Ellen Brown: What Donald Trump Does Not Know — Why the Chinese Model is Better and Currency Wars Have No Winners

02 China, 03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Ellen Brown

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China

We cannot win a currency war through the use of competitive currency devaluations that trigger a “race to the bottom,” and we cannot win a trade war by installing competitive trade barriers that simply cut us off from the benefits of cooperative trade. More favorable to our interests and values than warring with our trading partners would be to cooperate in sharing solutions, including banking and credit solutions.

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Steven Aftergood: CRS on Foreign Agent Registration & Political Warfare (PBI: Half the Story, As Usual)

02 China, 02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Congressional Research Service, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood

Foreign Agents Registration Act: An Overview, CRS In Focus, updated March 7, 2019

Phi Beta Iota: Valuable itemization of the requirements for registration. Unstated but obvious: both AIPAC and ADL are illegally unregistered agents of a foreign power.

Strategic Competition and Foreign Policy: What is “Political Warfare”?, CRS In Focus, March 8, 2019

Phi Beta Iota: High school version of the concept, neglects fact that the US Government does not do holistic analytics or true cost economics, loves regime change as a pay to play profit center for the banks, and lies to the public every single day while the Chinese whip our ass world-wide using peace, commerce, and friendship, the Ron Paul playbook.

Evan Ellis: China in Latin America — the Ecuador Case with Sidebars on Venezuela and Bolivia

02 China, 03 Economy, 07 Venezuela, 08 Wild Cards, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

While this article was written prior to President Moreno's December 2018 trip to the PRC (securing a new $900 million loan), you may find this article a useful sector-by-sector analysis of the relationship, with a comparison to China's relationship with Venezuela and Bolivia, as well as discussion of President Moreno's attempt to secure more equitable contract terms for his country.

PDF (18 Pages): 2018 Ellis China Ecuador

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Robert Steele: No, Virginia, China Is Not Going to Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea

02 China, Ethics, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Strategy

Chinese Admiral Wants To “Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers” Over South China Sea

Who does Major-General Luo Yuan speak for?

Alert Reader says:

The rank is academic, not military.  He is not part of the chain of command. He appears to be largely ignored by everyone. Those attempting to alarm the public on Fox et al are debunked.

Long comment with links below the fold.

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R. Evan Ellis: The Impact of China on the Latin American Security Environment

02 China, Communities of Practice, IO Deeds of Peace, Officers Call, Policies
Evan Ellis

The Impact of China on the Latin American Security Environment

To frame the nature of China’s impacts on the Latin America and Caribbean security environment, it is important to understand that the rise of the PRC is
simultaneously affecting the region in multiple interdependent ways, often indirect and unintentional. These include altering its economic structure,
changing the dynamics of the regional arms market, and contributing to transpacific organized crime, among other. Perhaps most importantly, however, it is also impacting the perceptions and calculations of political, military leaders and business elites in the region, non-state actors and others, and by affecting those perceptions, it is altering their actions and the dynamics of the countries in which they operate.

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Nicholas Eftimiades: Chinese Espionage in USA — Cases and Costs

02 China, 03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government

Uncovering Chinese Espionage in the US