Betty Boop: Roots of the Left’s Love of Pedophilia

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Roots of the Left's Acceptance of Pedophilia

Steven Kessler in  American Thinker

Shockingly, there are people in the liberal media attempting to normalize pedophilia.  These media sources range from outlets like to peer-reviewed journals to popular cable news media shows.

So long as the liberals believe morality consists in living authentically, looking within, and living a life without shame, the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior will move in directions and places our ancestors could have never imagined.

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Yoda: How Do We Stop 5G? By Croissy Vercelle #STOP5G

03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 05 Energy, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government

How do we Stop 5G?

By Croissy Vercelle

The question that I would like to discuss, that obsesses me night and day and that has coloured my life with my family for months now is: How do I stop the “smart” meter rollout – at my door, before it enters my home? — and how do I stop 5G, on my street and over my head, from the skies above?

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Robert Steele: Pope Benedict XVI Blames 1960’s Sexual Revolution for Pedophilia in 1980’s — Who Is to Blame for the Sexual Revolution?

Cultural Intelligence

Ex-Pope Benedict blames church abuse scandal on sexual revolution of 1960s

Former Pope Benedict XVI penned a lengthy letter that blames the “all-out sexual freedom” of the 1960s for ongoing scandals involving sexual abuse by priests.

Benedict, who resigned as pope in 2013, argued in a column translated for the National Catholic Register that social upheaval in the 1960s led to wider acceptance of pedophilia.

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Mongoose: Cory Digs on Clinton Podesta Pedophilia Network?

06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Officers Call

Two Alert Readers sent this in…see especialy the network of kindergartens in China where children are being drugged and then raped — run by a Clinton associate…

Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?

Option C. They created bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives, partnerships, and global hotlines – all with direct access to, and knowledge of, children and their whereabouts. In both politics and business they are known as the procurement specialists, often using this language in their press releases.

Table of Contents and Other Links Below the Fold.

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Fred Burks: Toward Divine Wisdom and Understanding Shifting Paradigms

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Toward Divine Wisdom and Understanding
Shifting Paradigms

The Divine dances outside of the confines of any hierarchical structures. It is complete within itself, and has a singular purpose of demonstrating the collective potential of all life within the universe. It is the archetype of perfection. It is the standard bearer of each soul's innate design and ultimate destiny. The essence of the Divine is far beyond mental conception, yet humanity's tendency is to resort to the limiting language of the hierarchical paradigm to define and understand it.

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