John Lear: Fake Casino Hides Massive Underground Construction of Super Secret Subway…

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government

Fake Casino Hides Massive Underground Construction of Super Secret Subway…

Phi Beta Iota: Best read at the original site, click on title above to go there. Safety copy below the fold in case the original site is taken down. We believe this. There appears to be another subway terminal under the Aria in addition to the one under the Bellagio.

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Kerry Cassidy: Presidents Who Know Too Much — the Price of Secrecy is Death at the Top

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Government, Law Enforcement, Media, Peace Intelligence
Kerry Cassidy


I am reading the book WATERGATE HOAX by Ashton Gray.  Gray goes into minute blow by blow detail proving Watergate was a planned CIA op.  And how it was a cover for stealing the L. Ron Hubbard protocols/works that deal with auditing and the higher OT levels.  The motive behind this is that the CIA & MJ12 had found that they needed a greater deterrent to keep people and especially Presidents and unwelcome pesky members of government out of the loop and in the dark. 

At this point, I think one can safely say that CIA is the operational side of MJ12.

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Yoda: Is Zionism a Symptom Not a Threat?

Cultural Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader — someone who reads as much as Robert Steele but along different even higher lines of reflection — writes in after Phi Beta Iota said about Polly 3:

“Phi Beta Iota: Polly rocks, but she is still missing the whole picture, the Nine Veils of Evil. Epstein is the pimple on the Zionist ass.  Until you get that, you don’t get it at all, and everything else is chatter.  Totally agree with reference to David Icke, here is Robert Steele’s 40-page summary of Icke’s 741-page book, and a recent Icke interview.

I agree completely with PBI Comment but everyone has a role to play in lifting as many veils as possible (I bet you're missing a few too, like all of us) and what's important is to do it progressively so as to reach a maximum of people at whatever level they are right now. We need the Pollys and Tracy Beanz of this world because not everyone can absorb the entire truth all at once.

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Review: US Air Force Secret Space Program by Michael E. Salla

5 Star, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial), Military & Pentagon Power, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy


Michael E. Salla, US Air Force Secret Space Program (Exopolitics, 2019).

5 Stars — Best Over-All Timeline, Best of  Related Books by Same Author

Reviewed by Robert David Steele

This book — the fourth in a series — is a capstone work perfectly timed to the President's planned disclosure of the past, present, and future space programs — the past an illegal program not approved by Congress; the present a program in flux; and the future potentially open and bright and including free energy for all on Earth (the primary secret of the secret space program).

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