2002 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2001/2002
Analysis, Communities of Practice, Geospatial, Historic Contributions, History, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence, Threats2002 Klavans (US) Technology Mapping: A Workshop on (Open) Sources & Methods for Identifying Commercial Opportunities in Technology
Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other)
Dick is President and Chief Executive Officer of Maps of Science, having founded the company in 1991. Between 1991 and 2000, he created maps of science for large pharmaceutical, chemical and physics-based firms. He completely rewrote the computer algorithms in 2000, and continues to modify them in order to generate the most accurate maps possible. Dick, and Chief Technical Officer Kevin Boyack have a strong publication record on mapping science, and are considered world leaders in this area (see bibliography). We met Dick in the 1990's when we were exploring how best to identify the top 100 experts on anything and everything, and he is still the master, aided by an exclusive total right of access to all citation analysis data owned by and generated by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) founded by Eugene Garfield (a small part of our Aspin-Brown Commission testimony in 1995 that persauded them the US Intelligence Community was “severely deficient” in not being able to do what OSS CEO did with six telephone calls).
Below is Dick's OSS '02 workshop on Technology Mapping, done with Brad Ashton, his co-author in producing what is still the best book on the subject, Keeping Abreast of Science and Technology: Technical Intelligence for Business.
PDF: OSS2002-02-14 Klavans Technology Mapping
2019 Website: https://www.scitech-strategies.com
2001 Godson (US) Governments and Gangs
10 Transnational Crime, Government, Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement
DR. ROY GODSON was elected president of the National Strategy Information Center in 1993. He is also professor of government at Georgetown University His focus on the nexus between organized criminal gangs and corrupt governments will remain a critical factor in devising sustainable global strategies for creating a prosperous world at peace. He is also gifted at communicating the variations of intellectual understanding of strategy–his co-editd book, Security Studies in the 21st Century, remains seminal. Below is his contribution OSS '01.

2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map
Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Geospatial, Historic Contributions, Threats

Researcher A.J. Jongman, Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), Leiden University, The Netherlands OSS '01: For a brilliant combination of research, insight, and data visualization, in partnership with those associated with the Interdisciplinary Research Programme (PIOOM), resulting in the creation of the World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2000 that portrays so effectively the global conditions of instability that no great nation can ignore.
For many years, this map was the single most popular element of the OSS “Goodie Bag” that grew over time to be a full briefcase with books and such. We are trying to get ODT Maps to take the map over from the Leiden program and its subsidizer, the Goals for Americas Foundation. Below is Researcher Jongman's contribution to OSS '01.

2001 Dumaine (US) Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”
Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Global Futures Partnership, Historic Contributions, Key Players, Policies, Threats, Threats/Topical, Topics (All Other), UN/NGO
Carol Dumaine was for a few years allowed to manage an internal revoslution in intelligence affairs that ultimately failed, but left its mark. She is still standing, and we expect to see her at the finish line when we finally do achieve a revolution in intelligence affairs and create both a Smart Nation and a World Brain.
Above, with a full title of Are You Ready?: Implications of a Changing Global Information Environment for Open Source Intelligence, was published in June 2001. It remains a precious point of reference.
The internal revolution failed, Global Futures Partnership was transferred to the Department of State where it has been stuffed in a closet, and Carol Dumain marches on professionally.