James Perloff: 9/11 Simplified — The Zionists Did It with Dick Cheney’s Active Advance Complicity & Cover-Up

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call

9/11 Simplified

Yes, Virginia, there really were hijackers on the 9/11 planes—but not the ones we were told

(Updated with an addendum on 7-28-17)

9/11 was an outside job, done by Israeli operatives, but with consent and cooperation at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

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SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Deception – Refocus US Public on the Saudis

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
9/11 The Man Behind the Zionist Curtain?

Americans Outraged After Sculpture Celebrating Saudi Arabia Emblazoned with Inscription of Shahada Erected on Ground Zero

Americans were outraged after a nine-foot tall statue celebrating Saudi Arabia emblazoned with the Islamic creed, the Shahada, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet,” was erected on Ground Zero last week.

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Worth a Look: Overthrow of the American Republic by Sherman Skolnick (Free Download)

09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call
Scribner Free Must Register

Overthrow of the American Republic

Sherman Skolnick was the paraplegic Jewish activist who exposed a lot of the judicial corruption in the federal courts in Chicago and sent many federal judges (about 60 or so) to prison under Operation Greylord. Nobody wanted to take him out because he was Jewish and crippled. He was a real character and had informants almost everywhere. Folks would leak to him to get revenge on crooked partners, bad judges and crooked cops, and he would disclose a lot of it on his Cable TV show and articles.

Table of Contents Below the Fold. Can read free online anonymously or download free with registration via Google or Facebook or direct.

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Martin Armstrong: The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence

The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False flag used by Hitler was known as the Reichstag Fire. Hitler had a problem. He won less than 35% of the vote. The Reichstag Fire was an arson attack on the German parliament in Berlin on February 27th, 1933, one month after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Hitler’s government claimed it was set by Communists because the 1918 German Revolution which installed the Weimar Republic and resulted in the hyperinflation was a Communist movement which even asked the Russian to take Germany.

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Robert Steele: TIME Magazine Beneath Contempt — a CIA Mossad Asset as a “Guardian of Truth?” Seriously?

Corruption, IO Impotency, Media
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I don't make this stuff up. TIME Magazine has once again prostituted itself to CIA and the Mossad while failing to tell the truth about global events and domestic traitors.

How unethical do you have to be (TIME Editors are not stupid, far from it) to put a known triple agent (CIA, Mossad, Saudi intelligence) on the cover of TIME as a “guardian of truth”?  Seriously?

The others are highly questionable as well. Some died to random violence or mind control — what they published was not particularly worthwhile — and others may be intelligence agents.

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