Marcus Aurelius: Israel Plots to Cripple Iranian Cyber

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Computer/online security, Corruption, Cyberscams, malware, spam, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Technologies
Marcus Aurelius

(1) Wish the Israelis every success, but their chances are likely decreased thanks to leaks;

(2) Wonder if GEN Alexander of USCYBERCOM will seek to re-negotiate his deal IOT report directly to POTUS?

Israeli Military Reportedly Plotting to Cripple Iran in Cyberspace

Published August 07, 2011


“Israel has two principal targets in Iran’s cyberspace,” said a defense source with close knowledge of the cyber war preparations. “The first is its military nuclear program and its military establishment. The second is Iran’s civil infrastructure. Attacking both, we hope, will cripple the entire country’s cyberspace.”

Phi Beta Iota:  What Israel is saying, particularly with regard to its second target spread, is that it is waging undeclared unjust war against Iran and the people of Iran.  To blithely announce that the civil infrastructure of another country is “fair game” should call into question the sanity and legitimacy of the perpetrators.

Fareed Zakaria: Why Defense Should be Cut BIG

03 Economy, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

Why defense spending should be cut


August 3, 2011

Fareed Zakaria: “the U.S. defense establishment is the world’s largest socialist economy”

Phi Beta Iota:  This talented individual has never left the “lane in the road” assigned to him.  He thrives on “civility” and not questioning what passes for conventional wisdom among the elites.   As much as all of us who have been saying this for decades are glad to hear him speak such common sense, what this really tells us is that Wall Street is now ready to sacrifice the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) and all their jobs, to save its own multi-million dollar bonuses.  Banks and Big Oil are the winners, the public continues to lose precisely because no one is actually representing the public interest.

DefDog: Leon Panetta AQ Fear-Mongering w/o a Clue

10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military, Threats

It is obvious that this man has no clue.  We are developing fighters
(F-22/35) that have no threat that cannot be handled by the F-117 (which is the be all to end all) but we are dangerously close to imploding if more budget cuts come our way?  Strengthen the force, reduce the technology (which doesn't work in most cases) and let's put DoD on the right path, defense of the Nation (and not police force of the world)……

Leon Panetta Hypes al Qaeda to Ward Off More Defense Cuts

Steve Clemons

The Atlantic, 6 August 2011


It seems that one week, al Qaeda is on the run and “near collapse” and the next, al Qaeda remains the reason why the US needs to continue to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on a Pentagon designed to fight the wrong wars.  This is irresponsible hyping of a threat to justify massive defense spending during a period of real fiscal stress.

Phi Beta Iota:  Daniel Ellsberg had it exactly right when he lectured Henry Kissinger in the 1970's on Viet-Nam:

The danger is, you’ll become like a moron. You’ll become incapable of learning from most people in the world, no matter how much experience they have in their particular areas that may be much greater than yours” [because of your blind faith in the value of your narrow and often incorrect secret information].

Panetta would be well-served by attending to what  Bob Seelert, Chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide (New York) has to say:

When things are not going well, until you get the truth out on the table, no matter how ugly, you are not in a position to deal with it.

Pierre Sprey Skewers Chuck Spinny & Stephen Walt — Big Oil, Wall Street, and Military-Industrial Complex Destroying USA

03 Economy, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of War, Military, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Strategy
Pierre Sprey

My good friend Pierre Sprey took issue with my characterization of Steven Walt's critique of US grand strategy as being excellent subject to two omissions.  Attached herewith are Pierre's comments — they are spot on, and I stand corrected on my characterization of “excellent” … or perhaps more accurately … I stand clearly and fairly skewered.  😉

Chuck Spinney
Cap Ferrat, France

Comments by Pierre Sprey:


Although I appreciate that Mr. Walt's heart is in the right place–particularly regarding his admirably staunch opposition to the malign influence of the Israelis, the neocons and “W”–his essay's concept of US grand strategy for the last two decades is just as shallow as the crap from the NYT, the WSJ, the Post and the Council on Foreign Relations. He commits the two fundamental errors common to nearly all foreign policy pundits, errors that inevitably reduce their beard-stroking discussions of “grand strategy” to silliness:

1. He assumes that the US has a foreign policy or a grand strategy when in fact it has none. The US government's actions, like every other country's, are dominated by its domestic politics. And those politics dominate every move made with regard to other countries.

2. He ignores the three most powerful–and most permanent–domestic influences on America's actions abroad: Big Oil, Wall Street and the MICC. Anybody who ignores these three in recounting U.S. actions abroad is either a) hopelessly out of touch, or b) is serving the interests of the defense, financial or oil establishments, or all three.

Aside from these two crippling errors in his reasoning, Mr. Walt's fulsome praise for the success of the USG's “offshore balancing”–that is, the Big Oil (and MICC) inspired policy of setting Iran and Iraq at each other's throats since the 1940s–shows either profound ignorance or profound Kissingerian cynicism.

One last piece of silliness in the Walt essay, quite common to journalists and historians seeking a “hook” for their American Empire story, is the idea of the August 2, 1990 “turning point”, a date that marks the beginning of the decline in our allegedly successful empire. Such hooks only mask the inescapable spread of rot within empires, usually starting at birth.

