Tom Bearden: Free Energy via Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG)

05 Energy, Earth Intelligence

It was 20 years ago today, or almost, that Tom Bearden’s (et al) Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG) burst onto the scene, putting out a solid overunity power performance which was replicated by a number of researchers. One build up was tested to destruction producing a Coefficient of Performance (COP) over 100.  The unit was awarded a Patent by the US Patent office, and Tom incorporated it into a personal briefing that he gave to two Senate technical committees in Washington.  For a while, its details and performance was listed on the Department of Energy website, and later removed.

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Stephen E. Arnold: How Complex Systems Fail

Earth Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold

Failure: The Reasons Are Piling Up

Years ago I read a monograph by some big wig in Europe. As I recall, that short book boiled down failure to one statement: “Little things add up.” The book contained a number of interesting industrial examples. “How Complex Systems Fail” is a modern take on the failure of systems. The author has cataloged 18 reasons. Here are three of the reasons, and it may be worth your time to check out the other 15.

  • Complex systems contain changing mixtures of failures latent within them.
  • Change introduces new forms of failure.
  • Failure free operations require experience with failure.

I would like to add a couple of additional reasons for failure:

Read full post.

The Steele Report on Monday 4 January will cover this topic with Robert Steele's extended comments, links, and graphics.


J. C. Cole: Gray Swans – December 2020 — Civil War?

01 Agriculture, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

American Gray Swans – December 2020

The approaching Civil War!

So now we have another approaching predicted Gray Swan possibly landing in America – a Civil War. I am not sure if anyone has thought this out, but because of the fragility of our existing supply chain if we go to a Civil War even the food and energy producing states will be cut off from needed supplies. A Civil War would be the kiss of death for America, which might be why somebody is trying hard to start one.

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