Joseph E. Stiglitz: Transpacific Partnership (TPP) Screws Everybody Except the 1%

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Joseph E. Stiglitz

On the Wrong Side of Globalization


New York Times, 15 March 2014

Trade agreements are a subject that can cause the eyes to glaze over, but we should all be paying attention. Right now, there are trade proposals in the works that threaten to put most Americans on the wrong side of globalization.

The conflicting views about the agreements are actually tearing at the fabric of the Democratic Party, though you wouldn’t know it from President Obama’s rhetoric. In his State of the Union address, for example, he blandly referred to “new trade partnerships” that would “create more jobs.” Most immediately at issue is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, which would bring together 12 countries along the Pacific Rim in what would be the largest free trade area in the world.

Negotiations for the TPP began in 2010, for the purpose, according to the United States Trade Representative, of increasing trade and investment, through lowering tariffs and other trade barriers among participating countries. But the TPP negotiations have been taking place in secret, forcing us to rely on leaked drafts to guess at the proposed provisions. At the same time, Congress introduced a bill this year that would grant the White House filibuster-proof fast-track authority, under which Congress simply approves or rejects whatever trade agreement is put before it, without revisions or amendments.

Controversy has erupted, and justifiably so. Based on the leaks — and the history of arrangements in past trade pacts — it is easy to infer the shape of the whole TPP, and it doesn’t look good. There is a real risk that it will benefit the wealthiest sliver of the American and global elite at the expense of everyone else. The fact that such a plan is under consideration at all is testament to how deeply inequality reverberates through our economic policies.

Worse, agreements like the TPP are only one aspect of a larger problem: our gross mismanagement of globalization.

Read full article.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Water Purification Disc

01 Poverty, 07 Health, 12 Water
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

We need technology that makes the lives of the poor easier – got enough high tech gadgets. Here's a decidedly smart but low tech way of doing water purification…

Students Invent Water Purification Disc That Could Revolutionize Clean Water Access – Video 3min

Students at the University of Virginia have developed a new way of purifying water that they say could bring improved water quality for millions in the developing world.  It’s called a Madi Drop. Field testing begins this month in South Africa.

What’s created is called a MadiDrop – a ceramic disc infused with silver.

When dropped in water, silver ions, which are atoms that have an electrical charge,, are released to purify the water.  And, testing here at the University of Virginia shows clean, safe water.

“It’s not just about making a really great technology that effectively removes or kills bacteria and pathogens.  It’s about making a low cost, simple to use one, tailored to people in developing countries who don’t have many resources,” said Beeta Ehdaie, a doctoral candidate at UVA.

Click to watch embedded video.

SchwartzReport: US Atrocity – Debtor Prisons, Offender-Funded “Probation” Industry

01 Poverty, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I find it hard to believe the United States is bringing back debtor prisons, but that appears to be the case, as reported in the Guardian, arguably the best and most independent newspaper in the English language. The elimination of debtor prisons was something the Founders took as a very serious goal for their new country. So much for the Founders, they are trumped by the new private for-profit prison trend.

Thrown in Jail for Being Poor: the Booming For-profit Probation Industry
LAUREN GAMBINO – The Guardian (U.K.)/ The Associated Press

Many poor Americans face jail when they can’t pay steep fines for nonviolent crimes, like $1,000 for stealing a $2 beer

Berto Jongman: Time to Reassess Goals of Humanitarian Aid

01 Poverty, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Ineptitude, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

It's time to reassess the goals of humanitarian aid

Those caught in conflict and natural disasters are part of growing trend exemplified by Syria, South Sudan and the Philippines

David Miliband

The Guardian, 28 February 2014

For the first time the UN has declared three simultaneous crises – in South Sudan, Syria and the Philippines – as level 3, the highest band of emergency. So this is a period of intense activity for NGOs such as the International Rescue Committee. But it is also a good time to reflect on the goals and working methods of the humanitarian system.

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John Robb: Global Civil War Coming — 99% Against the 1% Kleptocracy [Switzerland May Be Safe, But Absentee Ownership and Rents Are Toast]

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Officers Call
John Robb
John Robb

The Dream vs. the Kleptocracy

Here's a strong motive for open source warfare — the model of warfare that has become the hallmark of 21st century conlfict, from potest movements to fullscale insurgencies.

It's the driver of the recent conflict in Ukraine.

A conflict we're going to see much more of.  A struggle between the people that want the opportunity to earn some prosperity, and those that want to take all of it.

In other words, a growing number of people around the world now want to make the American Dream their own.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Unfortunately, they face a kleptocracy of government, business, and finance that wants to prevent that.

Here's one story from that fight.  One that you should know.

It's the story of a young man that pursued the Dream, only to have it stolen away from him.

Basboosa vs. the Kleptocracy

Continue reading “John Robb: Global Civil War Coming — 99% Against the 1% Kleptocracy [Switzerland May Be Safe, But Absentee Ownership and Rents Are Toast]”

SchwartzReport: US Food Prices to Soar Soon?

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I think this is a pretty good assessment concerning what is coming in food prices.

15 Reasons Why Your Food Prices Are About To Start Soaring

Did you know that the U.S. state that produces the most vegetables is going through the worst drought it has ever experienced and that the size of the total U.S. cattle herd is now the smallest that it has been since 1951? Just the other day, a CBS News article boldly declared that “food prices soar as incomes stand still”, but the truth is that this is only just the beginning.

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