Syria a Satellite of Iran? Nah….

02 Diplomacy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
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Edit of 23 Oct 2012.  Thank you, Mitt Romney.  See comment on Iran and the sea at the below link with map and regional RECAP:

Graphic: Map Syria Iran + Syria-Iran-Rergional RECAP

CNN has evidently become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US Department of Defense (which has militarized the wimpish Department of State), much like BBC is a largely-owned subsidiary of the CIA.  Today CNN is “selling,” with a straight face, absolute garbage to the effect that Iran considers Syria a satellite state and is “actively” engaged in advising and supplying the armed crack-down on dissidents. On the fringes there is no doubt slight evidence of Iranian concern, but this massive lie to the public leaves out several facts:

1)  85% or so of Syria is populated by Sunnis who hate Shi'ites and dictators–whether secular or theocratic–more than the hate the USA.

Click on Image to Enlarge

2)  Assad not only owns the guns, they were made in the USA and he has received strong support from the USA and Israel for decades, while also supporting with rendition and torture the fraudulent USA “war on terror.”

3)  This is a revolution for dignity and liberty, not necessarily for democracy, but most assuredly not in any way associated with nor justifying undermining in relation to the “war on terror. General Clark has told us the military-industrial complex, which is now out of control and unresponsive to White House or Congressional direction, plans to take out seven countries in five years.  The insane, costly, unconstitutional, and criminal plan was actually laid out in a book, Endgame–The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror.  What is being done “in our name” lacks intelligence and integrity and is well over the line toward crimes against humanity that should  be confronted and stopped.  War is not the solution; US troops out of Afghanistan and into Libya and Syria and Iran is not the solution.  It will make matters worse.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota: Turkey, Iran, and Egypt are the center of gravity for a non-violent and mature campaign to stabilize and reconstruct the Middle East.  The US will not be part of the solution as long as it allows the military-industrial complex to jump in, and as long as the Department of State is as inept and uninformed as it is.  The US Government lacks intelligence and integrity.  It is time for the public to act on the wisdom of Norman Cousins:

Government is not built to perceive great truths; only people can perceive great truths.  Governments specialize in small and intermediate truths.  They have to be instructed by their people in great truths.  And the particular truth in which they need instruction today is that new means for meeting the largest problems of the world have to be created.

We reiterate our faith in the importance of the Assisi Inter-Faith Summit, and our coincident concern that the Catholic Church hierarchy is blowing off the importance of intelligence with integrity.  Our views and related context are at: Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference….  The Sunni-Shi-ite schism is matched by the Hindu-Muslim conflict in India.  Secular corruption and a lack of intelligence with integrity among governments and corporations is in our view the “root” problem that the inter-faith summit must acknowledge and address.  A commitment by the faiths to non-violent truth & reoconciliation, with a global focus on transparency for truth and trust as an outcome, is the next “big step” for mankind.

See Also:

Continue reading “Syria a Satellite of Iran? Nah….”

Inside Iran — Young, Impoverished, & Restless

05 Iran, Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence
Click on Image to Enlarge

From a senior engineer of Iranian descent often in Iran:

The view from within Iran is that, “help us get rid of this regime”, people are even willing to welcome an all out air assault if it ends up with an eventual regime change , move to secularize, and early stages of democracy.

I do not see an attack on Iran in the coming year. However if there is ever a good time to attack the regime with air strikes this is it. The  removal of the  subsidies by the government  every day common goods which accrued about 3 months ago which has now resulted in a major price increase on common good is just hitting the average poke book.

The utilities have gone up over %50 and in some cases more than doubled.

The number of factories closing down and the businesses going out of business which results in major layoffs is on the rise. The oil exports are decreasing and more oil wells are being shut down due to technical problems.

The majority of people have lost hope of meaningful reform.

Continue reading “Inside Iran — Young, Impoverished, & Restless”

Iran Played “Pivotal Role” in 9/11? Craven Idiocy

05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Thomas E. Mellon, Jr.

First, the lawyer. Thomas E. Mellon Jr. from Doylestown, PA.  He is representing 17 families from Bucks Couny in a Class Action Suit against Iran, al-Qaida and other supporters of Sept. 11 attack.  He is an intimate of the US Department of Justice that is on record as claiming that it has the right to lie to the judiciary.  We smell a lie pie.

Second, the plaintiff. Fiona Havlish.  She was also the lead in the 2002 filing against Bin Laden et al, but in that case the current lawyer was second on a long list of firms that participated.  She was a prime force behind a class action lawsuit seeking $100 billion in compensation.  Her husband died in the South Tower, not in Pennsylvania.  The timing of this, post Bin Laden Show, is suspect.

Third, the defectors. Three of them  A proper investigation will surely find that they have been in close consultation with the Iranian Liberation nut-jobs that are being encouraged by State, DoD, and CIA to play with public perceptions.   There is no way these three can withstand scrutiny, and we hope that Iran chooses to confront these almost certain lies in some public manner.  Remember Chalabi & CURVEBALL?

