Journal: Strategies & Technologies Russian Analyst on Chinese Stealth “Demonstrator”

02 China, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 10 Security, Analysis, Intelligence (government), Military, Peace Intelligence, Technologies, YouTube

China jet upstages US defence chief visit
Sydney Morning Herald

VIDEO: Stealth Race: China test flies Chengdu J-20 ‘Black Eagle'

Key point: It's a demonstrator, not a production model.  China is years from getting to production model.

VISIT: Centre for Analysis of Strategies & Technologies (CAST)

Minor league open source on plasma stealth:

Secret revealed: China’s 4th-generation fighter plane will use the plasma stealth technology

Mo, J. J., S. B. Liu, and N. C. Yuan, “Study on basic theory for plasma stealth,Modern Radar, Vol. 22, No. 3, 9–12, 2002 (in. Chinese)

Continue reading “Journal: Strategies & Technologies Russian Analyst on Chinese Stealth “Demonstrator””

Worth a Look: First Earth Battalion YouTube

Advanced Cyber/IO, Augmented Reality, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Movies, Officers Call, Strategy, Videos/Movies/Documentaries, YouTube

YouTube: Jim Channon ” Old World Order” ?…Just walk away…!

YouTube: Jim channon On 2012 and the future part1

YouTube: One Minute Shift – Are You Ready?

YouTube: “Operation Noble Steward” by Lt. Colonel Jim Channon

YouTube: Combat of the Collective Conscience

YouTube: GOATS DECLASSIFIED: The True Story Behind The Men Who Stare At Goats

Tip of the Hat to Sumner Carter at Facebook.

See Also:

Review (DVD): The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)

Off-Beat Fun: Top Five Funniest Political Videos in USA

Offbeat Fun, YouTube

Matt Wilstein

Matt Wilstein

Founder, Gotcha Media

Posted: December 19, 2010 07:15 PM

Huffington Post

The Top 5 Funniest Political Comedy Videos of 2010 (VIDEOS)

Last week, we looked at the top 5 funniest comedy TV shows of 2010 and the best clips from those shows. This week, we turn our attention to funniest political videos of the year, made exclusively for the web.

#1  Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech

#2  Presidential Reunion

#3  BP Spills Coffee

#4  PALINCEPTION Parody Trailer

#5  The Tea Party and the Circus — Final Healthcare Protest

This stuff is SO GOOD it actually took us a while to realize this was satire at its finest. There is hope for America–we just need to achieve Electoral Reform so we can put the Onion in the White House.