Penguin: Open-Ended Global War on “Terrorism”

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Military, Officers Call
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

Cannot help but remember the graphic on terrorism as a boil.

Haven't We Seen This Movie Before?

The Open-Ended Global War on Terrorism


Asia Times, 23 January 2013

And the winner of the Oscar for Best Sequel of 2013 goes to… The Global War on Terror (GWOT), a Pentagon production. Abandon all hope those who thought the whole thing was over with the cinematographic snuffing out of “Geronimo”, aka Osama bin Laden, further reduced to a fleeting cameo in the torture-enabling flick Zero Dark Thirty.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

It’s now official – coming from the mouth of the lion, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, and duly posted at theAFRICOM site, the Pentagon’s weaponized African branch.

Exit “historical” al-Qaeda, holed up somewhere in the Waziristans, in the Pakistani tribal areas; enter al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). In Dempsey’s words, AQIM “is a threat not only to the country of Mali, but the region, and if… left unaddressed, could in fact become a global threat.”

With Mali now elevated to the status of a “threat” to the whole  world, GWOT is proven to be really open-ended. The Pentagon doesn’t do irony; when, in the early 2000s, armchair warriors coined the expression “The Long War”, they really meant it.

Even under President Obama 2.0′s “leading from behind” doctrine, the Pentagon is unmistakably gunning for war in Mali – and not only of the shadow variety. [1] General Carter Ham, AFRICOM’s commander, already operates under the assumption Islamists in Mali will “attack American interests”.

Thus, the first 100 US military “advisers” are being sent to Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo and Ghana – the six member-nations of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) that will compose an African army tasked (by the United Nations) to reconquer (invade?) the parts of Mali under the Islamist sway of AQIM, its splinter group MUJAO and the Ansar ed-Dine militia. This African mini-army, of course, is paid for by the West.

Students of the Vietnam War will be the first to note that sending “advisers” was the first step of the subsequent quagmire. And on a definitely un-Pentagonese ironic aside, the US over these past few years did train Malian troops. A lot of them duly deserted. As for the lavishly, Fort Benning-trained Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo, not only did he lead a military coup against an elected Mali government but also created the conditions for the rise of the Islamists.

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US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty, Promise Not to Meddle in US Foreign Policy Anymore (UPDATED with New LBJ Cover Story That Exonerates Zionists?)

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

UPDATED 30 Jan 2013: Mini-Me: LBJ Behind USS Liberty? Re-Evaluating What Can Be Known

Jewish Leaders Meet Obama, Apologize for USS Liberty

BNN Senior Producer Karl Reich, 23 January 2013

Washington (BNN) – Leaders of several major American Jewish organizations met today with President Barack Obama and his national security team, offering abject apologies for the Israeli covert attack on the USS Liberty that left 34 Killed in Action (KIA), and 171 Wounded in Action (WIA).

For over 30 years the US Government has been a co-conspirator with Israel and its Zionist supporters in the US, whose campaign contributions to US Senators and Representatives were always accompanied by a note, “Forget about the USS Liberty — it was just business.”

The participants refused to discuss the specifics of the meeting. The groups at the hour-long session included the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Conference of Major American Jewish Organizations and the American Jewish Committee.

Continue reading “US Jewish Leaders Apologize for USS Liberty, Promise Not to Meddle in US Foreign Policy Anymore (UPDATED with New LBJ Cover Story That Exonerates Zionists?)”

Mini-Me: Stop Checking for Mini-Me – Options

Commerce, Corruption, Crowd-Sourcing, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Officers Call
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Phi Beta Iota:  It has come to Phi Beta Iota's attention that too many people are searching for Mini-Me daily, rather than reading that day's postings.

Mini-Me is just one of over 25 contributing editors, each committed to the truth — public intelligence in the public interest.

Below are a couple of posts not by Mini-Mi that are Mini-Me-esque in nature.  Bottom line: Mini-Me is one of many important contributors, do not neglect the others, please.  We will no longer use Mini-Me to improve dissemination of Mongoose, Owl, or others, they are each a “brand” in their own right.

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP

Berto Jongman: US to Fund Rare Earths Institute — Doing the Wrong Thing Righter Once Again

Berto Jongman: Who Owns the Gun Business in the USA? To What End? What Happens If All Gun Factories and Ammunition Factories Are Shut Down?

Dolphin: How Are Terrorists Like Submarines? How is the US IC Like the Maginot Line?

Michel Bauwens: Economic Value of Nature – Priceless — AND Irreplacable

Mongoose: BIll Clinton Wrong on Mass Shootings

Mongoose: Connecticut Discrepancies List (32+)

See Also:

21st Century Intelligence Core References 2.9

Berto Jongman: Who Owns the Gun Business in the USA? To What End? What Happens If All Gun Factories and Ammunition Factories Are Shut Down?

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for connecting sources that are worth studying.

Obama Drug Cartel Moves To Destroy Jewish Gun Empire In US

A shocking new Federal Security Services (FSB) report on the Obama regimes accelerated plan to disarm his countries citizens, claims that the US President is being supported in his efforts by the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel, both of whose “main target” is the powerful and feared Jewish-American billionaire Steve Feinberg [photo 2nd left], who controls nearly 85% of all private weapons manufacturing in the United States.

