Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Military

I have no direct knowledge  and Sidney has not confirmed this by email. Her website is over-whelmed by people all over the world, not just in the USA, trying to donate.  Don”t give up, please do donate:

Here are three mind-boggling sources — not confirmed by Sidney or anyone else — that suggest she might be in charge of the military tribunals addressing treason.  Because she has the total trust of Mike Flynn, whom I consider — without hearing from him — to be the key mind behind both the restructuring of DoD including the elevation of SOF and the on-going Wrestlemania drama or Information Operations campaign, I dare to hope this might be true.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?”

Robert Steele: Lin Wood: Satanic Pedophilia In The White House (Pre-Trump) & Voter Fraud to Dovetail, Be Exposed At the Same Time

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Lin Wood: Satanic Pedophilia In The White House (Pre-Trump) & Voter Fraud to Dovetail, Be Exposed At the Same Time

ROBERT STEELE: When President Trump is ready, perhaps March 2021, I have the website and the book Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State in a five volume 2,500 page print edition, and a movie documentary in the making. I funded & guided the creation of REF A for  the  President's final battle.

Yoda: President Trump’s Brilliant Moves on Vaccines — Not Mandatory and Not Needed

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Wise, is our President. Wise, is David Sorenson.

Dear Freedom Fighters,

‘If Trump is on the good side, why is he pushing vaccines?’

Personally I believe that everything Donald Trump does is strategic, with the purpose for sabotaging the plans of the wicked. Even pushing vaccines…

Continue reading “Yoda: President Trump's Brilliant Moves on Vaccines — Not Mandatory and Not Needed”