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Say What?: Iran Helped Plan 9/11, Train Attackers

05 Iran, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency
Lies Are US

Former Iranian Intelligence Officer Says Iran Helped Plan 9/11 Attacks

Julie Kent

Cleveland Leader, 05/20/2011

A former Iranian intelligence official who defected has claimed that Iran helped to plot the September 11 attacks, according to court papers filed on Thursday in a victims' lawsuit filed in Manhattan federal court against the Tehran government.

Phi Beta Iota: Prior information, yes.  Over 9 countries had prior information and warned the US via official channels prior to 9/11, but Dick Cheney had his information from the source (Pakistan) and used it to plan the counter-terrorism exercise that allowed him to let it happen as planned.  To suggest that Iran, a Shi'ite country at absolute war with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (Sunni countries, one with the nuclear bomb thanks to Zbigniew Brzezinski), was behind the 9/11 attacks in any way is to raise the spectre of another 935 documented lies being formulated within the US Government to justify a direct attack on Iran. Isn't one three trillion dollar “liar's war” enough?

See Also:

CURVEBALL: The Interview + Integrity RECAP

Reference: Cynthia McKinney Speaks in Tehran

05 Iran, Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Civil Society, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Methods & Process, Policies, Threats, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Cynthia McKinney

The Tehran Peace Conference started on 14 May and ended today, 15 May, (63rd Anniversary of Palestine's Nakbah ) with me chairing the 7:30 am panel entitled, “Terrorism:  Concepts and Contexts.”  Members of the Clergy from Brazil, Greece, and the U.S. made presentations as well as international lawyers, academicians, and peace activists from Australia, Canada, Ecuador, Venezuela, Spain, Ghana, and Bolivia.  My assignment is to write up my report of each of the presentations and submit the recommendations from the panel to the Conference Secretariat.

On Day One of the Opening Plenary with journalist Jim Lobe seated on my right and Rabbis Weiss and Rosenberg sitting in front of me, I was surprised when my name was called to make a presentation at the opening plenary of the Tehran Peace Tribune.  I immediately set about writing my remarks and here is what I said:

Cynthia McKinney
International Conference on Global Alliance Against Terrorism for a Just Peace
Tehran, Iran
15 May 2011

How wonderful to be at a Conference where the word “love” is used; we are here because we love humankind.  We are here from all corners of the earth; we are against terrorism; we want peace.

However, we must clarify peace.  What kind of peace do we want?

President John F. Kennedy answered his question by saying:  “. . . not a Pax Americana” imposed on the world by weapons of war.  He went on to say that the kind of peace we want is the kind of peace that makes life worth living–peace for all men and women for all time.

No Justice, No Peace.  No Truth, No Justice!

But, today, U.S. policy is rooted in lies, injustice, and war.  And at home, the people of the U.S. suffer.  Racism is acute, despite and maybe because of President Obama; hatred is rampant with hatred of Muslims, incarceration of Palestinians, targeting of immigrants, the lynchings of Blacks, disappearances of Latinos, and the pauperization of the people.  People inside the U.S. are under attack in the realm of policy:

Continue reading “Reference: Cynthia McKinney Speaks in Tehran”

Iran–and the USA–Blew Arab Spring, Both Irrelevant

02 Diplomacy, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

Iran-Arab Spring: For the record. The head of the parliamentary Committee for National Security and Foreign Policy said on 12 May that the Iranian government was not dynamic in supporting regional uprisings. Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Iran's diplomatic system was not active enough initially but that the activity has started and Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi has begun his regional visits. Although the government's steps to aid regional uprisings were delayed, Boroujerdi said it is good that such measures have started.

Comment: Iran was caught by surprise by the Arab cell-phone uprisings so much so that it was unable to support Shiite risings in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia as well as in Bahrain. Boroujerdi primarily was referring to these two regions, implying that Iran missed an opportunity to spread the dominion of Shia Islam to the western banks of the Persian Gulf.

The statement is an admission of an intelligence failure in Iran, coupled with hubris. No secular Arab uprisings, including in Syria, have looked to Iran for guidance.  Even the Alawite Baathists of Syria have little use for the wisdom of Persian ayatollahs.


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Bin Laden Show 70: Iran Says BL a Prisoner First

05 Iran, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

(AFP) – 15 May 2011

TEHRAN — Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden was a prisoner in US custody for “sometime” before he was killed by the American military, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday.

“I have exact information that bin Laden was held by the American military for sometime… until the day they killed him he was a prisoner held by them,” the hardline president said in a live interview on Iranian state television.

“Please pay attention. This is important. He was held by them for sometime. They made him sick and while he was sick they killed him,” Ahmadinejad added.

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: We support an International Tribunal to investigate the alleged assassination of Osama Bin Laden, similar to the International Tribunal convened to investigate the deal of the Lebanese Prime Minister.  At this time we believe that Bin Laden has been dead for several years if not a decade, and that “patsies” were put in place by CIA for the SEALS to kill–unarmed patsies.  We believe everything the SEALS found at the “safehouse” was prepared by CIA and is fraudulent.  We could be wrong.  We certain of one thing only: the US public cannot trust its government to tell the truth.