With Mr. Walt's help, I am coming to believe all public discussions of grand strategy should be greeted with howls of derisive laughter.


Post Under Discussion:

Chuck Spinney: Madness in White House, K Street Thrives

Chuck Spinney: Madness in White House, K Street Thrives

Corruption, Government, Military
Chuck Spinney
Herewith is Stephen Walt's excellent critique of US grand strategy in the Middle East since 1990.  My only comment is that he omits the pernicious influences of the arrogance that emerged from our misinterpretation of our “victory” in the Cold War and does not discuss the closely related emergence of Mad Madeline's nutty theory of the unipolar “indispensable power,” coupled to William Perry's fatally-flawed techno-theory of marrying coercive diplomacy to the so-called military revolution in hi-tech precision warfare (the latter explained in my essay here).
Chuck Spinney
Cap Ferrat, France

When did the American empire start to decline?

Posted By Stephen M. Walt  Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Today is the 21st anniversary of a key date in world history. On this date in 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, setting in motion a train of events that would have fateful consequences for Saddam himself, but also for the United States. Indeed, one could argue that this invasion was the first step in a train of events that did enormous damage to the United States and its position in the world.


But no strategy is so bad that somebody else can't make it worse. And that is precisely what George W. Bush did after 9/11. Under the influence of neoconservatives who had opposed dual containment because they thought it didn't go far enough, Bush adopted a new strategy of “regional transformation.”

And in other news….

Think things can't get worse?  Check out how the palace parasites are lining up to contain the debt ceiling in the Hall of Mirrors that is Versailles on the Potomac.

Debt Ceiling Bill's Super Committee Has Lobbyists Preparing 

By ANNA PALMER,, August 3, 2011

K Street wasted little time putting clients on notice about the next phase of the debt ceiling debate with a simple message: Nobody is safe from the super committee.

Chuck Spinney: Demonizing Iran, Bankrupting America

01 Brazil, 03 Economy, 05 Energy, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Military
Chuck Spinney

Making an Enemy of Iran

By Patrick Seale

Agence Global, 2 August 2011

It is now widely accepted – and lamented — that US President Barack Obama failed dismally in attempting to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Defeated by Israel’s hard-line Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, and by Israel’s friends in the U.S. — lobbyists, Congressmen and women, neo-conservatives, Christian Zionists, and assorted Arab-haters both inside and outside the Administration — the President threw in the towel.

What is less well understood is that Obama was also defeated in another major area of foreign policy – relations with Iran. When he came to office he vowed to ‘engage’ with the Islamic Republic, but this admirable objective was soon supplanted by a policy of threats, sanctions and intimidation aimed at isolating Iran, subverting its economy and overthrowing its regime.

Israel and its friends led the campaign against Iran, demonizing it as a threat to all mankind, and forcing the United States to follow suit. Israel has repeatedly, and very publicly, threatened to strike at Iran’s nuclear facilities, and has done its best to drag the U.S. into war against it, in much the same way as pro-Israeli neo-conservatives – such as Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith at the Pentagon — manipulated intelligence to push America into war against Iraq in 2003, with catastrophic consequences for the United States.

Read full analysis….

Phi Beta Iota:  Brazil and Turkey are depicted as adults, the US as a retarded child misguided by Israel.  There is no discernible difference between the Bush-Cheney Administrations and the Obama-Biden Administration with respect to foreign policy and national security, with one signal exception: the National Security Advisor is a Goldman Sachs lobbyist.

See Also:

Iran Played “Pivotal Role” in 9/11? Craven Idiocy

Wesley Clark interview (March 2007): “We plan to take out 7 countries in 5 years”

Chuck Spinney: Israel To Bomb Iran Soon + RECAP

Review: Endgame–The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror

Review: Target Iran–The Truth About the White House’s Plans for Regime Change

DefDog: Doing the Wrong Things–Agriculture, Defense

01 Agriculture, 10 Security, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Military
DefDog Recommends....

Industrialized agriculture, and industrialized corruption in defense.  Nobody is serious about creating safe, affordable, sustainable solutions for anything, from agriculture to defense.

Antibiotic resistance is a common feature of Cargill Salmonella outbreaks

Drew Falkenstein

Food Poison Journal, 3 August 2011

Competition for Military Contracts Doesn't Lower Costs

Joshua Foust

The Atlantic, 3 August 2011

Phi Beta Iota:  Holistic strategic analytics with embedded full life cycle “true costs” is a non-negotiable first step toward global hybrid governance, with or without governments.

See Also:

True Cost: Cost of food-borne illnesses is deemed much higher than earlier estimates

Review: Betrayal of Trust–The Collapse of Global Public Health

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Dereliction of Duty (Health)

1961-2011: 50 Years of The Military-Industrial Complex

Review: Prophets of War–Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex

Why Boeing is Imploding–Spinney, Sprey, & Reality vs Political Engineering & Government Spec Cost Plus

What’s Wrong with America? Let Me List the Books….