BRICS Revolt on IMF–Tipping Point?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Communities of Practice, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics

BRICS' open revolt against European grip on IMF

Narayan Lakshman

The Hindu, 26 May 2011

Paris: The International Monetary Fund's Executive Directors from the BRICS economies have openly revolted against the prospect of the Fund's Managing Director role reverting to a European, deepening the woes of an organisation that was recently rocked to its very core by the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as its chief following sexual assault allegations.

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: The BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] are now powerful enough to route around the West, but have not yet created a coherent multinational information sharing and sense-making capability such that they can confront the West in real-time with every lie to the public.  When that happens, and it will happen within five years, we anticipate a complete shift in power to the south and the east.  A near term test could be the illegal military actions against the Libyan leader, government, and capital.  The era of “because we say so is coming to an end.”  The era of direct assaults on NATO soil of “rear-area” launching pads and support facilities is here now.

See Also:

From BRIC to BRICS–Sanya Declaration

US Government Lies Part II [one source, one day]

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military
DefDog Recommends....

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

By Spencer Ackerman

WIRED, May 25, 2011

You may think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) says it’s worse than you’ve heard.

Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. But Wyden says that what Congress will renew is a mere fig leaf for a far broader legal interpretation of the Patriot Act that the government keeps to itself — entirely in secret. Worse, there are hints that the government uses this secret interpretation to gather what one Patriot-watcher calls a “dragnet” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.

Read rest of article….

Phi Beta Iota: Further to our comment on Part I, we strongly believe the time has come to discontinue funding for the US Intelligence Community as a whole, beginning with the National Security Agency (NSA), which is in our view the most mis-managed and corrupt (as well as  grotesquely expensive for lack of any reasonable return) part of the US Government.  The fact that they are abusive of the Constitution and devoid of any common sense at all is the other half of their crime against humanity.   An honest President actually interested in the public interest would create an Open Source Agency, and then on the basis of sound decision-support shareable with  the public and Congress, cut the secret world as well as the defense and homeland security worlds by 20% each year for each of five years, restoring 10% each year to new initiatives that pass all common sense tests for need, relevance, and affordability.   All it takes is INTEGRITY.

Vote Now to End the Drug War–Regulate & Save

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement
John Steiner

Please do consider sharing this one with everyone you know!

Phi Beta Iota: Actionable part right here up front, strongly recommended to one and all.  It's time we put the various “complexes” out of business.

If we can create a worldwide outcry in the next few days to support the bold calls of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, we can overpower the stale excuses for the status quo. Our voices hold the key to change — Sign the petition and spread the word:

Dear friends,

In days, a group of powerful world leaders will ask the UN to end the war on drugs and move towards regulation. But politicians say that the public will not support alternative drug policies. Let's give this unique opportunity massive public support and get urgent action. Sign below, and tell everyone:

In days, we could finally see the beginning of the end of the Œwar on drugs¹. This expensive war has completely failed to curb the plague of drug addiction, while costing countless lives, devastating communities, and funneling trillions of dollars into violent organized crime networks.
Continue reading “Vote Now to End the Drug War–Regulate & Save”

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan-Chana & Gwadar Port

Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of Peace, Military, Peace Intelligence

Pakistan-China: “We have asked our Chinese brothers to please build a naval base at Gwadar,” Chaudhary Ahmed Mukhtar, Pakistan's Defence Minister, told the Times.

However, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said that China is unaware of the proposal by Pakistan to build a naval port at the deep-water port of Gwadar. The issue was not discussed during Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani's visit to China last week, the spokesman said.

Comment: Defence Minister Mukhtar did not say when Pakistan asked the Chinese to build a base at Gwadar. In fact, construction of a naval facility has been part of the plans for Gwadar since the early 1990's.

Forty years ago, Gwadar, on the coast of Baluchistan Province and 47 miles east of the Iranian border, was a fishing village with a small port in a sheltered, deep water natural harbor with two bays. In the 1971 War, Pakistan Navy surface ships deployed from Karachi to Gwadar to avoid destruction by the Indian Navy.

Since 1993 Pakistani governments have worked to develop Gwadar as a planned, modern, deep water port and city, as well as a “sensitive defense zone.” The primary investors in the port, adjacent road and rail infrastructure and planned city of Gwadar have been China and the government of Pakistan. Construction on the highway link to Karachi and on the port began in 2002. The port was inaugurated officially in 2007 by General Musharraf. It received its first maritime ship, carrying a cargo of wheat from Canada, in 2008. The Port of Singapore Authority has the administration contract.

