SchwartzReport: US Border Patrol — Largest Most Corrupt US Law Enforcement Agent Dealing with Smallest Least Threatening Population

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

In my view this entire border hysteria is based on fear and greed. For a few corporations this is all extremely profitable. It is a works program. And it is completely out of control as this report makes clear. The false foundation of this whole business is why it is also so corrupt.

How the Border Patrol Became Our Most Stunningly Corrupt Law Enforcement Agency

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Robert Steele: Ebola, ISIS, & Dysfunctional Government

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

We have a perfect storm in the making. Among the ingredients:

01 Ebola for real — contagious, airborne, mutating.

02 Ebola from Fort Detrick — weaponized, perhaps planted in Africa and Venezuela.

03 Health “professionals” committing treason (CDC) and generally betraying the public trust (Spain, everywhere else).

04 Neo-cons, Zionists, Saudi Wahabbists, and  Turks intent on luring the USA into another ground war in the Middle East for varied reasons including profiteering, electioneering, as a distraction for internal disidents and as a cover for eradicating the Kurds (which is not possible).

05 Republicans that see the dysfunctionality of the Obama Administration on Ebola and ISIS as the perfect foundation for taking over the Senate in November.

06 Rogue elements of the US Government all too happy to use Ebola to dry run new martial law procedures.

07 Local law enforcement personnel fearful of Ebola on the one hand — to the point of refusing to contain — and being directed in an over-zealous manner using Ebola as a cover for achieving other disruptive ends.

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Mongoose: Attaboy Australia — Beheading IO Stopped — But What Should US Do?

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence

Very well done, Australia!

Australia raids foil reported ISIS beheading plots

Australian counterterrorism forces detained 15 people Thursday in a series of suburban raids after receiving intelligence that the Islamic State movement was planning public beheadings in two Australian cities to demonstrate its reach.

About 800 federal and state police officers raided more than a dozen properties across 12 Sydney suburbs as part of the operation — the largest in Australian history, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Colvin told the Associated Press. Separate raids in the eastern cities of Brisbane and Logan were also conducted.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the plan involved kidnapping randomly selected members of the public off the streets in Sydney and Brisbane, beheading them on camera, and releasing the recordings through Islamic State's propaganda arm in the Middle East.

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Steve Aftergood: Court Requires In Camera Review of State Secrets Documents

Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


Over the objections of government attorneys, a federal judge said yesterday that he would require in camera review of documents that the government says are protected by the state secrets privilege. The issue arose in the case of Gulet Mohamed v. Eric Holder, challenging the constitutionality of the “no fly” list.

The government had argued that it is “inappropriate” for a court to review such records to verify that they are validly privileged, and that instead the court should grant dismissal of case on the basis of official declarations. (Gov’t Resists Court Review of State Secrets, Secrecy News, August 27). The government moved for reconsideration of an August 6 order to produce the records for in camera review.

Yesterday, Judge Anthony J. Trenga of the Eastern District of Virginia granted the government's motion for reconsideration, but he said that having reconsidered the matter, he determined that he had been right the first time around.

“Upon reconsideration of its Order, however, the Court finds that none of [the] objections justifies vacating the Order, as the defendants request. The Court therefore affirms its Order.”

“This case involves complex and unsettled issues pertaining to the respective roles of the legislative, executive and judicial branches,” Judge Trenga wrote. “One central issue is the extent to which the War on Terrorism may expand the ability of the executive branch to act in ways that cannot otherwise be justified.”

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SchwartzReport: BP Gulf Spill “Gross Negligence” – $18 Billion Fine? Does Corporate Accountability Begin Now?

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 12 Water, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is some excellent news about the Gulf oil spill. A major court decision has seriously placed the blame and responsibility where it belongs. And the court also made it clear what it thinks about BP, Transocean, and Halliburton ethics and behavior.

‘Worst Case' BP Ruling on Gulf Spill Means Billions More in Penalties

BP Plc acted with gross negligence in setting off the biggest offshore oil spill in U.S. history, a federal judge ruled, handing down a long-awaited decision that may force the energy company to pay billions of dollars more for the 2010 Gulf of Mexico disaster.

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SchwartzReport: Feds Lie, Marijuana Good… Could Marijuana Plus 9/11 Plus Unemployment Plus Wanton Wars Lead to Electoral Reform?

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I think this essay is stating the truth. I have read stuff coming out from the government on the subject of marijuana so flagrantly wrong that it has to be deliberate. Nobody speaking truthfully about the present state of research could possible make those statements.

The Feds Are Incapable of Telling Truth About Pot

In her latest blog post [3], US National Institute on Drug Abuse director Nora Volkow claims that ‘science should guide marijuana policy.” But if the nation’s top anti-drug doc truly believes that facts, not ideological rhetoric, ought to shape America’s drug policies, why does she feel the need to keep distorting the truth about pot?

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SchwartzReport: 17,000 Police Agencies in the USA, All of Them Concealing How Many People — Generally Black — They Kill Each Year…

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Today's news brought yet more stories of police shootings of people whose only real crime seems to be being black. It made me wonder how many people are killed by the police each year. It turns out that is a very hard number to pin down. So I went looking to see if anyone had written something recently about this! . Here's what I found. I was amazed to learn were have 17,000 different police agencies.

How Cops get Away With it: Why the Government can Read Your Emails, But Not Count Shooting Deaths
HEATHER DIGBY PARTON, Contributing Writer – Salon

Complete safety copy below the fold.

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