Robert Steele: Abolish the CIA and the FBI? Or Not?

Ethics, Government

Angelo Codevilla, who wrote a very good book that I reviewed positively, Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century, has called for the abolition of CIA.

Abolish CIA & FISA

Others, including myself, have called for the abolishment of the FBI, which was founded by a pedophile who pioneered political blackmail, and is  today worthless as a counterintelligence capability.

The case for repealing FISA and reforming the FBI and CIA

My  thoughts are below.

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Berto Jongman: Society Desperately Needs an Alternative Web (Hessie Jones in Forbes)

IO Impotency

Society Desperately Needs An Alternative Web

What has also transpired is a web of unbridled opportunism and exploitation, uncertainty and disparity. We see increasing pockets of silos and echo chambers fueled by anxiety, misplaced trust, and confirmation bias. As the mainstream consumer lays witness to these intentions, we notice a growing marginalization that propels more to unplug from these communities and applications to safeguard their mental health. However, the addiction technology has produced cannot be easily remedied. In the meantime, people continue to suffer.

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Gordon Duff: Zionism Is Not Jewish, It Is a Satanic Offshoot of Freemasonry . . . The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib

Cultural Intelligence

The Luciferian-Deep State roots of Erdogan’s Holocaust in Idlib, What you will never be told

Why is Erdogan backing al Qaeda against Russia and Syria? What is the tie between them?

Both oppose “Baathism,” an anti-Masonic movement that took root in Egypt under Nassar, Syria under the Assad’s and Iraq under Sadam. Gaddafi?

It recognized Freemasonry inside Islam and in particular, the Islamic Brotherhood, as financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as a form of Zionism. Zionism isn’t Jewish, it is an offshoot of Freemasonry that worships the old gods, and that one god that they place above all.

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