The 50-year  master plan calls for Gwadar to develop into a major economic hub in the Arabian Sea for energy, oil tankers and deep-draft container shipping and ship building and to be the location of a main naval base for the Pakistan Navy. For China, Gwadar port will be one of three in the Indian Ocean that will have overland links to western or southwestern  China that will enable it to avoid relying on the Straits of Malacca and Singapore for shipment of strategic raw materials. The other two are Chahbahar, Iran, and Kyauk Phyu, Burma.

In an interview broadcast on 24 May about the Karachi terrorist attack, Pakistan Chief of Naval Staff Admiral N. Bashir explained, “When the navy created the Karsaz Establishment in the Karsaz area, it was outside the city (Karachi). Now it has become a part of the city center. Similarly, when this base was established, the Faisal Town built up on the backside did not exist. I have been trying for the past three years to relocate from the area. The government has supported us on this. Our major naval base is under construction, far from Karachi…. We are aiming to minimize our presence in Karachi.”

The Admiral was referring to Gwadar. The Chinese are the primary builders of the port, so it is almost certain that they are building the naval base, though security considerations would prevent them from admitting it in public.

News reports over the weekend suggested that the Chinese were building a base for the Chinese navy. Those mischaracterized this long time project. Chinese naval ships will call at Gwadar when the base is complete, as they do at Karachi. However, the base will be a Pakistan Navy base.

Chinese involvement at Gwadar is not news, but it is part of a sophisticated, long term strategic plan.


Phi Beta Iota: While the US Government antagonizes Pakistan and fails in Afghanistan, China in Pakistan (and Iran and Turkey elsewhere) are steadily making substantive gains by waging peace with construction.  They are a study in 21st Century strategic sensibility grounded in reality–the USG (not to be confused with the US public) is a failure in this context–a dangerous expensive failure.

Growing Demands for Participatory Democracy

08 Wild Cards, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Policies
Michel Bauwens

Constructing, living, and demanding Participatory Democracy in the #spanishrevolution Camps

Michel Bauwens, 23rd May 2011

We, the unemployed, the underpaid, the subcontracted, the precarious, the young … demand a change towards a future with dignity. We are fed up of reforms, of being laid off, of the banks which have caused the crisis hardening our mortgages or taking away our houses, of laws limiting our freedom in the interest of the powerful. We blame the political and economic powers of our sad situation and we call for a turn.’

Read long post including list of demands and original manifesto. Hyper-Local Online News & Views

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, IO Sense-Making
John Steiner

I rarely promote major media outlets such as AOL, but the past few months I have been geting a LOT of good quality local news to fill the gap left by ailing local newspapers with AOL's venture called With community based and locally edited editions for towns and communities all across the nation, Patch has become a major local source for news, events, and perspectives in my own community. At first skeptical, I tried it and found it a wonderful new way the internet can become a new source for local news and information!

Check it out at and find a location near you, or become your own news source by starting one if your area lacks one.

Today I found out that AOL and Huffington Post have merged, and Arianna herself announced a new “blog” section for each local patch across the country. Here's is her announcement:

Continue reading “ Hyper-Local Online News & Views”

Wall Street Journal On Bin Laden Raid Planning

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Law Enforcement, Military
Marcus Aurelius Recommends

More that should never have been written

Wall Street Journal
May 23, 2011
Pg. 1

Spy, Military Ties Aided Bin Laden Raid

By Siobhan Gorman and Julian E. Barnes

In January, the chief of the military's elite special-operations troops accepted an unusual invitation to visit Central Intelligence Agency headquarters. There, Adm. William McRaven was shown, for the first time, photos and maps indicating the whereabouts of the world's most wanted man.

Adm. McRaven—one of the first military officers to be brought into the CIA's latest hunt for Osama bin Laden—offered a blunt assessment: Taking bin Laden's compound would be reasonably straightforward. Dealing with Pakistan would be hard.

A Wall Street Journal reconstruction of the mission planning shows that this meeting helped define a profound new strategy in the U.S. war on terror, namely the use of secret, unilateral missions powered by a militarized spy operation. The strategy reflects newfound trust between two traditionally wary groups: America's spies, and its troops.

The bin Laden strike was the strategy's “proof of concept,” says one U.S. official.

Read full article….

Continue reading “Wall Street Journal On Bin Laden Raid Planning”