David Brin: Comments on 2012 PREPRINT The Craft of Intelligence 1.52

Advanced Cyber/IO
David Brin

2012 PREPRINT FOR COMMENT: The Craft of Intelligence

A few thoughts:

1) You should make clear the difference between three time domains.  in the short and immediate term, members of the Professional Protector Caste (PPC) have many and diverse needs for tactical secrecy, from police stake-outs of criminals to confidential de-briefings of defectors, to clandestine military or intelligence operations.   Critics are right to worry about the human-nature tendency to use secrecy to cover nefarious activities, or to simply evade accountability for errors.  But this worry is substantially eased if tactical secrets carry time limits. Only the most sensitive matters should qualify for an inherently limited number of very long term or indefinite secret classifications and those should bear an actual financial cost to the agency in question, making it a rare and special recourse.

This would go hand in hand with the vital importance of the longer time scale.  Over the course of years and decades, one fact rises paramount above all others.  The western, “pax Americana” civilization approach to governance… with its emphasis on individual liberties and sovereignty, science, negotiation and mixed-competitive problem solving tools… is the only one that systematically benefits from a  general secular trend toward ever-increasing transparency and openness in the world. 

In sharp contrast, every rival system, from communism to islamic fundamentalism to Sino-mercantilist state capitalism, all suffer near-lethal allergic reactions to the application of light.

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Marcus Aurelius: Reagan Vs. Obama – Social Economics 101

Cultural Intelligence


Marcus Aurelius

Embedding Not Permitted.  See YouTube Video (5:38)

I posted this clip to help promote the informative documentary I WANT YOUR M Buy the full documentary at www.IWantYourMoney.net. It's also feature great in-depth interviews from economic experts and politicians including:

Mike Huckabee   .   Stephen Moore   .   Michael Reagan   .   William Voegeli   .   Star Parker   .   Kenneth Blackwell   .   Edwin Meese lll   .   Thad McCotter   .   Newt Gingrich   .   Lee Edwards   .   Pete Wilson   .   Steve Forbes   .   Gary Bauer   .   Kate Obenshain   .   Chris Edwards   .   David M. McIntosh   .   Lila Rose   .   John Stossel   .   Allen Icet   .   Rob Schaaf   .   John Stossel   .   Tom McClintock   .   Andrew Breitbart   .   George Runner   .   Alison Fraser

Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…

04 Education, 06 Family, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Hacking, Mobile
Howard Rheingold

Brown Alumni Magazine – Friending Your Child

“In November 2009, boyd traveled to New York City to deliver what she expected to be a major address at the Web 2.0 Expo, one of the year’s most important gatherings of Internet professionals. Her topic was what she terms “living in the stream,” or how not to drown in the flood of information that comes at us all the time. Teens, she believes, are especially good at this. The most web-savvy of them manage to stay open to all the digital stuff without having to process everything. They take what they can handle and remain untroubled that much may elude their grasp. It’s a kind of cyber-Zen. “The goal is . . . to be peripherally aware of information as it flows by, grabbing it at the right moment, when it is most relevant and valuable, entertaining or insightful,” she said at the Expo. “It is about a sense of alignment, of being aligned with information.” She talked about the high some Twitter users get “feeling as though they are living and breathing with the world around them, peripherally aware and in tune, adding content to the stream and grabbing it when appropriate.””

Continue reading “Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…”

Marcus Aurelius: Early Warning DoD Reductions in Force 6% to 50%

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, DHS, DoD, Government, IO Impotency, Military, Office of Management and Budget
Marcus Aurelius

Starting to see initial indications that at least one part of DoD is gearing up to cut anywhere from 6% to 50% of its workforce within the fairly near term, perhaps beginning as soon as 01 Oct.  Drivers could be generic deficit reduction, sequestration, and historic limitations on strength levels in certain types of organizations.  Expect it to be ugly — sprung at last minute, execute without finesse.)

Government Workers Are Unfairly Assailed

By Ted Kaufman, US Senator (DE)

Wilmington (DE) News Journal
April 8, 2012

We've heard a lot in the past couple of years, pro and con, about escalating CEO compensation, but it seems to me at least one argument in their defense has merit. It is important to pay enough to recruit and retain the best talent available in the highly competitive global marketplace.

What seems strange to me is that those who believe this is true, that you have to pay well to attract the best talent, usually don't accept the same argument when it comes to government employees.

One of the more dangerous consequences of the financial crisis is how governments at all levels are, in effect, cutting off their noses to spite
their faces. In the rush to balance their budgets, some are indiscriminately firing, freezing and cutting pay, and cutting pensions — too often impacting the people who actually make government work.

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Mini-Me: CIA Chief Lawyer on CIA Authorities to Use Force Around the World

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government
Who? Mini-Me?


