Interview: Author of ‘Epic Win for Anonymous’

Civil Society, Computer/online security, Ethics, Hacking, Technologies
check out the interview

One on One: Cole Stryker, Author of ‘Epic Win for Anonymous’


Cole Stryker, a freelance writer and media consultant living in New York, spent years digging into Internet culture and communities, both as a participant and as a blogger covering viral phenomena. He’s the author of a new book called “Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan’s Army Conquered the Web.” He discussed with me what it’s like exploring the seedy underbelly of the Internet, the rise of Anonymous, and why it and 4chan, widely considered one of the darkest and most subversive corners of the Internet, may be one of the most important and influential creations to emerge from the modern Web.

Also see:
Autonomous Internet: 4chan and anonymnity


Patrick Meier: OpenStreetMap Micro-Tasking Imagery

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Geospatial, Hacking, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Real Time, Threats, United Nations & NGOs
Patrick Meier

OpenStreetMap’s New Micro-Tasking Platform for Satellite Imagery Tracing

September 7, 2011

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team’s (HOT) response to Haiti remains one of the most remarkable examples of what’s possible when volunteers, open source software and open data intersect. When the 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck on January 12th, 2010, the Google Map of downtown Port-au-Prince was simply too incomplete to be used for humanitarian response. Within days, however, several hundred volunteers from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) commu-nity used satellite imagery to trace roads, shelters, and other features to create the most detailed map of Haiti ever created.

Read full posting with graphics.

See other Patrick Meier contributions at Phi Beta Iota.

Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP

03 Economy, 04 Education, 11 Society, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Hacking
Howard Rheingold

Infotention Skills: From Information Overload to Knowledge Navigation

An immersive learning experience from the Institute for Social & Network Literacy

21st Century Information Fluency

Self-guided Assessment and Tutorial Packages

Phi Beta Iota:  US education, like the rest of government-dominated programs, is totally broken.  Apart from the 22% now unemployed, another 22% can expect to be unemployed when the security state collapses and secret intelligence, defense, and homeland security are cut back to a quarter of their current inflated and dysfunctional numbers.  An intelligent president with integrity would not leave those people handing–needed is an emergency Public Education program that gives all of those people (44% of the working public) a one year sabattical with structured online and face to face re-training–a PAID year of education funded by the huge cost savings that an intelligent President with integrity can quickly achieve.  Howard Rheingold is the gold standard in this arena.  Every university across America should be gearing up to offer a massive community-focused 21st Century retraining program.

See Also:

Continue reading “Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP”

Patrick Meier: Crowdsourcing Satellite Imagery Analysis II

Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Hacking, Non-Governmental
Patrick Meier

Crowdsourcing Satellite Imagery Analysis for Somalia: Results of Trial Run

We’ve just completed our very first trial run of the Standby Task Volunteer Force (SBTF) Satellite Team. As mentioned in this blog post last week, the UN approached us a couple weeks ago to explore whether basic satellite imagery analysis for Somalia could be crowdsourced using a distributed mechanical turk approach. I had actually floated the idea in this blog post during the floods in Pakistan a year earlier. In any case, a colleague at Digital Globe (DG) read my post on Somalia and said: “Lets do it.”

Read full posting…

Steven Aftergood: Open Source Intelligence Act III

Advanced Cyber/IO, Book Lists, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Defense Science Board, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Key Players, Mobile, Officers Call, Open Government, Policies, Real Time, Serious Games, Threats, Topics (All Other)
Steven Aftergood

Phi Beta Iota:  Act I was 1988-1993.  Act II was 1993-2011.  Act III began with the publication of NO MORE SECRETS with a Foreword by Senator Gary Hart (D-CO).

Below the line in full (or click on links to originals):




Continue reading “Steven Aftergood: Open Source Intelligence Act III”

Steven Howard Johnson: Reflections on OSINT

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Budgets & Funding, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Hacking, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Methods & Process, Open Government, Policies, Resilience, Strategy, Threats
Steven Howard Johnson

Phi Beta Iota:  Mr. Johnson is the author of Integrity at Scale, free online, whose many ideas are being integrated into the vision for a Smart Nation Act and the hub of the Smart Nation, an Open Source Agency and global Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) network of networks.  He is a party to the on-going push to establish the Open Source Agency and create a more competent and ethical America.

– – – – – – -BEGIN REFLECTIONS- – – – – – –

As I look at the Open Source idea, I find myself experiencing a fair amount of dissonance between a methodological vision of open source intelligence, at one level, and at a very different level, an aspirational vision that sees it as a way of disinfecting a misguided and corrupt set of bureaucracies.

One mission is potentially endorsable by the powers-that-be.  The second mission is not.  Ask people to endorse both and it isn’t likely that either will move forward. If corruption prevention is to be the mission, the open source agency will have to find a home outside of government.  If transparency of intelligence is the mission, then perhaps it can find a home inside government.

My second source of dissonance has to do with design and scale.  Open source intelligence is potentially as vast as all the server farms Google will ever own.  How does a relatively modest site, squeezed in between State and Watergate, ever acquire the heft to handle the challenge?  The scope of the mission and the scope of the agency seem out of sync with the scope of the real estate footprint.

Continue reading “Steven Howard Johnson: Reflections on OSINT”

Reference: OpenMoko Mobile Open SW & HW

Advanced Cyber/IO, Ethics, Hacking, Mobile

Phi Beta Iota:  The idea of an open hardware and open software handset phone will not die.  When combined with OpenBTS and open mesh networks, this makes the Autonomous Internet and the resurrection of the five billion poor an immediate possibility.

GTA04 – the next generation Openmoko

This is the official home page of the GTA04 project. Its goal is to provice a high quality OMAP3 based motherboard for the Openmoko GTA01 and GTA02 systems. This includes providing a working bootloader and kernel/drivers. A preconfigured Debian image with LXDE is maintained as the basis for developing better GUIs and distributions.

See Also:

2012 Manifesto for Truth: Expanding the Open Source Revolution (Evolver Editions, July 2012)