Review: The Five Lessons of Life by Carrie Kohan — Includes Two Near Death Experiences (NDE)

5 Star, Consciousness & Social IQ
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Sad Life Story Uplifting Lessons

This is a relatively short book, a lot of white space, that is an easy evening read and absolutely worthwhile for anyone seeking to be a better person going forward in life.

Bottom line up front:

  1. Forgiveness
  2. Compassion
  3. Trust
  4. Faith
  5. Unconditional Love (and Gratitude

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Review: The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival — The Brutal Truth About Violence, Death, and Mayhem You Must Know to Survive

6 Star Top 10%, Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War, Atrocities & Genocide, Complexity & Catastrophe, Survival & Sustainment

6 Star Eye Opener, Deeply Authentic

This is a deeply authentic as well as troubling book, particularly in light of the ease with which Deep State / George Soros elements turned Seattle, Portland, and New York City into what the President has quite properly called “anarchist jurisdictions.”

From the description: Selco is a household name in prepping and survival circles. He survived the Balkan War in a city with no power, no running water, and no supplies. For a year, he and his family fought every single day for bare subsistence. This book is a collection of his darkest moments.

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Review: Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon – Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream by David McGowan

5 Star, Crime (Government), Culture, Research, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Power (Pathologies & Utilization), True Cost & Toxicity
Amazon Page

5 Stars — Shocking Expose of US Intelligence False Flag Control Over Music Industry to Destroy Multiple Generations

It is now clear to me, as a former CIA spy and co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity, that elements of the US secret intelligence world, both military and civilian, have been engaged in Satanic cult and mind-control activities, and have deliberately destroyed multiple generations of young, both white and black, with deliberate covert operations against the American public.

Laurel Canyon was evidently the test-bed for covert operations based out of the Lookout Mountain Laboratory.

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Review (Guest): Principia Meteorologia – The Physics of Sun Earth Weather

6 Star Top 10%, Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design
Book Contents Page

6 Star – The Foundational Weather War Book

The “Weather Book” as it is sometimes called (2004) was written for the general public as well as experienced atmospheric scientists.   It relays the life long work of physicist James McCanney beginning with the understanding that solar fusion is in the solar atmosphere not in the core, and the electrical nature of the solar wind.   Standard science has been laboring under misguided principles which are exposed in this 300+ page text.  Of primary importance, the sun’s fusion engine creates a non-uniform electrical capacitor with the negatively charged sun in the center and positively charged “nebular ion cloud” beyond the planet Pluto.   This is the source for all weather in the solar system including that of Earth.

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Review (DVD): The Forecaster — About Martin Armstrong, CIA-Deep State Takedown of Russia, CIA-FBI Framing of Martin Armstrong

6 Star Top 10%, Crime (Government), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Justice (Failure, Reform), Reviews (DVD Only)
Amazon Page

6 Star — Deep State-DOJ-CIA-FBI Coffin

I watched this video very carefully. I have come to three conclusions:

01 The Deep State with full complicity of the CIA and the FBI carried out an economic war against Russia in the 1990's that led to the take down of  Republic Bank and Martin Armstrong.

02 The CIA and the FBI framed Martin Armstrong and put him in jail for 12 years because he was insisting on access to the recorded tapes known to exist that would have exonerated him and because he refused to turn over the source code for his  forecasting model.

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Review (Guest): All EMF*d Up (*Electromagnetic Fields): My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning plus How You Can Protect Yourself

5 Star, Censorship & Denial of Access, Communications, Crime (Corporate), Crime (Government), Disease & Health, Environment (Problems), Power (Pathologies & Utilization), True Cost & Toxicity
Amazon Page

After suffering months of unexplained nausea, insomnia, ringing in the ears, fatigue and body aches she consulted with a German doctor to help her figure out what was happening. In her journey to find her own health she learned about the secrecy of government agencies and how evidence of health effects are suppressed. Her diary reads like Anne Frank. Chilling and a warning to us all. The last part of the book is devoted to valuable DYI measures to protect your home and family. In the age of wireless this book is a necessary read. Her story is reminiscent of other peoples journey’s into microwave illness and chronic electrohypersensitivity. All EMFd Up (Electromagnetic Fields): My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning and How You Can Protect Yourself. (2019) by Anne Mills is a good read.

Read extended review in Physicians for Safe Technology.

Berto Jongman: The Truth According to Social Justice—A Review of ‘Cynical Theories’

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Civil Society, Complexity & Catastrophe, Consciousness & Social IQ, Culture, Research

The Truth According to Social Justice—A Review of ‘Cynical Theories’

The book explains a half-century arc of intellectual history culminating in our current state of histrionic overreach in the name of social justice. Cynical Theories superbly exposes a history of ideas which, in challenging unifying narratives and universal values, have come to threaten free speech, honest debate, and the valuing of reason itself.

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