According to this report, Obama, shortly after taking office in 2009, signed a secret agreement with the Sinaloa Cartel, and which is described by the United States Intelligence Community as “the most powerful drug trafficking organization in the world.”

This sinister organization is a drug-trafficking and organized crime syndicate based in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, with operations in the Mexican states of Baja California, Durango, Sonora and Chihuahua, and with thousands of guns provided to them by the Obama regime, in an operation called “Fast and Furious,” unleashed a war upon rival gangs that, to date, has killed over 60,000.

Even worse, this report continues, under both the Bush and Obama regimes, the Sinaloa Cartel was allowed to transport tonnes of drugs to Chicago for distribution throughout the United States, while at the same time being protected by both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

This astounding FSB allegation was confirmed this past summer when a high-ranking Mexican drug cartel operative named Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla [photo 3rd left], known as the Sinaloa Cartel’s “logistics coordinator,” stated in US Federal Court that the Obama regimes “Fast and Furious” operation “wasn’t about tracking guns, it was about supplying them — all part of an elaborate agreement between the US government and Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa Cartel to take down rival cartels.”

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Who Owns the Gun Business in the USA? To What End? What Happens If All Gun Factories and Ammunition Factories Are Shut Down?”

Rickard Falkvinge: Nokia (Microsoft) Wire Tapped All of Its Own Encrypted Cell Phones Including Bank Transfer Information

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency, Officers Call
Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Death Twitches: Nokia Caught Wiretapping Encrypted Traffic from Its Handsets

Nokia, the cellphone manufacturer, has been listening in to all encrypted communications from its handsets. Every connection advertised as secure – banking, social networks, dating, corporate secrets – has been covertly wiretapped by Nokia themselves and decrypted for analysis.

Security researcher Gaurang posted an article on January 5 about some unexpected behavior with their Nokia handset. It would appear that the browser traffic from the handset would get diverted through Nokia’s servers.

Then, a followup article on January 9 dropped the bomb, and the article goes into quite technical detail: It wasn’t enough that Nokia diverted all traffic from its handsets through its own servers, it also decrypted the encrypted traffic, re-encrypting it before passing it on, issuing HTTPS certificates on the fly that the Nokia phone has been instructed to trust as secure.

This means that Nokia has deliberately been wiretapping all traffic that has been advertised as encrypted on Nokia handsets – including but not limited to banking, dating, credit card numbers, and corporate secrets – and looking at your secrets in cleartext.

This means that Nokia puts itself between your bank and you, and presents itself as YourBank, Inc. to your phone. This wouldn’t normally be possible, if it weren’t for the fact that the phone had been specifically designed for this deceptive behavior, by installing a Nokia signing certificate on the phone.

Nokia has confirmed this behavior in correspondence with TechWeek Europe (my highlights):

Read full article.

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DHS, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator with a gift for identifying legitimate sources worth reading on their own.

Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise


Unfortunately for the Obama regime, this report says, and the reason for another “tragic event” needing to happen, is that the “official story” about the Sandy Hook Massacre, like nearly all such events before it, is beginning to break down in the light of critical scrutiny and analysis.

One such analysis that has spread widely among American dissident factions was done by Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy, who in two reports, The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information and Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambiguity and Augmented Realities clearly shows this tragic event more resembling an intelligence agency/military psychological operation than a lone gunman massacre it is be purported to be.

Read original post.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook Reprise — What? + Plus Lack of Truth in USA RECAP”

Berto Jongman: Informed Comment on US Drone Strikes

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being read in Europe and Asia.

The Secret History of US Drone Strikes in 2012 (Woods et al.)

write at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism:



Drone strikes in Pakistan are now at their lowest level in five years, as Islamabad protests almost every attack. The CIA also appears to have abandoned ‘signature strikes’ on suspected militants fitting certain patterns of behaviour – at least for the present. Almost all attacks in recent months have been against named al Qaeda and other militant leaders.

As drone strikes fell in Pakistan they rose steeply in Yemen, as US forces aided a major military campaign to oust al Qaeda and other Islamists from southern cities. A parallel CIA targeted killing programme killed numerous alleged militants, many of them named individuals. Yet US officials took more than three months to confirm that American planes or drones had killed 12 civilians.

. . . . . . . .

One reason for a decline in Pakistani strikes may have been growing hostility. Some 74% of polled citizens said they viewed the US as an enemy, and uniquely Pakistan bucked a global trend to register as the only nation favouring Mitt Romney for president. In contrast, the American public appears to staunchly support covert drones – in one poll 83% of respondents were in favour of the strikes.

The British High Court was called on in April to look into US covert drone strikes and possible British co-operation, which some lawyers in the UK insist is illegal. Days before the end of the year the High Court declined to investigate. After years of inactivity, US and Pakistani courts also began to consider legal questions surrounding the campaign.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Informed Comment on US Drone Strikes”