Sepp Hasslberger: Peer Review Does Not Work

03 Economy, 04 Education, Academia, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Peer review, instead of helping science stay on track, is actually retarding real progress.

The peer review drugs don’t work


Peer review is anti-innovatory because it is a process that depends on approval by exponents of the current orthodoxy.   . . .   Perhaps the biggest argument against the peer review of completed studies is that it simply isn’t needed. With the World Wide Web everything can be published, and the world can decide what’s important and what isn’t. This proposition strikes terror into many hearts, but with so much poor-quality science published what do we have to lose?

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Yoda: Twilight of the Professors

Academia, Corruption
Got Crowd? BE the Force!
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Broken, they are.

Twilight of the Professors

Twenty-eight years ago Russell Jacoby argued in The Last Intellectuals that the post-WWII expansion of higher education in the U.S. absorbed a generation of radicals who opted to become professors rather than freelance intellectual troublemakers. The constraints and rewards of academic life, according to Jacoby, effectively depoliticized many professors of leftist inclinations. Instead of writing in the common tongue for the educated public, they were carrot and sticked into writing in jargon for tiny academic audiences. As a result, their political force was largely spent in the pursuit of academic careers.

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Antechinus: Science Sucks, Vaccines Scare, Parents Push Back

Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Impotency

What if not all parents who question vaccines are foolish and anti-science?

If you want to understand and reduce vaccination non-compliance you have to work to achieve a subtler understanding of parental decision-making, along with a recognition that ­public-health campaigns aren’t Pure Science but are influenced by politics and money (although maybe they shouldn’t be). You have to stop talking about “vaccines” as if they were all one thing, and stop talking about vaccination schedules as if they were simple products of value-free science. You have to stop claiming “we” have science and “they” have stupid.

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Berto Jongman: Flawed Terrorism Research Driving Flawed Counterterrorism Programs? PBI: Or Just Plain Dishonesty?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Is Flawed Terrorism Research Driving Flawed Counterterrorism Policies?

More than thirteen years after the U.S. intelligence community named the prevention of terrorism its number one goal, it seems to have little understanding of what drives terrorism, or how to counter it. And, if the recently increasing criticism is correct, the government’s investment in academic terrorism research isn’t helping. It may be because the government is continuing to fund research supporting discredited theories of terrorist radicalization, rather than objective empirical analyses.

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JZ Liszkiewicz: Free Book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

04 Education, Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Jason "JZ" Liszkiewicz
Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

In the process of gathering this information two beliefs that most Americans hold in common became clear:

1) If a child can read, write and compute at a reasonably proficient level, he will be able to do just about anything he wishes, enabling him to control his destiny to the extent that God allows (remain free);

2) Providing such basic educational proficiencies is not and should not be an expensive proposition.

Since most Americans believe the second premise—that providing basic educational proficiencies is not and should not be an expensive proposition—it becomes obvious that it is only a radical agenda, the purpose of which is to change values and attitudes (brainwash), that is the costly agenda. [Emphasis added.]

Amazon Page
Amazon Page


1 THE SOWING OF THE SEEDS: 1 late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

2 THE TURNING OF THE TIDES: 7 early twentieth century


4 THE FOMENTATION 27 of the forties and fifties

5 THE SICK SIXTIES: 55 psychology and skills



Free Book in PDF Form, and More, Below the Fold

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