John Maguire (YouTube Audio 43:41)TheOldScientist Thomas Imlauer: Scalar-Wave Theory, Zero-Point Technology, and Rethinking Nature

05 Energy, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, YouTube

John Maguire

My Interview with Electrical-Engineer and Tesla-Technologist Thomas Imlauer on the topics of Scalar-Wave Theory, Zero-Point Technology, and Rethinking the Natural Order. Online, Thomas operates under the pseudonym TheOldScientist. On both his personal website and YouTube he has posted numerous in-depth videos cataloguing his innovative work/theories. Thomas is also a contemporary/acquaintance of other visionaries in the field including Eric Dollard, Konstantin Meyl, and Jean-Louis Naudin. Reference the Abstracted Outline below for effective skimming:

0.min-5.min: Experience as industrial designer/electrician/IT-manager; Parallel interest in Nikola Tesla/Walter Russell; Dollard/Naudin; Beginnings as an electrical-engineer; Creative impulse in the frontier-science community

5.min-17.min: Tesla Magnifying Transmitter = musical instrument; Longitudinal-Wave dynamics; Transverse-Waves byproduct of L-Waves; Maxwell’s original formulations; Energy flow outside conductors; Meyl’s Potential-Vortex Theory; Super-Luminal Propagation; L-Wave penetration of Faraday-Cages; Dielectric/Near-Field Effects; Verifiable proof of L-Waves; L-Waves in Biological Systems; Zero-Point Field Connectivity; Electro-Smog

17.min-25.min: Asymmetric Systems; Symmetry as an Illusion; Gold-Mean/Ratio; Perception and Aesthetic Beauty in Nature; Sacred Geometry; Human Body as a Harmonic-Resonant Structure; Kepler’s Mysticism; Reconnecting w/ Nature; Paranormal = Normal; Quantum Fluctuations; Casmir Force; Virtual Fields/Pair Production; ZPF = God-Field/Ether; Big-Bang Fallacy; Irreconcilables of BB-Theory; Non-mystical Nomenclature; Electric-Universe Paradigm

25.min-36.min: Ether History; Harold Aspden’s Liquid-Crystal Aether; Resonance and Electromagnetism; Tapping Zero-Point Energy through Resonance; Sympathetic Resonance and Quantum Fluctuations/Virtual Photons; Rethinking Over-Unity; Close-System Myth; Universe = Open-System; Backwardness of Current Energy Systems; COP > 1.0 Systems in Nature

36.min-44.min: LENR/Cold-Fusion; Hot-Fusion Fallacy; Sun Not a Hot-Fusion Reactor; Fallacy of Particle-Accelerators/Colliders/String-Theory; Mathematics vs. Reality; Proprietary-Hierarchies Stunting Free-Energy/Evolution; Wasteful Scientific/Military Spending; Current Work in Foundation/Corporate World Investigating/Evaluating New-Energy Tech; Analysis/Short-Comings of Rossi E-Cat Cold-Fusion Device; Importance of Open-Source Paradigm; Open-Source Distribution/Networking of Free-Energy Devices

Josh Kilbourn: YouTube (1:19:38) Seeds of Death – Monsanto GMO Destroys Human Organs, Causes Infertility

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Officers Call, YouTube
Josh Kilbourn
Josh Kilbourn

Published on May 24, 2013

In preparation of the global March Against Monsanto, you are invited to watch our award-winning documentary Seeds of Death free.

The leaders of Big Agriculture–Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta–are determined that world's populations remain ignorant about the serious health and environmental risks of genetically modified crops and industrial agriculture. Deep layers of deception and corruption underlie both the science favoring GMOs and the corporations and governments supporting them.

This award-winning documentary, Seeds of Death, exposes the lies about GMOs and pulls back the curtains to witness our planet's future if Big Agriculture's new green revolution becomes our dominant food supply.

A Question and Answer fact sheet deconstructing Monsanto's GM claims and Big Agriculture's propaganda to accompany the film is available online:…

Michelle Monk: YouTube (1:35:38) Amazing Documentary of Hacktivists

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Hacking, YouTube
Michelle Monk
Michelle Monk

Published on May 18, 2013

A Documentary about the Activist Group Anonymous.
Against New World Order

10,000 angry kids scared the shit out of the powers that be….proved to the government that its views about everything are wrong, and no longer matters — 10,000 angry kids can kick ass whenever and wherever they want.

