Reference: Robert Steele at Huffington Post

About the Idea, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Key Players, Methods & Process, Open Government, Policies, Reform, Threats, Worth A Look

Robert David Steele

Robert David Steele

Recovering spy, serial pioneer for open and public intelligence

Posted: September 28, 2010 10:25 AM

It's Official — Steele Won Virtual Presidency

I held a bi-partisan vote today, with me representing the Democratic Party while I represented the Republican Party. Strict ballot access controls ensured a unanimous outcome — the new Virtual President of the United States of America is Robert David Steele, or for Latinos, Roberto David de Steele y Vivas.

Over the next 45 days, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I will announce one critical policy decision, always in the context of a balanced budget and always with the public interest in mind — this is not going to be pretty, but 45 days from today, every American will be able to compare my virtual track record with the actual track record of those seeking re-election, or in the case of a tiny handful that overcame enormous obstacles, those seeking election for the first time.

Read more…

Thursday: Virtual Sunshine Cabinet Named

Phi Beta Iota: Steele's posts will be buried among 5,999 other bloggers posting twice weekly.  The search bar at Huffington Post works well.  You can also, if you wish, click on the fan logo at this first point, to automatically receive an email alert with the exact URL for each additional post as it appears.

Journal: Self-Organizing Emergence from Chaos

Blog Wisdom, Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process

Making Sense Out of Chaos: An Audio Interview

I did an interview on September 7th for the Community Learning Exchange –CLExchangeonair with Cheryl Fields on Blog Talk Radio.


  • Early in the book you tell the story of how your own perspective on engaging emergence began. Tell us about that experience?

In the 1990′s I managed software projects.  I was excellent at figuring out the steps that needed to be done and then making those steps happen —  planning the work and then working the plan.

As the projects got bigger and more complex, I ran into a one that involved enough people with different opinions that that old approach just didn’t cut it.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to work with someone who understood how to work in a different way.  Once I experienced it, I had to learn more.

See Also:
TED: Sugata Mitra–The child-driven education
Worth a Look: Engaging Emergence
Reference: Peggy Holman Free Video on Emergence
Reference: 21st Century Leadership-12 Guidelines
Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Peggy Holman
Review: The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management–Reinventing the Workplace for the 21st Century

Worth a Look: Geospatial Revolution Project Episode 1 = Absolutely Awesome

Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look
Story and Podcast

We are excited to announce that the first episode of the Geospatial Revolution Project is now available. And, all we can say is that it is absolutely awesome. Geospatial technologies are truly revolutionary, and this episode reminds us that what we do as GIS/GEOINT professionals has (and will continue to) changed the world. In case you are not familiar with the Geospatial Revolution Project it is an integrated public media and outreach initiative about the world of digital mapping and how it is changing the way we think, behave, and interact created by Penn State Public Broadcasting. Check out our exclusive podcast with Stephanie Ayanian, senior producer, who shares her insights about this special project. And, of course, we are featuring Episode 1 in this post. Be sure to check it out!

Tip of the Hat to Matt Langan at LinkedIn.

Journal: US Research & Development in the Toilet

03 Economy, 05 Energy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government

U.S. innovation: On the skids

Technologists look to a new White House to reverse decade-long slide in R&D

By Gary Anthes, ComputerWorld, October 21, 2008

By most measures, the U.S. is in a decade-long decline in global technological competitiveness. The reasons are many and complex, but central among them is the country's retreat from long-term basic research in science and technology, coupled with a surge in R&D by countries such as China.

Tip of the Hat to Lynn Wheeler at LinkedIn.

Phi Beta Iota: This ties in perfectly with US secret intelligence fraud, waste, and abuse (hand-outs to corporations for vapor-ware, see our quick study 2010: OPINION–America’s Cyber Scam); and also with Chuck Spinney's long-standing concerns about the plans-reality mismatch and the criminal insanity of raising two generations of engineers who know nothing but “government specification cost plus” production.

Journal: Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence, Standards

Full Story Online

Multilingual Web should be a priority for India: W3C chief

Six months into his new job, Jeffrey Jaffe, Chief Executive Officer of the World Wide Web Consortium has his work cut out

The World Wide Web Consortium or W3C, as it is better known, is where the industry meets to set standards for the Web. And Jeffery Jaffe – an IT industry veteran who held prominent positions at Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies), IBM, and more recently at Novell – as its CEO not only oversees the W3C's largest project in progress ( HTML5 standards group) but is also trying to ensure that the Consortium sharpens its focus on multilingual web standards for countries like India.

Tip of the Hat to Marjorie M K Hlava at LinkedIn.

Continue reading “Journal: Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards”

Journal: WIRED–Earth Hits Strike Two

Earth Intelligence

Mass Extinctions Change the Rules of Evolution

EXTRACT:  Enough pieces have come together for Alroy to speculate on his findings’ implication for the future, given that Earth is now experiencing another mass extinction. Starting with extinctions of large land animals more than 50,000 years ago that continued as modern humans proliferated around the globe, and picking up pace in the Agricultural and Industrial ages, current extinction rates are far beyond levels capable of unraveling entire food webs in coming centuries. Ecologists estimate that between 50 and 90 percent of all species are doomed without profound changes in human resource use.

See Also:

9 Environmental Boundaries We Don’t Want to Cross

EXTRACT:   Also exceeded are limits for species loss, which the scientists set at 10 per year per million species, and nitrogen use, pegged at 35 million tons per year. The current extinction rate is ten times higher than advised, ostensibly compromising the ability of ecosystems to process nutrients. The use of nitrogen — which is needed for fertilizer, but causes oxygen-choking algae blooms — is nearly four times higher than recommended.

Journal: UN on Food Security, It’s All Connected

Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Government, Methods & Process, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Full Article Online

Renewed instability in global food markets requires urgent response, UN expert said

An independent United Nations human rights expert today called on governments and the international community to promptly tackle the renewed instability of global food markets, noting the related social unrest that has hit some countries in recent weeks.

Tip of the Hat to Charles Rault at LinkedIn.

Continue reading “Journal: UN on Food Security, It's All Connected”