Ian Greenhalgh: Coronavirus Fear Porn — A Police State Agenda?

02 China, 07 Health, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Media

Coronavirus: finding the ambiguous reality behind the fear porn headlines

… ‘new’ coronavirus is ‘stabilising

… UK has claimed it has 8 cases of this new coronavirus and is declaring, on this basis, a “serious and imminent threat to public health”

… Jon Rappoport points out there are between 2.8 million and 17million deaths in China per year from pneumonia

Robert Steele: CNN & Washington Post Are Fake News — American Herald Tribune is Real News

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Media

As someone who has published a number of invited articles at the American Herald Tribune (AHT), I take exception to the defamatory — and possibly malicious — categorization of the AHT as fake news. In my view, it is CNN — and the Washington Post and  the New York Times and others — that are more often than not fake news. I take particular exception to the defamatory and often clearly malicious defamatory statements of individuals associated with these organizations,  against our President.  They should all be sued in federal court, where even the most public of persons can win a lawsuit in front of a jury when malice can be demonstrated.  Below are two reclamas from AHT:

20200204 The Washington Post Piles on with CNN to Try to Discredit American Herald Tribune

20200125 Donie O’Sullivan and the ‘Garbage State’ of Media

Continue reading “Robert Steele: CNN & Washington Post Are Fake News — American Herald Tribune is Real News”

Zero Hedge: The Pornification of America — Online Predation on the Young in Full Swing…

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

The Pornification Of America: How Young Girls Are Being Groomed By Sexual Predators

There are usually six stages to grooming by a sexual predator: friendship (targeting and gaining trust); relationship (filling the child’s needs); gauging the level of protection surrounding the child; exclusivity (isolating the child from others); sexualization (desensitizing the child to sex talk and activities); and abuse.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: The Pornification of America — Online Predation on the Young in Full Swing…”

Zero Hedge: New Cambridge Analytica Leaks Reveal Psychological Manipulation Of Global Population

Corruption, IO Impotency, Media

New Cambridge Analytica Leaks Reveal Psychological Manipulation Of Global Population

Authored by Derrick Broze via The Mind Unleashed,

On New Year’s Day 2020, Twitter account @HindsightFiles began posting documents from data firm Cambridge Analytica (CA) which expose the extensive infrastructure used to manipulate voters on a global scale.

Read full article (includes James Corbett links).