Garland On Oil, Energy, & Presidential Non-Sense

05 Energy, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, IO Sense-Making
Garland Robinette

Garland: “Pres. Obama, I too am exhausted defending you.”

What finally knocked me out of your camp was your speech last Friday…the one about energy. Let's break it down into specifics.

Read full article….

Phi Beta Iota: Worth a full read for two reasons:

1.  Demonstrates the non-sense a President can spout when his speeches are written based on the lack of coherent (holistic) open source intelligence within the US Government; and

2.  Raises the rather fascinating idea that those regions that refuse to permit alternative energy (e.g. windmills) or refineries or other elements of a national energy infrastructure in their backyards should be limited in their access to domestic energy from others.

Climate Change as a Culture-Information Challenge

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Key Players

Study Says Climate Debate Is Largely Cultural News, 03/17/2011

While debate on climate change often strikes a caustic tone, the real impediment to meaningful dialogue is that the two sides often talk past each other in what amounts to a “logic schism,” says a University of Michigan researcher.

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Fight Global Warming: Free Fiber to the Home….

11 Society, Autonomous Internet, Earth Intelligence, InfoOps (IO)

Executive Summary

This blog is about a novel new business model for delivering Fiber to the Home. A proposed pilot deployment is underway in Ottawa Canada.

See slideshow with  detailed business plan.


One of , if not, the greatest threats to our future society and economy is global warming. Governments around the world are wrestling with the challenge of how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The current preferred approaches are to impose “carbon” taxes and/or implement various forms of cap and trade systems. However another approach to help reduce carbon emission is to “reward” those who reduce their carbon footprint rather than imposing draconian taxes or dubious cap and trade systems. Consumers will generally respond more positively to voluntary reward mechanisms as opposed to mandatory solutions imposed by government or other authorities. For more details on carbon rewards see

This paper discusses one possible reward system where consumers are provided with free true high speed Internet if they reduce their overall energy consumption. Not only does the consumer benefit, but this business model also provides new revenue opportunities for network operators and builders.

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Tip of the Hat to Patrick Anderson at the Freedom Box discussion and the Building a Decentralized and Distributed Internet Google Groups

Poverty & Nuclear Power: Pros and Cons

05 Energy, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Key Players

Poverty to Dictate Future Power Play

Geoffrey T. Smith, Wall Street Journal

March 17, 2011

Those who believe that economics, rather than individuals or events, is the driving force behind history are going to have their faith sorely tested in the coming weeks.

Emotion and experience say the revival of nuclear power can not and should not continue after the events at Fukushima. Economics, and the political imperatives that it creates, say it is inevitable.

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Simultaneous Policy–A Collaborative Concept

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government

to solve them could effectively make its country economically uncompetitive, leading to inflation, unemployment, or even economic collapse.

Simpol aims to break the vicious circle governments find themselves in by encouraging people around the world to oblige their politicians and governments to cooperate globally in implementing appropriate policies simultaneously for the good of all.

Only by implementing policies simultaneously can our problems be resolved in a way that no nation, corporation, or citizen loses out. If all nations act together, everybody wins.


TAKE INITIATIVE–Design the World, Don’t Edit It…

11 Society, About the Idea, Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

Seth Godin Home

Who will say go?

Here's a little-spoken truth learned via crowdsourcing:

Most people don't believe they are capable of initiative.

Initiating a project, a blog, a wikipedia article, a family journey. Initiating something even when you're not putatitively in charge.

At the same time, almost all people believe they are capable of editing, giving feedback or merely criticizing.

So finding people to fix your typos is easy.

A few people are vandals, happy to anonymously attack or add graffiti or useless noise.

If your project depends on individuals to step up and say, “This is what I believe, here is my plan, here is my original thought, here is my tribe,” then you need to expect that most people will see that offer and decline to take it.

Most of the edits on Wikipedia are tiny. Most of the tweets among the billions that go by are reactions or possibly responses, not initiatives. Q&A sites flourish because everyone knows how to ask a question, and many feel empowered to answer it, if it's specific enough. Little tiny steps, not intellectual leaps or risks.

I have a controversial belief about this: I don't think the problem has much to do with the innate ability to initiate. I think it has to do with believing that it's possible and acceptable for you to do it. We've only had these doors open wide for a decade or so, and most people have been brainwashed into believing that their job is to copyedit the world, not to design it. [Emphasis Added.]

There's a huge shortage… a shortage of people who will say go.

Continue reading “TAKE INITIATIVE–Design the World, Don't Edit It…”

Diversity in Wholeness: “We were made different to complete each other…”

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

Two remarkable presentations of our common humanity and shared predicament showed up in my email today.  One is one of the most beautiful and intense videos I've ever seen and the other is a glimpse of the global spirit infusing the current uprisings in very diverse nations.

Blessings on our shared Journey…



1.  The Human Planet … A spectacular video trailer of the BBC's ONE

Its fast-paced images of the archetypal energies and challenges of human life on Earth are riveting!


2.  From Cairo to Madison: Hope and Solidarity are Alive

by Medea Benjamin


And a closing word for U.S.Americans, from Ralph Nader:

“In a country that has so many problems it doesn't deserve and so many solutions that it doesn't apply; all things are possible when people begin looking at themselves for the necessary power to produce a just society.”


Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute, POB 493, Eugene, OR 97440 /
Please support our work.  Your donations are fully tax-deductible.
Phi Beta Iota: Tom Atlee is the sole seer and charitable cause that we actively promote.  His soul and mind are a precious global treasure like no other we have encountered.  Please do donate, with $20 to $50 as the recommended range.  His Donate Page.