Tom Atlee: Update on Collective Intelligence, Request for Donations

Collective Intelligence

News on my 2020 work and a request for support

In the midst of upheavals and contradictions, I find some solace in my calling to serve the capacity of all human life to find better ways together. But I find it harder to rest in what I’ve already created and done. I find myself reflecting in new ways on my work and on our vast shared predicaments and possibilities.

ROBERT STEELE: I just  donated $500 of the dollars all of you have shared with me, because Tom has been my mentor on Collective Intelligence and he absolutely merits all possible support.  I urge you all to read his full report by clicking the linked headline above, and please do donate to support his work. He is one of the founding fathers of collective intelligence –informed democracy — and I cannot overstate his value to all of us.

Philip Schuyler: How to Steal an Election in Four Steps

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Media, Peace Intelligence

How to Steal an Election in Four Steps

It was January and the Democrats had a problem: things were too good in America. No wars, improved border security, lower drug prices, lower taxes, and a bull market would likely conspire to get Trump reelected in November.

In February covid 19 reached our shores. While most of us were trying to figure out how serious it was, America’s top leftists formulated an ingenious if sadistic plan to use covid 19 to steal the presidency in November.

Here is how they did it in four steps:*

Step 1: Fake Pandemic to Kill Business & Trump Rallies*
Step 2: Media Manipulation in Favor of Biden to Point of Treason*
Step 3. The Election – Planned Fraud & Emergency Fraud*
Step 4. Selling the Biden Victory Narrative with Criminal Conspiracy*

Continue reading “Philip Schuyler: How to Steal an Election in Four Steps”

Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

Short URL for telling others:

Open Your mind TO CHANGE: A guidebook to the Great Awakening

  • Preface
  • Why I Am Optimistic About the Future
  • The Great Awakening
  • The Storm: How To Prepare For a Global Corruption Purge?
  • Crossing The Schism
  • Dark And Light: The Revolution Within
  • The Silent War And Digital Soldiers
  • Death Of A SuperMafia
  • CoronaGate: The Scandal To End All Scandals
  • The Wars Of Perception Of Heaven And Hell
  • The Digital Coup And The Great Exposure



Foreword by Robert Steele Full Text Below

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth”

Robert Steele: 250M On Strike in India — Is Deep State TOAST?

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Modi is known  to be under the control of the Zionists and the Deep State globalists. Whether he is being bribed, blackmailed, or extorted is not known. He appears to be wrecking India. Below is important for two reasons: because it is happening and because it spells the end of the Deep State. They cannot overcome populist protest at this scale.

People's World: 250 million Indian workers and farmers strike, breaking world record

Jacobin: “This Is a Revolution, Sir”

Democracy Now: Indian Farmers Lead Historic Strike & Protests Against Narendra Modi, Neoliberalism & Inequality

Martin Armstrong is speaking to a looming food crisis. I and J C Cole have been warning about this for over a year. There are no signs that the Trump Administration is actively monitoring or remediating this potential crisis.

See Also: Food @ Phi Beta Iota, Gray Swans @ Phi Beta Iota

Local Futures: Localization – a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism (2018 Most Popular)

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism

Under globalization, competition has increased dramatically, job security has become a thing of the past, and most people find it increasingly difficult to earn a livable wage. At the same time, identity is under threat as cultural diversity is replaced by a consumer monoculture worldwide.

Read full article.

Stephen E. Arnold: Confidence in US Education: 46 Companies Have Doubts

04 Education, Academia, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Officers Call
Stephen E. Arnold

Confidence in US Education: 46 Companies Have Doubts

I read “Top 48 US Companies Files Legal Challenge to Block H-1B Visa Changes.” The write up states:

Nearly 46 leading US companies and business organizations, including tech giants Apple, Google, Twitter and Facebook, representing and working with key sectors of the US economy, have filed an amicus brief that supports a legal challenge to block upcoming rule changes to H-1B visa eligibility.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Confidence in US Education: 46 Companies Have Doubts”