CIA General Counsel Speech on Hypothetical Uses of Force

by Deborah Pearlstein

Opinio Juris, 12 April 2012

The speech delivered by CIA General Counsel Stephen Preston at Harvard yesterday is important and illuminating, and I agree with Ken the administration should be commended for it. But wow does it raise some troubling questions about how the CIA understands the legal authority for and constraints on its drone operations. There’s too much to unpack in it for one blog post, and I’d urge those who follow these interests to read it for themselves. Meantime, I’ll start with two issues: (1) the CIA’s understanding of its domestic authority to use force; (2) the CIA’s understanding of whether/how international law constrains its actions.

Domestic authority. Preston correctly explains that the CIA must have some source of authority under domestic U.S. law to carry out “hypothetical” activities involving the use of force abroad. In this inquiry, of course, international law is irrelevant. And I don’t read Preston to suggest that international law can give the U.S. government powers it does not otherwise possess under our own Constitution and laws. So what gives the CIA its authority to carry out drone strikes? Here’s Preston:

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Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call, Policies
Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

The US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed.

US government officials routinely criticize other governments for being undemocratic and for violating human rights. Yet, no other country except Israel sends bombs, missiles, and drones into sovereign countries to murder civilian populations. The torture prisons of Abu Gahraib, Guantanamo, and CIA secret rendition sites are the contributions of the Bush/Obama regimes to human rights.

Washington violates the human rights of its own citizens. Washington has suspended the civil liberties guaranteed in the US Constitution and declared its intention to detain US citizens indefinitely without due process of law. President Obama has announced that he, at his discretion, can murder US citizens whom he regards as a threat to the US.

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Berto Jongman: The Russian Singularity Scheduled for 2045

06 Russia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Cultural Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Russia 2045: Will the Singularity Be Launched in Russia?

Ben Goertzel

Hplusmagazine Apr 12, 2012  Replayed in IEET

For 3 days in late February, Russian businessman Dmitry Itskov gathered 500+ futurists in Moscow for a “Global Future 2045 Congress” – the latest manifestation of his “Russia 2045” movement. The Congress featured an impressive roster of Russian scientists, engineers and visionaries, along with American and West European futurist leaders like Ray Kurzweil, Randal Koene and John Smart.

As Kurzweil noted when I asked him about the conference, “The reference to ‘2045’ comes from my date for the Singularity. The conference was forward looking and was based on my ideas.“

The occurrence of a conference like this in Russia is no big shock, of course. Russia has a huge contingent of great scientists in multiple directly Singularity-relevant areas; and it also has an impressively long history of advanced technological thinking . My dear departed friend Valentin Turchinwrote a book with Singularitarian themes in the late 1960s, and the Russian Cosmists of the early 1900s discussed technological immortality, space colonization and other futurist themes long before they became popular in the West.

On the other hand, the overall social atmosphere in Russia is not so optimistic these days. In fact Russia is seeing a brain drain of sorts – around 1.25 million Russians have left the country in the last decade, including a large number of educated individuals. This is fairly dramatic for a country of 142 million with a death rate significantly higher than its birthrate.

The global economic crisis of 2008 reduced Russia’s GDP to a persistent 3% or so per year, compared to 7-8% beforehand. Russian polling agencies estimate that 20% of Russians are thinking of leaving, with the figure nearly 40% in the 18-25 age bracket.

So on the one hand there’s a struggling economy and brain drain; and on the other hand, a massive brain trust of brilliant scientists and a long tradition of visionary futurist thinking. Taken together, quite an interesting backdrop for Itskov’s event….

And, like the Russian Cosmists before him, Itskov has no lack of grand ambitions. As he told Sander Olsen in an interview last year:

[T]he most important thing is that we want to eliminate death and disease for all—to overcome the limitations of our protein-based body; to find a way out of the chain of various crises our civilization is facing.

As regards the Avatar project … this is a project to create a robot copy of a human that can be operated through the brain-computer interface.

We just talked about the Body B project, which is to create a brain life support system in order to extend human life by 100-200 years.

The Re-Brain project is a purely Russian project to create a computer brain model and a model of the human psyche using the method of reverse engineering, and to develop a way to transfer personality to an artificial carrier.
And Body D is our vision of the evolution of a personality carrier: a body that is like a hologram. This technology is not yet able to be made, but that is how we envision future human bodies.

Exciting visions indeed!

I’m splitting my time between Hong Kong and DC these days, so I’m fairly aware of Singularitarian happenings in the US and China (see e.g. my 2010 article, The Chinese Singularity, and followup comments in this interview). But Russia is largely unknown territory for me – so the Global Future 2045 conference piqued my interest particularly, and I regret I was too busy with work to attend. But I did my best to keep up to speed on the proceedings from a distance.

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