Worth a Look: Literature in Rebuttal of Global Warming

03 Environmental Degradation, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Key Players, Policies
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Global Warming False Alarm: The Bad Science Behind the United Nations' Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming

In language that a layman can understand, Ralph Alexander explains how the whole global warming claim got started, who started it, and how it has been maintained by too many scientists (and others) using deliberately false or distorted science. – Bookviews by Alan Caruba

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science

‘This is a very powerful, clear, understandable and extremely useful book . . . [Plimer] convincingly criticizes the UN, the IPCC, U.K. and U.S. politicians, as well as Hollywood show business celebrities. He strictly distinguishes science from environmental activism, politics, and opportunism.'—Vaclav Klaus, President, The European Union

global warming three
Amazon Page

Dr. Richard Lindzen–Professor of Meteorology at M.I.T., member, the National Research Council Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, says global warming alarmists “are trumpeting catastrophes that couldn't happen even if the models were right.”  …  and many others

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed

From the author of the New York Times bestselling Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) comes Red Hot Lies, an exposé of the hypocrisy, deceit, and outright lies of the global warming alarmists and the compliant media that support them. Did you know that most scientists are global warming skeptics? Or that environmental alarmists have knowingly promoted false and exaggerated data on global warming? Or that in the Left's efforts to suppress free speech (and scientific research), they have compared global warming dissent with “treason”?  Shocking, frank, and illuminating, Chris Horner's Red Hot Lies explodes as many myths as Al Gore promotes.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Literature in Rebuttal of Global Warming”

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Real Time, Reform, Searches, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools
COIN20 Trip Report
Paradise Found

The future of OSINT is M4IS2.

The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2).

The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb):

Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) the instant it is received at any level by any civilian or military element responsive to global OSINT grid.  This includes all of the contextual agency and mission specific information from the civilian elements previously stove-piped or disgarded, not only within the US, but ultimately within all 90+ participating nations.

Rule 2: In return for Rule 1, the US IC agrees that the Department of State (and within DoD, Civil Affairs) is the proponent outside the wire, and the sharing of all OSIF originating outside the US IC is at the discretion of State/Civil Affairs without secret world caveat or constraint.  OSIF collected by US IC elements is NOT included in this warrant.

Continue reading “Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]”

UN-NGO Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

Archives 1992-2006
Archives 1992-2006



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2003 Cammaert (NL) Reflections on Peace Intelligence with the Military Advisor to the Secretary General of the United Nations

Historic Contributions, Military, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence

Patrick Cammaert
Patrick Cammaert

The Netherlands, MajGen Patrick Cammaert, Royal Marines

IOP '06.  MajGen Cammaert is recognized for his extraordinarily diplomatic and diligent furtherance of common sense and understanding at the highest levels of United Nations leadership, with respect to both the generic value of the process of intelligence to peacekeeping and conflict avoidance, and the specific value of open sources of information, including geospatial information, useful to the strategic mandate, the operational force composition, and the tactical campaign.  As Military Advisor to the Secretary General from 2003-2005, and then as Force Commander of UN Forces in the Congo, he devised and began implementation of the regional United Nations Joint Military Analysis Centre (UN JMAC) program.  His leadership with respect to a common standard of intelligence training for all UN civilian and uniformed personnel are likely to have a considerable impact on the future effectiveness of peacekeeping operations

Although the Brahimi Report (AF) and the efforts of Louise Frechette (CA) as Deputy Secretary General to achieve strategic decision-support coherence were both important, no single person has done more to help the United Nations understand that intelligence is not a “dirty word” but rather an essential tool relevant to the strategic level (getting the mandate right), the operational level (getting the force structure right), and the tactical level (being effective in multicultural environments). Below are his responses to questions, as presented on a video interview done in New York.

Patrick Cammaert
Patrick Cammaert

2003 PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future

Books w/Steele, Decision-Making & Decision-Support, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class
Free PDF Text
Free PDF Text

With a tip of the hat to the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association and the Netherlands Defence College who hosted the most original conference on this topic ever, butdid not plan a book, I stepped in to meet the need for such a book.  I learned from this group, especially from  co-editors Ben de Jong and Wies Patje, and General Patrick Cammaert, RN NL (featured on the cover, in blue uniform) .

The United Nations continues to lack organic decision-support (the same is true of NATO).  Being dependent on Member states that either do not invest in decision-support to begin with, or if they do, focus almost exclusively on secret sources and methods, is a certain prescription for issuing uninformed strategic mandates, poorly-devised force structure requets, dangerous tactical rules of engagement, and insufficient technical authorizations.

The book includes excerpts from the Brahimi Report and a Leadership Digest for Peacekeeping Intelligence.

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Free By the Chapter
Amazon Page $34.95++
Amazon Page $34.95++

2003 Brahimi (AF) Report Extracts from the Executive Summary and Links to the Full Report of the United Nations (UN) Panel on Peace Operations

Peace Intelligence, UN/NGO, United Nations & NGOs

Below are the extracts from the Executive Summary of the Brahimi Report (Report of the United Nations Panel on Peace Operations) as they appeared in PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future.  The extracts focus on the decision-support aspects of the report–the UN cannot get the strategic mandate right, the operational force structure right, the tactical rules of engagement right, or even the technical sufficiency (e.g. 1:50,000 combat charts) right without intelligence (decision-support).

Brahimi on PKI
Brahimi on PKI

Below is the complete report online, both in online form and as a free down-loadable paginated PDF.

Title UN report JPEG