Massive Fraud, Common Crime, No Prosecutions

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

Why haven't any high-profile execs been prosecuted for their role in the financial crisis?

In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures


The New York Times, April 14, 2011

It is a question asked repeatedly across America: why, in the aftermath of a financial mess that generated hundreds of billions in losses, have no high-profile participants in the disaster been prosecuted?

Read full article….

See Also:

Neil Weinberg, Corrupt Bank Oversight Is Creating New Immoral Hazard, Forbes, 14 April 2011

To me the moral of this story is that Washington has created a vast immoral hazard. We are all truly in a world of peril when regulators and law enforcers believe our financial institutions are too big to be brought to justice—and when our leadership in Washington is so gutless that its response is to let these same institutions emerge bigger and more beyond challenge than ever.

Read rest of this hard-hitting article…

Tip of the Hat to Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn for the clean links.

Phi Beta Iota: It is our view that the President, the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Treasury, and most Senators and Representatives are immediately impeachable for failing to uphold their oaths to the Constitution  and failing to represent the public interest in the face of massive legalized fraud on the part of Wall Street.

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Ben Brownell

Alpha A-D, Collective Intelligence


Benjamin P. Brownell

Multidisciplinary freelance design artist and moonlight cultural theoristician
Rogue Valley, Jefferson State USA.

Today (2011):

Studying and implementing sustainably abundant economic systems and enterprise
Organizing local participatory democracy and ‘Gov2.0' awareness/action
Practicing collaborative frameworks and group process facilitation
Developing a curation platform for engaging eco-social ‘good news'
Improvising interactive multimedia presentations for live events
Creating unique aesthetic natural built environments and landscapes
Appreciating a rich, safe, healthy, comfortable town/ecosystem that outdoes itself as Home

Seeking inspiration and partnership for constructive endeavors abroad and online

Continue reading “Who's Who in Collective Intelligence: Ben Brownell”

Congress? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Congress…

Corruption, Government, Military
Michael Ostrolenk Recommends...

Sweet: per CBO's numbers, the epic budget showdown didn't even produce enough cuts to pay for a week of bombing Libya.

Six Days of Odyssey Dawn (Libya) Cost $400 Million

March 30th, 2011 by Steven Aftergood

The first six days of Odyssey Dawn, the US war in Libya, cost an estimated $400 million, according to a new report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service.

“Using operational details provided by DOD and DOD cost factors, a ‘bottoms-up’ estimate of the cost of initial operations suggests that in the first six days of operations, DOD has spent roughly $400 million,” the report said.

“U.S. participation in Operation Odyssey Dawn and NATO operations around Libya raises a number of questions for Congress, including the role of Congress in authorizing the use of force, the costs of the operation, the desired politico-strategic end state, the role of U.S. military forces in an operation under international command, and many others,” said the CRS report, which fleshed out many of those questions.

See “Operation Odyssey Dawn (Libya): Background and Issues for Congress,” March 28, 2011.

See Also:

US Goverment 2011 Revenue, Costs, & Debt–Two Party Tyranny Lies Straight Up, Media Goes Along

Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This?

Search: integrity integrity integrity

Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence, Officers Call, Searches

The Phi Beta Iota collective is delighted that <integrity> is the single most frequent sole search term–sadly, because integrity permeates this  entire site (as well as its opposite, corruption), we find it necessary to create this triple headline to serve those who search in the future.  Below are the primary referential posts on integrity.

Journal: Reflections on Integrity

Search: Integrity

Journal: Reflections on Integrity & Design

Reference: Integrity–Without it Nothing Works
Reference: Integrity–Without it Nothing Works II
Reference: Integrity–Without It Nothing Works III

INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability

Reference: World Model (IFF)

Analysis, Augmented Reality, Budgets & Funding, Geospatial, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Strategy, White Papers

Although making no reference to Buckminster Fuller and Medard Gabel that we could find, the International Futures Forum offers a useful series of pages on elements of the World Game that they work with.  Here we publish the Twelve Factors and the underlying elements for each.

Continue reading “Reference: World Model (IFF)”