Sarah Harrison, Jacob Appelbaum & Julian Assange — YouTube Call to Resistance, SysAdmins Unite

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

Sysadmins of the world, unite! a call to resistance

Finally, the world is aware of the threat of mass surveillance and control, but we still have a fight on our hands, and that fight is both technical and political. Global democracy is not going to protect itself. There has never been a higher demand for a politically-engaged hackerdom. Jacob Appelbaum and Julian Assange discuss what needs to be done if we are going to win. The first part of this talk will discuss the WHAT? and the WHY?: the historical challenge we face, and how we are called to resistance. We are living in a defining historical moment.

Phi Beta Iota: Activist organizations have grown by 30% — we are at the end of the second era of national “intelligence” as covert action and sustained idiocy. We are at the beginning of ethical citizen activism empowered by digital access superior to that of the retarded industrial-era governments and corporations. Below is 31:38 – a primer on how this generation of digital literati is thinking about non-violent revolution.

More information below the line.

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Chris Hodges: What Obama Really Meant — a Literal Interpretation of His NSA Speech

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges

Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence
(if he had told the truth)
Department of Injustice
Washington, D.C.
11:15 a.m. EST

Who Am I?  Who Are We?
Who Am I? Who Are We?

THE PRESIDENT: A small, secret surveillance committee of goons and thugs hiding behind the mask of patriotism was established in 1908 in Washington, D.C. The group was led from 1924 until 1972 by J. Edgar Hoover, and during his reign it became known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation. FBI agents spied upon and infiltrated labor unions, political parties, radical groups—especially those led by African-Americans—anti-war groups and the civil rights movement in order to discredit anyone, including politicians such as Henry Wallace, who questioned the power of the state and big business. Agents burglarized homes and offices, illegally opened mail and planted unlawful wiretaps. Bureau leaders created blacklists. They destroyed careers and sometimes lives. They demanded loyalty oaths. By the time they were done, our progressive and radical movements, which had given us the middle class and opened up our political system, were dead. And while the FBI was targeting internal dissidents, our foreign intelligence operatives were overthrowing regimes, bankrolling some of the most vicious dictators on the planet and carrying out assassinations in numerous countries, such as Cuba and the Philippines and later Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Chile, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Betty Boop: Tomgram on Nick Turse, Secret Wars, & Black Ops Blowback — US Government Learning Impaired & Morally Challenged

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Peace Intelligence

betty boop hotTomgram: Nick Turse, Secret Wars and Black Ops Blowback

Nick Turse is the author of Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, just now out in paperback.

Tom: These days, when I check out the latest news on Washington’s global war-making, I regularly find at least one story that fits a new category in my mind that I call: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?



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SchwartzReport: NSA as Foundation for Police State with Comment on “Parallel Construction”

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here are the views of a former high ranking NSA official. They remind me of Richard Clarke.

Just because authority at this point only intrudes to a small degree does not mean it cannot go much further. The information will be there to work with. And there are thousands of laws.

I am always concerned I may seem alarmist about a trend but, really I'm just reporting the data, the emerging information. President Obama's comment today that this network of agencies is made up of our neighbors is patently disingenuous.

Click through to see the actual powerpoint slides that document this piece.

Former Top NSA Official: ‘We Are Now In A Police State”

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: NSA as Foundation for Police State with Comment on “Parallel Construction””

M. Johanna Smith: Science of Water Being Undermined by USG and EPA — Poisoned Water is Government Policy

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 12 Water

At the August 2012 Gordon Research Center Conference on DBPs of Chloraminated Drinking Water Systems multiple researchers presented material regarding the ulra carcinogenic DBPs of chloraminated water. In an extraordinary and draconian measure, EPA had one of their own researchers taken into federal remand.

Susan Richardson (1990's)
Susan Richardson (1990's)

Dr. Susan Richardson At the time the then EPA Risk Management Lab researcher (Athens GA)  was handcuffed and frogmarched out of the conference because a private email of hers had been leaked in part without her permission to a Tulsa newspaper. It was not lost on the rest of the conference what would happen to them if they publicly discussed the conference findings regarding chloramines. Over a year and a half later and upwards of 130 million people are uninformed of the serious health risks to them, their families, animals and wildlife nationwide.

