Mongoose: Election Fraud Warning

Commerce, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency

Election FRAUD warning: Tech giants and fake news media conspiring to steal the mid-terms

(Natural News) The anti-speech tech giants have combined forced with the fake news media (CNN, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to steal the mid-term elections and overthrow democracy in America. In effect, they have already carried out massive election meddling and fraud on a scale the “Russians” could even dream of.

Since President Trump won the election in 2016, there has been a concerted, highly organized and well-funded effort to overrule the American people and remove Trump from office by any means necessary. This effort has been pursued via:

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Berto Jongman: Peter van Buren on Google as Fascist Censor #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

Google Wants to Be Your Media Mommy

The company suggest it may have to protect us from the bad things that elected Trump and speech that makes us feel unsafe.

Google might soon add its terms of service to the First Amendment. A leaked document from the tech giant argues that because of a variety of factors, including the election of Donald Trump, what we call the “American tradition” of free speech may no longer be viable. The report lays out how Google can serve as the world’s “Good Censor,” a stern mommy figure protecting us from harmful content and, by extension, dangerous behavior, like electing the wrong president again.

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Scott Bennett: America’s Political Twilight Zone — Desperate False Flags — Author Fears Assassination of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez UPDATE 1: Nancy Pelosi Hates Her…Risk Remains

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence


Scott Bennett
Former U.S. Army PSYOP Officer-State Counterterrorism Contractor

The recent alleged incidents of the Khashoggi murder, the migrant-refugee invading “caravan” from Central America, the pipe-bomb mailings to leftist-democrat figures, and the Jewish synagogue shooting must be viewed as parts of a larger whole to discern both the direction and momentum behind each, and the best response we as American, constitutionalist patriots can perform as our duty as citizens.

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Tom Luongo: Attack on Gab is a #GoogleGestapo Conspiracy (Shooter Had Equally Vile Accounts with Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

Attack on Gab Proves Speech Was Never Free

Why is Gab targeted?

Because Gab is a true alternative to Twitter which exists outside of the control of the financial and political oligarchy.

With the recent passing of the EU’s “Link Law” which is designed to shut down opposition voices, the merged corporate/political oligarchy are moving to ensure that all speech is criminalized.

But to do that they first have to square the circle around that pesky First Amendment in the U.S.

And that means outsourcing the censorship to the companies who own the internet access points – the app platforms, the social media giants, the hosting firms and payment processors.

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Berto Jongman: Water Wars (Comment by Robert Steele on Open Source Water)

12 Water, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Where will the ‘water wars' of the future be fought?

A new paper paints a disturbing picture of a nearby future where people are fighting over access to water. These post-apocalyptic-sounding “water wars” could rise as a result of climate change and population growth and could become real soon enough if we don't take steps to prevent them.

The study, which comes from the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), says that the effects of climate change will be combined with an ever-increasing number of people to trigger intense competition for increasingly scarce resources. This can lead to regional instability and social unrest.

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Steven Aftergood: 5,792 Secrecy Orders on Inventions

Government, Law Enforcement, Military
Steven Aftergood

Invention Secrecy Hits Recent High

Last year the number of patent applications that were subject to a “secrecy order” under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 was the highest that it has been in more than two decades, according to data obtained from the US Patent and Trademark Office.

At the end of FY 2018 (September 30, 2018), there were 5,792 secrecy orders in effect, up slightly from 5,784 the year before.

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