Journal: In Iraq Two-Way British-American Hostility

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Methods & Process, Policies, Strategy, Threats

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The deep hostility of Britain’s senior military commanders in Iraq towards their American allies has been revealed in classified Government documents leaked to the Daily Telegraph.

By Andrew Gilligan,  22 Nov 2009

In the papers, the British chief of staff in Iraq, Colonel J.K.Tanner, described his US military counterparts as “a group of Martians” for whom “dialogue is alien,” saying: “Despite our so-called ‘special relationship,’ I reckon we were treated no differently to the Portuguese.”

Col Tanner’s boss, the top British commander in the country, Major General Andrew Stewart, told how he spent “a significant amount of my time” “evading” and “refusing” orders from his US superiors.   …

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Journal: A Nation of Naive Inattentive Infidels

08 Wild Cards, 11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement

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Full Op-Ed Online

Lethal Weapon: Islamist Perfidy or Western Naivety?

by Raymond Ibrahim,   Pajamas Media, November 23, 2009

The narrator’s enthusiastic talk of NYPD brass standing in awe of the “cadences of the call” makes it difficult to discern exactly which verse is being recited. Only the last few words — qawm al-kaffirin, “nation of infidels” — are crystal clear, raising red flags. Thanks to my trusty Arabic Koranic concordance, I have placed this phrase as part of Koran 2:286, which supplicates Allah “to make us [Muslims] victorious over the nation of infidels.” Bear in mind that, from an Islamist point of view, the United States is the “nation of infidels” par excellence.

And there it is: From an American president who publicly defines his mission by quoting a jihadi-related verse, to American-Muslim leaders who publicly pray for the subjugation of non-Muslims (in the middle of an NYPD auditorium, no less), it is clear that the ultimate threat comes more from Western carelessness and indifference — in a word, naivety — than it does from active Islamist machinations. In short, Islamists peddling misleading interpretations for the word “jihad” is but the very tip of the iceberg.

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Journal: French Amphibious Ship in Russia

06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Military

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France shows off cutting-edge navy ship in Russia

By IRINA TITOVA, Associated Press Writer

Mon Nov 23, 2009

The head of the Russian navy has said that a Mistral-class vessel could put as many troops in Georgia in 40 minutes as the Russian Black Sea Fleet took 26 hours to land during the nations' August 2008 war. Moscow declared the Russian-allied breakaway Georgian territory of Abkhazia an independent nation after the war and sent thousands of troops there. Russia, Georgia and Ukraine all have Black Sea coastlines, as does Abkhazia.

Slideshow:France shows amphibious assault ship

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Reference: The Hasan Slide Presentation

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Articles & Chapters, Cultural Intelligence, Military
Charles Cameron Analysis
Charles Cameron Analysis

Phi Beta Iota: Berto Jongman flagged this from the Small Wars Journal.  It is consistent with our own earlier diagnosis of Cognitive Dissonance, and we recommend it be read in its entirety.  At the link below can be found a link to the original slide show.  The author stresses the reasonable gravity of the conflict between being a Muslim and being asked to kill other Muslims, and while he avoids recommending a policy, we do not.  DoD has been culturally ignorant for too long.  It's time we brought both DoD human resource management and DoD counterintelligence into the 21st Century.  See also:

Worth a Look: Berto Jongman on Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, CIA Torture, and Maj Nidal Hasan’s Slide Show

Journal: Fort Hood Cognitive Dissonance Round-Up

Journal: Cognitive Dissonance, Military Suicides, and an Alternative Interpretation of the Fort Hood Deaths

Journal: Russian SU-30 Short Movie

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, Military
Short Movie
Short Movie

SU-30 Vectored Thrust with Canards…

As you watch this airplane, look at the canards moving along  side of, and just below the canopy rail.   The “canards” are the small wings forward of the main wings?  The smoke and contrails provide a sense of the actual flight path, sometimes in reverse direction.  This video is of an in-flight demonstration flown by the Russian's 30MK  fighter aircraft.  You will not believe what you are about to see. The fighter can stall from high speed, stopping forward motion in seconds. (full stall). Then it demonstrates an ability to descend tail first  without causing a compressor stall. It can also recover from a flat spin in less than a minute.
These maneuver capabilities don't exist in any other aircraft in the world today.. Take a look at the video with the sound up. This aircraft is of concern to U.S and NATO planners. We don't know which nations will soon be flying the SU-30MK, hopefully  China isn't one of them.

Journal: UN IPCC, Al Gore, & Big Doubts

03 Environmental Degradation, Analysis, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Key Players, Methods & Process, Non-Governmental

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Full Story Online

The devastating book which debunks climate change

By Christopher Booker     23 November 2009

Hundreds of emails leaked from the internal computer system of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia show how a small group of highly influential senior British and U.S. scientists have for years been secretly discussing ways in which their evidence could be manipulated to make the threat posed by global warming sound much worse than it is.

To place the significance of these revelations into context, let us recall how exactly a year ago, Parliament passed, virtually unopposed, what was far and away the most expensive new law ever put before it. On the Government's own figures, the Climate Change Act is going to cost Britain £18 billion a year – that's £720 for every household in the country – every year from now until 2050.

The Book:

The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with “Climate Change” Turning Out to Be the Most Costly Scientific Blunder in History?

Books Reviewed within Phi Beta Iota:

The Real Environmental Crisis: Why Poverty, Not Affluence, Is the Environment’s Number One Enemy

The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity

COOL IT–The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming

The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World

Continue reading “Journal: UN IPCC, Al Gore, & Big Doubts”

Journal: Chuck Spinney Sends….

08 Wild Cards
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Let America be America, and Depart Afghanistan (William R. Polk)

The first possible choice is to keep on doing what we are now doing.  … The second possible road ahead would involve adding substantial numbers of new troops.  …  Third, we could marginally increase our troop strength.  …  For the first time that I know of in recent American history, the uniformed military have created what amounts to a pressure group of their own.   …  Or, fourth, we could Get out.

Visceral Has Its Value (Maureen Dowd)

McChrystal and Gen. David Petraeus should have been giving their best advice to Obama — and airing their view against scaling down in Afghanistan — in confidence. Instead, McChrystal pushed his opinion in a speech in London, and Petraeus has discussed his feelings in private sessions with reporters. This creates a “Seven Days in May” syndrome, where the two generals are, in effect, lobbying against the president and undercutting him as he’s trying to make a painfully complex, life-and-death decision. … This time, Obama should adopt Palin’s straight-from-the-gut approach, call the generals into the Oval and tell them, “Your pie-holes you will shut or rise higher you will not. Because, dang it, the president I am!”

Intelligentsia Against Intelligence (David Sirota)

There are obvious reasons to believe America is becoming an idiocracy—a series of horrendous government and business decisions strongly suggests that we’ve seen the ascension of utterly foolish, senseless people, many with the mental age of infants (yes, W., I’m looking at you). And if there remained any flicker of hope that we aren’t turning into a full-on slobbering idiocracy, that hope was snuffed out last week by two of the Washington intelligentsia’s most respected voices.