Cynthia McKinney: Ashkenazi Jews do not have the particular protein that allows the SARS-CoV-2 to thrive in the human body.

02 Infectious Disease, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Officers Call
Cynthia McKinney

Apart from vaccines and gain of function COVID being used to depopulate blacks in particular, note this:

Straight from the study: Ashkenazi Jews do not have the particular protein that allows the SARS-CoV-2 to thrive in the human body.

New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis

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Henry Makow: The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future.

In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish banker dictatorship has existed for some time.

The Illuminati Jewish bankers took over the levers of power while maintaining the appearance of democracy and freedom. They did this by duping Jews and Masons, and the population in general with liberalism, socialism, Zionism, and communism.

Read full article from 2009 predicting what is now called the Great Reset.

Phi Beta Iota: Only President Donald Trump stands between the Deep State's achieving this, and our coming together to refuse and  destroy their plans for us.

Mongoose: Detroit Attorney on Electoral Fraud As Observed

Civil Society, Corruption, Government

Alert Reader writes in:

The following is from an ATTORNEY FRIEND – Brad – HIS REPORT – HIS WORDS (or of other attorneys – part of his group):

Here is a summary of what a group of attorneys observed in Detroit on Nov. 3. Note that contrary to what the MSM will tell you there is evidence for each of these claims.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Detroit Attorney on Electoral Fraud As Observed”

Mongoose: Is Chabad Really Being Open About Conquering the World?

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader writes in:

In the very last two minutes of this video given below, of a worldwide Chabad online virtual event, the Jewish singer sings how they are conquering nation after nation. What does he mean ?

LIVE: Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries

Continue reading “Mongoose: Is Chabad Really Being Open About Conquering the World?”

Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence

Unraveling the Deep State Coup

The courageous, brilliant duo of Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert stirred up a bit of a storm in the last few days with this tweet

“… I [Pat Lang] am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: US Military Raided CIA Server Farm in Germany”

John Petersen: The Great Reset Toward Communism & 1% Tyranny Explained

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

Who Pressed the Great Reset Button?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • The globalist technocracy is using the COVID-19 pandemic to bypass democratic accountability, override opposition, accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the public against our will
  • The Great Reset refers to a global agenda to monitor and control the world through digital surveillance. You’ll be tied to it through an electronic ID linked to your bank account and health records, and a social credit ID that will end up dictating every facet of your life
  • The Great Reset is about getting rid of capitalism and free enterprise, and replacing them with technocracy, publicly referred to as “sustainable development” and “stakeholder capitalism”
  • There’s not a single area of life that is left out of this Great Reset plan. The planned reform will affect everything from government, energy and finance to food, medicine, real estate, policing and even how we interact with our fellow human beings in general
  • Privacy protections are a major hurdle in this plan, which is why every effort is made to get people to loosen their views on the right for privacy. In the U.S., we also have the Constitution that stands in the way, which is why efforts to undermine, circumvent, ignore or nullify it are increasing

Read full analysis.