Four Time Bombs Centered on Wall Street

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corporations, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Reform, Waste (materials, food, etc)
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Paul B. Farrell

March 1, 2011, 12:01 a.m. EST

Four time bombs that will blow up Wall Street

Commentary: Too late to jail bank CEOs; only revolution will succeed

By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch

Phi Beta Iota: Highlights include extimate that US is 44 trillion in debt; that nothing and Administration does will stop Wall Street–this is now so bad the author believes a revolution (as in swarming homes and offices and demanding the return of ill-gotten wealth) will do.  We do not agree.  Yes, it is bad.  No, recovering the stolen money will not do.  The silver lining in all this is the obvious decrepitude of governments and corporations; the now obvious toxic nature of information asymmetries and data pathologies; and the less obvious but emergent need for a) restoring the integrity of the US Electoral process through Electoral Reform 2.2 ; and b) creating the Autonomous Internet so as to achieve Panarchy and create a prosperous world at peace in which transparency eliminates corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse, starting in the USA.


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Seth Godin: worst moments are your best opportunity

Cultural Intelligence
Seth Godin Home

The worst moments are your best opportunity

That's how we judge you and how we remember you.

You are presumed to be showing us your real self when you are on deadline, have a headache, are facing a customer service meltdown, haven't had a good night's sleep, are facing an ethical dilemma, are momentarily in power, are caught doing something when you thought no one else was looking, are irritable, have the opportunity to extract revenge, are losing a competition or are truly overwhelmed.

What a great opportunity to tell the story you'd like us to hear about you.

Autonomous Internet: 4chan and anonymnity

Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

4chan and anonymity

Marc Savlov interviewed me for this article in the Austin Chronicle, generally about anonymity on the Internet and specifically about 4chan. I hope I made the point that anonymity is a wicked problem (what is identity, anyway?), and that it’s sometimes a solution (as in police states, viva Tor).

Coincidentally I had interviewed the phenomenal Tom Jennings yesterday for Plutopia News Network, and when he saw the Chronicle article, he sent this link to to a paper he’d written about 4chan.

“The effect of the code mechanisms chosen by 4chan encloses a robust and stable culture of a form and shape not possible in more finely controlled environments, and that code is deceptively simple.”

Christopher Poole, aka Moot, creator of 4chan, will deliver a keynote at 2pm Sunday, March 13, at SXSW Interactive.

Five Major Trends in Advance Cyber-Social

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Mobile, Real Time
Ric Merrifield

I spend a lot of time looking at and writing about disruptive business models, and lately I have been talking about a handful that I think are really meaningful that will continue to mature over time and work their way into lots of other industries. 1) Friending. 2) Getting nothing, but paying for it. 3) Getting something, but not paying for it. 4) David beating Goliath. 5) Adding a third party to two party transactions. Visit Blog for full text accompanying each of the above. Phi Beta Iota: At DEMO Spring 2011 the deep persistent theme was the embedding of social media into everything.   This is also one of the themes in Jane McGonigal's book, Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.

Canadian Citizens Keep Lying on the Air Illegal

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

President, Waterkeeper Alliance; Professor, Pace University

Huffington Post, February 28, 2011 09:54 PM

Regulators Reject Proposal That Would Bring Fox-Style News to Canada

As America's middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades — against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News — fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators today announced they would reject efforts by Canada's right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.

Canada's Radio Act requires that “a licenser may not broadcast … any false or misleading news.”

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John Seely Brown’s New Culture of Learning and US Unified Community Action Network (US UCAN)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Gordon Cook

in a world of constant flux a person who is not curious is screwed.

John Seeley Brown

In the past eight weeks as I have become more familiar with Internet2’s award to build a backbone to connect upwards of 200,000 unified community anchor institutions into a national network and have put this knowledge alongside that of the peer to peer open knowledge resource Commons represented by Michel Bauwens, I had a gut feeling that somehow someway there is a connection yearning to be made between these two very disparate groups. There is nothing overly obvious in my construct. It is just a tacit feeling that there is a huge potential here.

One thing that I observed from listening to the lecture that I did not get out of the book is that there are ever evolving ways of interpreting one’s surroundings and what is happening. JSB used the same two examples of self-taught surfers in Hawaii and World of Warcraft generation of knowledge that he did in his April 2010 Power of Pull lecture. But by late June 2010 he had evolved these concepts in new interesting and refreshing ways. One point in the lecture that was quite critical indeed was the concept of study groups in the learning 21st-century terms as opposed to education the 19th century term. Success now is found to be dependent to a very large extent on one’s ability to form study groups and that these groups could enable a self-motivated socialized learning experience that a more solitary approach to some rigid curriculum could not. And of course in the world of constant technology change the idea of a rigid curriculum is found wanting.

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See Also:

Arno “The Curious” Reuser

CONNECT First, the Collective Intelligence Will Happen Naturally

Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education

Continue reading “John Seely Brown's New Culture of Learning and US Unified Community Action Network (US UCAN)”