Judy LaKind
Judy LaKind

Dr. Judy LaKind presented  material at the conference citing if a child swims once in a chloraminated public pool he/she will sustain lung damage.(“Pool Induced Asthma“). Think of infants swimming in a chloraminated pool – they must be at greater risk,  perhaps to  even  respiratory failure, and yet no one is discussing this publicly.

Hexavalent chromium affects over 189 utilities nationwide. It remains a serious issue which no one is discussing. Chloramines still leaches lead and no one is discussing this. In the near future a study will be released showing that 49 million Americans are at risk from radiation in their water due to leaks from nuclear power plants . Additionally many Americans have naturally generated radiation in their drinking water,  via mining and petroleum operations. Add to this fracking issues and you pretty much have the picture. Almost forgot the hundreds of refined chemicals that there are no test for their presence in water..That rounds it out. [Phi Beta Iota: to this we would add the drugs that are flushed into the sewage system and not filtered out completely when the water is “purified.”]

The American public blindly trusts the utilities. Flouride is a known poison and a toxic waste and yet it is continually added to our drinking water. It actually works to increase bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals. Think what the combination of flouride and chloramines does: delivering toxic heavy metals and increasing  bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals, and for good measure delivering the ultra carcinogenic iodic DBPs and/or NDMAs.

Here is  the kicker. Flouride makes people more docile. Who knows what is really in  water anyway. Everyone wonders why Americans are so  inactive.–could it be they are being sedated with flouride, or lithium? — who knows? You must be very careful how you write about water issues. The water  industry is extremely litigious.

We need to have  oversight truly advocating for public health in  drinking water issues and/or convert to  a transparent innovative water treatment technology. The same day Susan Richardson was taken into federal remand my business partner was as well. Do you think it is a coincidence that the man who invented the solution to the chloramines debacle was taken into federal remand the same day as Dr. Richardson?

Clearly we do have the paradigm shift. It may be we have to take the technology outside the USA. However my heart breaks for my fellow Americans who will wind up as my daughter did at MD Anderson or the Mayo Cliinic because this technology is suppressed.

At the moment our government is in shambles that few understand. Perhaps read this material and think it over. There has to be a strategy better than starting a water panic. However I am on the verge of that because I feel people have a fundamental right to information so important to their survival. I had the feeling you might help me think of someting ingenious. The solution to negativity is always creativity.

Kind regards,

Johanna Smith

The paradigm shift in water treatment is as follows:

SchwartzReport: USG Deals with Cartels, Lets Billions of Dollars of Drugs Be Smuggled

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

When you read this think of the hundreds of thousands of individuals, particularly young people and, most particularly, Black and Brown kids whose lives, and the lives of whose families, were derailed by arrest and incarceration for years or decades for tiny amounts of drugs, while this government supported dope trade was going on. You have to ask yourself: who are the real crimi! nals?

Is it any wonder that American's now see their government as the country's leading problem.

U.S. Deal With Cartel Let Billions of Dollars of Drugs be Smuggled
NATASHA LENNARD, Assistant News Editor – Salon

In a shady deal to garner informants, the government has been working with the notorious Sinaloa cartel since 2000

Read full article.

Stephen E. Arnold: Been Raped? There’s a List for Sale with Your Name On It…

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Data Broker Offered Sensitive Lists for Sale

Now this is downright creepy. The Wall Street Journal’s tech site Digits notifies us that “Data Broker Removes Rape-Victims List After Journal Inquiry.” As the headline states, the list has now been removed, but yikes! Medbase200 offered this tragic roster for sale, along with ones listing victims of domestic violence, HIV/AIDS patients, and “peer pressure sufferers”, until an inquiry from the Wall Street Journal prompted them to remove them all. This looks like a very large hole in our HIPPA protections.

Writer Elizabeth Dwoskin reports:

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