” plans.

Continue reading “Reflections on Tyranny versus Crowd Power”

Carterizing Obama–Netanyhu Tells Him Off…

05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency
Chuck Spinney Recommends...

This important essay by Robert Parry contextualizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's arrogant stuffing of President Obama, which took place after Obama gave a weak-kneed speech on the Middle East.  If Parry is right, a really dirty game is in the offing.

And look at the banality of language that provoked Netanhahu: Obama's speech purported to analyze the implications of the Arab Revolt with an analysis that was viewed as being weak, inept, and self centered by some Arabs (e.g., see this cogent analysis of his language) as well as his goals for the pursuit in the Arab-Israeli peace process: namely a return to Israel's 1967 borders, with some land swaps, in return for the security of a Jewish state within these borders (a choice of language that may have been an attempt to appease Netanyahu*).


*Mr. Obama's language was somewhat ambiguous when he said the primary Israeli-related goal of the peace process was  to establish conditions for Israel as a Jewish state
and the homeland for the Jewish people.” But it does raise a question of whether he is acceding to the sectarian interpretation of a Jewish democracy demanded by Benjamin Netanyahu, who has made recognition of Israel as aJewish nation-state a prerequisite for any final agreement with the Palestinians. This kind of sectarian definition in a democracy has unknowable ramifications for the non-Jewish minority making up 20% of Israel's citizens. For a discussion of this issue, see Isabel Kirshner, “Some Question the Existence of Israel as a Jewish State,” New York Times, 24 October 2010.

Netanyahu Sets Limits for Obama

This public rebuke raises questions about whether Netanyahu will now try to sink Obama’s reelection the way earlier Likud leaders undermined President Jimmy Carter

by Robert Parry, Consortium News,  May 21, 2011

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Oval Office rebuke of U.S. President Barack Obama – and the Republicans’ immediate attempt to exploit the dispute to peel away Jewish voters – suggest that American politics may be in for a replay of Campaign 1980.

Continue reading “Carterizing Obama–Netanyhu Tells Him Off…”

Immense Possibilities: TV Show & Web Community

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Policies, Real Time, Threats
John Steiner

Hi All:  This is well worth paying attention to, checking out and even sampling.  Do see the great endorsements below.  Learn more about my old friend and colleague, Jeff Golden, the creator of this remarkable new program.   Immense Possibilities is also interactive. As you'll see from the website, Jeff is looking for our input and collaboration.  Congratulations to Jeff for creating a new public forum for what's working and for those making a true difference in these challenging times and are offering solutions of great benefit, who so often don¹t make it into mainstream news. May this show become part of the “:new main stream”.


Cheers,  John

From: Jeff Golden

Dear Friends:

Suppose you found a public television program that brought you stunningly creative people who

¨    Craft brilliant projects that strengthen their communities for hard times to come

¨    Unite people across political and philosophical divides

¨    Connect Millenials, Gen X- and Y-ers, Baby Boomers and Elders in compelling ways

And suppose it was right there on your computer or television  every Tuesday evening. Would that be worth your time?

Tuesday evening, May 24, 7:30 pm:  Frances Moore Lappé

In the right-hand corner you'll see a box to enter your email address.

If you do that, you¹ll get a message about once a week on what IP is doing.  We will not, repeat not, pass your address onto anyone else for any reason.  Every message we send to you will have an easy option to unsubscribe.

Hope you'll give IP a try.

IMMENSE POSSIBILITIES is a weekly public television program, followed by an interactive webcast, that pull together the work of Jeff Golden  and other social inventors who share a clear set of beliefs, values and goals.  If these align with your own, and you share our passion for boosting possibilities that can forge a healthier future than the one that seems likely if we don¹t change and innovate, let's work together.

All the best,

Arab Spring, Turkish Summer?

07 Other Atrocities, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, IO Multinational, Officers Call, Policies
Chuck Spinney Recommends....

As someone who spent the better part of 2008 and 2009 in Turkey, I find the attached analysis a very useful summary of Turkish developments.  To be sure, I am biased.  Turkey is one of my very favorite countries, I love the people, the culture, and food, and I have been fascinated by its ongoing political evolution.

Mr. Heydarian's cogent comparison of Turkey's evolution to the so-called Arab Spring* provides much food for thought, and I find it eyeopening.

* I prefer the term Arab Revolt to Arab Spring, because the forces of counterrevolution seem to be taking over, and like its predecessor in WWI, it might not lead anywhere.

Chuck Spinney
Saintes Maries de la Mer

A Decisive Shift

Arab Spring, Turkish Summer?


May 20 – 22, 2011

Turkey is emerging as an attractive model for the new generation of democrats in the Middle East and North Africa. Turkey, as a bastion of Islamic moderation, economic dynamism, military might, and foreign policy creativity, has inspired many who envision a prosperous and free Arab world.

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: The USA is part of the autocratic corrupt system against which the Arabs are revolting.  It is neither a leader nor a model–it is an obstacle for the simple reason that the US Government lacks intelligence and integrity, and therefore has nothing to offer in the way of non-zero strategic analytics acceptable to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and everyone else.  The US Government is morally and intellectually bankrupt.