Journal: Mother of All Frauds AFTER 9-11 Mother of All Atrocities–The Information Canivores Begin Circling Wall Street and the Two-Party Tyranny

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption

Chuck Spinney Sounds Off

The Foreclosure Game Tricks and Traps in the Fine Print

By RALPH NADER, Counterpunch

This time the big banks and mortgage servicing companies, with their long, one-sided fine print contracts, may have outsmarted themselves. The newspaper headlines and the network television news are blazing news of the erupting fraudulent foreclosure process. This long-overdue coverage is generating public visibility and suddenly hundreds of thousands of foreclosures may be questioned due to what one commentator delicately called “flawed paperwork.”

Ralph Nader

That is a euphemism for fraudulently executed contracts violative of state laws regarding home title changes. Read full article online….

Worth a Look: Robert Young Pelton Goes Fishing…

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
DuckDuckGo Update on RYP

Robert Young Pelton, along with Stephen E. Arnold, was the only “repeat” speaker year after year at the multinational open source intelligence event that ran from 1992-2006.  Here is a photo of RYP that just came to our attention while discussing how to fish for drug dealers crossing border lakes.

See Also:

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert Young Pelton

Review: Licensed to Kill–Hired Guns in the War on Terror (Hardcover)

Review: Robert Young Pelton’s The World’s Most Dangerous Places: 5th Edition

2006 Pelton (US) Recommends The Changing Face of Global Violence

2004 Pelton (US) Value-added Citizen Blogs, Forums, and Wars

2003 Pelton (US) World’s Most Dangerous Places

Journal: 10% Foreclosures, 1-2% Mortgage Default

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Foreclosures in Las Vegas

The Huffington Post is doing a very fine job of raising key issues, but in isolation and out of context.  Here is one story they have brought forward.  As Cleveland found out when they had to raze to the ground 11,000 abandoned units, foreclosures come with very heavy social and financial costs.  It is not to late to stop all foreclosures and evictions as we recommended in October 2008, to no effect.  America is going through a multi-dimensional crisis without any leadership whatsoever.  One way to understand the crisis is to study the Revolution Matrix and the Negative Book List.  The Positive Book List requires some semblance of leadership and legitimacy, at this time not to be found in America, outside of the Virtual Cabinet at The Huffington Post, which does not really exist–it could, but it does not.

Journal: Free Speech for People Challenges Supreme Court

09 Justice, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence



Drew Courtney or Miranda Blue, 202-467-4999 /

Jeff Clements, General Counsel, Free Speech for People, 617-281-5350
<>  /

October 4, 2010

Bipartisan Group of Former Attorneys General and Law Professors Call on Congress to Examine Constitutional Amendment To Reverse Citizens United

As the Supreme Court returns today for its new term, a bipartisan group of law professors and prominent attorneys, including seven former state attorneys general, issued a letter criticizing the Court¹s ruling in January in Citizens United v. FEC <> , which equated corporate spending in elections with free speech rights, and calling on Congress to consider a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.

Free Speech for People and People For the American Way announced the release of the letter, which was signed by more than fifty leading law professors and attorneys, including former Massachusetts Attorneys General Frank
Bellotti and Scott Harshbarger; former Mississippi Attorney General Michael Moore; former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods; leading constitutional scholars; and numerous former federal and state prosecutors from across the

The diverse group of attorneys, scholars, and public servants call the Citizens United decision ³a serious danger to effective self-government of, for and by the American people.² The signatories urge Congress to consider a
constitutional amendment to address that danger, noting that ³most of the seventeen amendments adopted since the original Bill of Rights have corrected what the American people understood were obstacles to the equal rights of all people to participate in self-government on equal terms.²

Continue reading “Journal: Free Speech for People Challenges Supreme Court”

Journal: Supreme Court Sells America’s Birthright

09 Justice, Cultural Intelligence
Chuck Spinney Recommends

The Cash Cow of Anonymity

Posted on Oct 4, 2010

By Eugene Robinson

The Republican grab for Congress is being funded by a pack of wolves masquerading as a herd of sheep.

How sweet and innocent they seem, these mysterious organizations with names like Americans for Job Security. Who could argue with that? Who wants job insecurity?

It turns out, according to The Washington Post, that an entity called Americans for Job Security has made nearly $7.5 million in “independent” campaign expenditures this year, with 88 percent of that total going to support Republican candidates. Who’s putting up all that money? You’ll never know, because Americans for Job Security—which calls itself a “business association”—doesn’t have to disclose the source of its funding.

Read full article online….

Phi Beta Iota: The Supreme Court is no longer the arbiter of the Constitution or of Justice–the decision to ratify corporate personality, the most anti-democratic concept after slavery–and to allow organizations to spend freely on manipulating elections, is the nail in the coffin of the Republic.  The original Republic is dead–Benjamin Franklin was correct, we could not keep it.  Whether a Second American Republic arises from these ashes remains to be seen.

