The FCC is poised to auction off a 5G bandwidth that is likely to interfere weather forecasts.
Phi Beta Iota: The President of the United States is being lied to on the matter of 5G. 5G should be outlawed in the USA, and the auction should be cancelled.
Brad Parscale and Bill Shine don't know what they don't know. Parscale is tripling down on micro-approaches to small donors within the base and its edges while neglecting everyone else because the Trump campaign simply does not have credibility or channels for blacks, suburban women, Latinos, or Independents as well as Libertarians, Constitution Party, and others. Bill Shine really thinks a state-run TV channel will make a difference, it will not, it will be ignored by the 73% that did not vote for the President.
And now Alex comes in with what I have been saying ever since I coined the term #GoogleGestapo: we need to RICO stomp Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, YouTube, and others like PayPal that are deplatforming conservative and progressive voices that challenge the Israel First narrative, among other false canards of the Deep State.
The President is simply not serious about broadening the base! My four page Memorandum for the President: Trump Triumph, remains REF A — and opposed by the people holding the President back, including Jared Kushner and John Bolton both of whom are secretly working against the President.
Under Ranked Choice, each voter selects up to three candidates on the ballot and notes their order of preference. When the votes are first counted, only the first choice is noted. If no candidate wins more than 50% of the vote, then the lowest vote-getter is eliminated. For the next round of tabulation, anyone who voted for the eliminated candidate has their second choice counted. This process is repeated until one candidate wins a majority of the votes.
Phi Beta Iota: Valuable itemization of the requirements for registration. Unstated but obvious: both AIPAC and ADL are illegally unregistered agents of a foreign power.
Phi Beta Iota: High school version of the concept, neglects fact that the US Government does not do holistic analytics or true cost economics, loves regime change as a pay to play profit center for the banks, and lies to the public every single day while the Chinese whip our ass world-wide using peace, commerce, and friendship, the Ron Paul playbook.
From ancient Greece to Renaissance Italy to the Four Asian Tigers, city-states have always punched above their weight. They’ve driven culture forward, facilitated global commerce, and charged ahead of their nation-bound peers.
Notional Map and Hostile Comment by Robert Steele Below the Fold.