Review: Explosive Growth – A Few Things I Learned While Growing To 100 Million Users – And Losing $78 Million

5 Star, Information Technology, Intelligence (Public), Intelligence (Wealth of Networks)
Amazon Page

Cliff Lerner

5 Star Combines Lessons with Reading Recommendations

I'm starting to think about how to spend $200M to create an alternative to #GoogleGestapo that connects the President to 200 million eligible voters, and this book jumped to the top of the pile.

It is a fast pleasant read and it delivers both the expected lessons and an unexpected bonus, a very fine integrated list of books he read and gathered lessons from. I've read most of them but it was — for those who do not read as much as I do — a fine added value.

Here are a few items that stood out:

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Event: 2019 Conference Berlin 10-12 May 2019 Intelligence, Diplomacy, and International Relations (International Intelligence History Association)


Call for Papers for the 2019 Conference of the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA), organized in cooperation with the German Spy Museum in Berlin. The conference focus on „Intelligence, Diplomacy and International Relations“ and will be held on May 10-12, 2019 at the German Spy Museum (Leipziger Platz 9, 10117 Berlin, Germany).

Please submit your paper proposal abstract (200-300 words) and your CV (in English) to deadline for proposal submissions is January 10, 2019. Acceptance notifications will go out by late January 2019.

Further details on the conference will be published as soon as possible on our website at

WARNING NOTICE: The government of Germany is abusing foreign visitors who are on record as questioning the Holocaust myth (there was a Holocaust, it was just not gas ovens and it included 11 million Germans killed by the Allies after the war's end) or who are critical of Zionist apartheid genocidal Israel. It is not safe to visit or transit Germany is you are a critical thinker committed to the truth.

Dave Bertrand: Deep State: Lifeline For Humanity, Resistance Is Futile Or Is It?

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Deep State: Lifeline For Humanity, Resistance Is Futile Or Is It?

What fuels the Deep State and their existence? What are their goals and plans for humanity, if not stopped (partially) or entirely? There is a simple solution…but humanity is not advanced enough and too divided.

Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

All Reflections & Story Boards, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

Russian International Affairs Council

26 November 2018

I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the break-up of the USA by 2010 – a Balkanized USA influenced by others, with Alaska going completely to Russia.

I have published an eighteen page response to him (with seven graphics and fifty-six endnotes each containing links to sources), easily found at I thought here to provide an abbreviated version (below) of my thinking for members of the Russian International Affairs Council.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections”

Review: Palace of Treason (Espionage Fiction)

6 Star Top 10%, Intelligence (Government/Secret)

Jason Matthews

6-Star Deeply Authentic Book About Nuances of Spying

After I read and then reviewed the first book, Red Sparrow, I was so deeply impressed that I immediately ordered the other two, this one and The Kremlin's Candidate, intending to read them on airplanes.  That did not last.

This book went to my night-table, then to reading two hours past my bedtime, to last night when I could not put it down and read it until midnight.  That is not normal for me, particularly as a former spy who considers most spy books to be utter crap.

This is not only the most authentic and nuanced book I have read about spying and why human intelligence and particularly offensive counterintelligence and covert action matter, but it is spectacularly well put together.  The author is gifted in turns of phrase that make you laugh or cry or both.

Continue reading “Review: Palace of Treason (Espionage Fiction)”