Journal: New York Times Lies, Ha’aretz Does Not

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Misinformation & Propaganda
Chuck Spinney Sounds Off

The below linked  article in the 2 October 2010 edition of the New York Times [Attachment 1] is a good example of the pro-Israeli bias in the US mainstream media when it comes to portraying Israel's relations with the Palestinians.

Note the paragraph I marked in bold which says unequivocally that “Israel halted most settlement construction for 10 months last November …”  This statement is clearly central to the reader's understanding of the questions of whether or not Israel has been negotiating with good will and who is responsible for the crisis in the peace talks.  It is also outrageously wrong, and that crucial fact was known at least five days before it was written.  That this is indisputably true can be seen in Attachment 2 beneath it, a 28 September 2010 report in Ha'aretz, perhaps Israel's most prestigious newpaper — ironically, Ha'aretz is often referred as the New York Times of Israel.  Ha'aretz tells the reader that the Israeli government's own official statistics show that the settlement freeze was barely a slowdown.

There is no way the author of the NYT report, Ethan Bonner, the senior New York Times reporter based in Israel, could have been unaware of the Ha'aretz report, and his (or his editor's) countenancing such an unequivocal statement, without at least a caveat, can only be construed to be a deliberate attempt to mislead the reader with respect to the nature of the settlement freeze, and by extension, the good will in Israel's negotiating stance vis a vis that of the Palestinians.  His biased outlook becomes transparently clear when one compares the tone and context to the two reports.

To those readers, who think I am nitpicking, I would urge them to think about the wisdom embodied in the following two quotes: The first is by James Madison, the father of the US Constitution, describing the importance of popular information to effective functioning of a representative democracy. The second is Edward Gibbon's assessment of how ignorance and fanaticism sapped the cognitive faculties of the Roman peoople:

“A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” –  James Madison, from a letter to W.T. Barry, August 4, 1822

”Their credulity debased and vitiated the faculties of the mind: they corrupted the evidence of history; and superstition gradually extinguished the hostile light of philosophy and science.” – Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Chuck Spinney


October 2, 2010

Palestinian Leaders Urge End to Talks With Israel

By ETHAN BRONNER, New York Times, 2 October 2010

RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian leadership said Saturday that four-week-old direct talks with Israel should be suspended if Jewish settlement construction resumed in the West Bank. It called on the international community to pressure Israel to stop the building but withheld a final decision on the talks until an Arab League meeting on Friday.

Read rest of this dramatically unprofessional and deceptive article…


Settlement freeze? It was barely a slowdown

What took place in the past few months is, in the best case scenario, not more than a negligible decrease in the number of housing units that were built in settlements.

By Dror Etkes, Ha’aretz, 28 Sept 2010

The official statistics supplied by the Central Bureau of Statistics describe the story behind the 10-month construction moratorium in the West Bank. The story can be called many things but “freeze” is certainly not one of them. What took place in the past few months is, in the best case scenario, not more than a negligible decrease in the number of housing units that were built in settlements.

Read the rest of this honest factual article…

Phi Beta Iota: Apart from facts in isolation, context matters.  The Israeli settlements are unsustainabile in relation to available water and the continuing atrocities against the Palestinian people on their own land is an ongoing crime against humanity that is easily, in today's context, as terrible as the Holocaust was in Hitler's time.  None of this has entered the human consciousness of the US public because their leaders lack integrity, as do the corporate media led by the New York Times.

See Also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Disinformation, Other Information Pathologies, & Repression

Journal: Universities Join Two-Party Tyranny

04 Education, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Academia, Corruption, Reform
Discussion Online

University and Media Hosted Debates Continue to Exclude Alternative Candidates Despite Responsibility to Maintain a Free Marketplace of Ideas.

Southwestern Community College Goes One Step Further, Censors Student Journalists.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Universities and media outlets across California are excluding alternative candidates from participating in the debates they sponsor. The September 28 debate held at the University of California at Davis and co-sponsored by The Sacramento Bee included Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman, but excluded all the other candidates. Other universities and media outlets have followed suit.

While colleges already suppress dissenting voices in the student population, they are also suppressing them in vital public debates. Once bastions of intellectual freedom, many of our nation’s universities have created a repressive environment, hindering tomorrow’s leaders from absorbing ideas from anyone but the leading Republican and Democratic candidates. And the media has continued the censorship through their coverage of only the top funded candidates.

Phi Beta Iota: The time has come to end the two-party tyranny and make it illegal–it is already unconstitutional–to deny ballot access and public voice to any earnest candidate for public office.  The universities, in failing to honor their responsibility for nurturing clarity, diversity, and integrity in the public dialog, should be penalized by loss of funds from any public treasury, inclusive of all research grants….IOHO.