Berto Jongman: YouTube (9:34) Obama Doubles Militarization of US Police

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Media, Military, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Being watched in Europe.

Obama Expands Militarization of Police

Published on May 22, 2013

Among items transfered to local law enforcement agencies have been assault rifles and grenade launchers, even Blackhawk helicopters and .50 caliber machine guns ; In fiscal year 2011 alone, the Pentagon transferred almost $500 million worth of materials to domestic law enforcement — near double the previous year's total

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: YouTube (9:34) Obama Doubles Militarization of US Police”

Josh Kilbourn: YouTube (2:33) Sen. Angus King Accuses Obama Admin of Rewriting Constitution by Waging Endless War

Ethics, Government, YouTube
Josh Kilbourn
Josh Kilbourn

Published on May 17, 2013

Watch more from this Senate hearing at A Pentagon official predicted May 16 that the war against al-Qaeda and its affiliates could last up to 20 more years. The comment came during a Senate hearing revisiting the Authorization for Use of Military Force, or AUMF, enacted by Congress days after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. At the hearing, Pentagon officials claimed the AUMF gives the president power to wage endless war anywhere in the world, including in Syria, Yemen and the Congo. “This is the most astounding and most astoundingly disturbing hearing that I've been to since I've been here,” said Independent Sen. Angus King of Maine. “You guys have essentially rewritten the Constitution here today.”

Continue reading “Josh Kilbourn: YouTube (2:33) Sen. Angus King Accuses Obama Admin of Rewriting Constitution by Waging Endless War”

Berto Jongman: Robert Fisk: We Might As Well Name Our Newspapers ‘Officials Say’

Corruption, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

He calls it the “Cancer of American Journalism”

Robert Fisk: We Might As Well Name Our Newspapers ‘Officials Say'

May 7, 2013

Watch the full 20-minute interview with Robert Fisk on Democracy Now! at Longtime Middle East correspondent of the British newspaper The Independent, Robert Fisk, tells Democracy Now! that journalists covering Syria and other conflicts are too often relying on anonymous government sources for their stories.

ROBERT FISK: Oddly enough, you have to be in Syria to realize how mad it is. There's an odd thing that when you actually are traveling around Syria — Latakia, Tartus, Damascus and further north than Latakia — and you listen to the news coming out of Washington, it's like Americans are living in this kind of fantasy world that bears no relation to planet earth, where I'm trying to report. And this is getting steadily worse.

And I think one of the problems is, as I say, this parasitic, osmotic relationship between journalists and power, our ever-growing ability, our wish, to — you know, to rely on these utterly bankrupt comments from various unnamed, anonymous intelligence sources. And I'm just looking at a copy of the Toronto Globe and Mail, February 1st, 2013. It's a story about al-Qaeda in Algeria. And what is the sourcing? “U.S. intelligence officials said, “a senior U.S. intelligence official said,” “U.S. officials said,” “the intelligence official said,” “Algerian officials say,” “national security sources considered,” “European security sources said,” “the U.S. official said,” “the officials acknowledged.” I went—boy, I've got another even worse example here from The Boston Globe and Mail sic, November 2nd, 2012. But, you know, we might as well name our newspapers “Officials Say.” This is the cancer at the bottom of modern journalism, that we do not challenge power anymore. Why are Americans tolerating these garbage stories with no real sourcing except for very dodgy characters indeed, who won't give their names?

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Robert Fisk: We Might As Well Name Our Newspapers ‘Officials Say'”

Berto Jongman: YouTube (7:20) Intuitive Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence, YouTube
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence

Published on Apr 22, 2013

The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person's heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.' This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.

The Institute of HeartMath ( is helping provide a more comprehensive picture of this connection between all living things through a special science-based project called the Global Coherence Initiative (http:/// They hope to help explain the mysteries of this connection between people and the earth…and even the sun.

Scientists at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) have already conducted extensive research on the power of heart, the heart/brain connection, heart intelligence and practical intuition.

Whether personal relationships, social connections, or even the global community – we are all connected through a field of electromagnetic energy. Increasing individual awareness of what we bring to this field environment could be the key to creating a sustainable future, a future that we can be proud to have helped create. Learn more about this research,…, scroll to bottom of the page.