Antechinus: GMO Are Twice Evil

01 Agriculture, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Liberation Technology

Growing Doubt: a Scientist’s Experience of GMOs

GMO crops still run far ahead of our understanding of their risks. Risk assessment of GMOs has been short-circuited and public concerns about them are growing. Until the damaged scientific ethos is rectified, both scientists and the public are correct to doubt that GMOs should ever have been let out of any lab. Science is not the only grounds on which GMOs should be judged. The commercial purpose of GMOs is not to feed the world or improve farming. Rather, they exist to gain intellectual property (i.e. patent rights) over seeds and plant breeding and to drive agriculture in directions that benefit agribusiness.

Baroness Shirley Williams: American Democracy for Sale — A Warning to Us All …

Access, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Baroness Shirley Williams
Baroness Shirley Williams

American democracy is up for sale, and it’s a warning to us all

By the end of June this year, $388m had been contributed to the campaigns of presidential candidates in 2016

It is imperative in a democracy that those opposed to the government of the day can cherish the prospect of peacefully changing its leaders and its policies. Otherwise the alternatives are some form of violent action, a revolution or a coup.

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CounterPunch: How US and WTO Screwed India Over Domestic Production of Solar Energy

05 Energy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government

counterpunch squareHow the US and the WTO Crushed India’s Subsidies for Solar Energy

The subsidies which provoked the ire of the United States are in the form of Domestic Content Requirements (DCRs). These mandate that a set proportion of specified materials used in the NSM must be manufactured in India. . . .  The US attack on India’s energy subsidies represents breathtaking hypocrisy. The US itself provides subsidizes for renewables.

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Angela Borozna: Western Media on Russia — Selective, Negative, and Wrong?

06 Russia, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media, Peace Intelligence
Angela Borozna
Angela Borozna

The evolution of the West's negative narrative about Russia

The news on Russia became consistently negative after 2000. Positive developments inside Russia, or news regarding Russia's positive international involvements, were ignored while the negative news received immediate attention.

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Mongoose: ISIS Intelligence Manipulated?

Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military

Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.

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Mongoose: Kissinger Telcons — “Blind with Rage” over Israeli Behavior in 1975

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government, Idiocy

MongooseThe Kissinger Telcons

President Gerald Ford was “offended” and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger “almost blind with rage” over Israeli negotiating behavior in 1975, according to newly released Kissinger telephone transcripts obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit and posted today by the National Security Archive.

Phi Beta Iota: White House wants this broadcast.  We agree. Remember the USS Liberty.