Robert Steele: Is President Trump Impeachable? The Clinton Memo & More….

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I want President Donald Trump re-elected. That is in my view the shortest least violent path toward restoring the integrity of the US Congress (if the President embraces #UNRIG), and also strengthening the US Supreme Court.

At this time, however, the President is not defending the US Constitution and that, I believe, is an impeachable offense.  I pray he  takes note.

Hillary Clinton’s Zombie Impeachment Memo That Could Help Fell Trump

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Berto Jongman: Eurasianism, Turkey, Erdogan — Why China, Russia, Iran, & Turkey Will Rule both Central Asia and the Middle East….

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

The Strange Case of Perincek, Erdogan and the Russia Triangle

Eurasianism is a political theory developed by Putin’s advisor Alexander Dugin, as the “fourth political theory; beyond left and right but against the center, to “replace and counter the liberal globalist theory and to end Western hegemony, and capitalism. It aims to create an alternative to Western Civilization under the banner of Russia, through a massive eastern bloc comprising the former Soviet Union states, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Iran, Turkey and China. “

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Eurasianism, Turkey, Erdogan — Why China, Russia, Iran, & Turkey Will Rule both Central Asia and the Middle East….”

Claire Edwards: 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone”

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media

The 5G Electromagnetic “Mad Zone” Poised to Self-Destruct: The 5G “Dementors” Meet the 4G “Zombie Apocalypse”

Incisive research and carefully documented analysis of the impacts of 5G Electromagnetic Radiation by Claire Edwards

Gordon Duff: Israel Took Out Saudi Refinery with Stealth F-35 Strike Using Drones as Cover? UPDATE 1: Completely Faked Attack?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

NEO – The Strange Case of the Burning Saudi Refineries

It doesn’t benefit Iran.  This would be a direct attack on Saudi Arabia and Iran has been winning the political war, not just with the UAE but Russia and the EU as well along with continued support from China. Iran had no reason to attack.

F35 is only useful against targets that are vulnerable to smaller weapons, targets like oil refineries. This proves capability. I think we have more than proven Israel’s motivation and timing.  Read full article.


Israel stages F35 Saudi attack after Putin’s smackdown of Netanyahu over Syria


Veterans Today: Was Saudi Attack Completely Faked?

Zero Hedge: Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down With Him? Will McCabe’s Indictment and the DoJ Memo Exonerate Mike Flynn?

09 Justice, 11 Society, Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Will McCabe Bring The FBI Down With Him?

Authored by Daniel John Sobieski via The American Thinker blog,

The DoJ’s rejection of a last-ditch appeal by the legal team representing fired FBI Director Andrew McCabe and the recommendation by federal prosecutors that charges actually be filed against the documented liar, leaker, and co-conspirator in the attempted coup against duly elected President Donald Trump puts the deep state in a face-to-face confrontation with a potential legal Armageddon. An indictment will leave McCabe with no excuse for not carrying out his threat to bring them all down with him.

Continue reading “Zero Hedge: Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down With Him? Will McCabe's Indictment and the DoJ Memo Exonerate Mike Flynn?”