Journal: Time to ShitCan the FCC and Go Open Spectrum

03 Economy, 04 Education, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Open Government, Politics of Science & Science of Politics, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Standards, Technologies, True Cost

DefDog Recommends...

November 30th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could
potentially engage in one of the largest federal power grabs we have ever

At the FCC’s November meeting – note the coincidental date of choice,
AFTER the impending election – three unelected bureaucrats (of five) could
simply vote themselves rulers of 1/6th of our entire economy – the
information and technology sector.

Meaning the Internet that you currently enjoy – that has been a marvel of
economic and information innovation and success – will be subject to vast
new governmental regulations.  You didn’t elect these people – but they
are on the verge of electing themselves Internet overlords.

November 30th Could Be the Day the Government Seizes Control of the Internet

by Seton Motley

November 30th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could potentially engage in one of the largest federal power grabs we have ever seen.


After two years of this Presidential Administration and this Congress, that is saying an awful lot about an awful lot.

And what’s worse, the FCC would be doing it without Congress weighing in.  At the FCC’s November meeting – note the coincidental date of choice, AFTER the impending election – three unelected bureaucrats (of five) could simply vote themselves rulers of 1/6th of our entire economy – the information and technology sector.

See Also:

Huffington Post Blogs on FCC & Internet

Journal: Banks’ Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers’ Were Hair Stylists, Teens, Walmart Workers–Lawsuit

03 Economy, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corporations, Corruption, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth
Full Story Online

Banks' Foreclosure ‘Robo-Signers' Were Hair Stylists, Teens, Walmart Workers: Lawsuit

NEW YORK (AP, Michelle Conlin) — In an effort to rush through thousands of home foreclosures since 2007, financial institutions and their mortgage servicing departments hired hair stylists, Walmart floor workers and people who had worked on assembly lines and installed them in “foreclosure expert” jobs with no formal training, a Florida lawyer says.

In depositions released Tuesday, many of those workers testified that they barely knew what a mortgage was. Some couldn't define the word “affidavit.” Others didn't know what a complaint was, or even what was meant by personal property. Most troubling, several said they knew they were lying when they signed the foreclosure affidavits and that they agreed with the defense lawyers' accusations about document fraud.

Read full story…

Phi Beta Iota: This just makes us sick–millions of lives–tens of millions of lives–destroyed by criminal misbehavior on  the part of banks, and the government was nowhere to be seen–certainly not looking out for the public interest.

Reference: THE WORLD ORDER A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism with an Emphasis on the Rothschilds and the Central Banks of Europe

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Historic Contributions, History, IO Sense-Making, Misinformation & Propaganda, Money, Banks & Concentrated Wealth, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Free Online (282 Pages)

This one book will explain more history than any other I have ever read.  South Pole Sends.

Phi Beta Iota: The public is starting to do to the Rothschilds, Central Banks, and the Federal Reserve what plane spotters did to CIA rendition flights.  We support truth & reconciliation; we do NOT support revenge or expropriation of illicit assets.   The ill-gotten gains of the Rothschilds and the banks that front for them, notably the Federal Reserve, are a drop in the bucket compared to the infinite wealth that the five billion poor can create if these parasitic “elites” will just get out of the way.  So that is the deal: stay out of the way and keep what you have.  Interfere with the emergence of the global community of informed participatory democracy, and the deal is off.

USA Specific:

Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks

Journal: Mother of All Frauds AFTER 9-11 Mother of All Atrocities–The Information Canivores Begin Circling Wall Street and the Two-Party Tyranny

See Also:

2004 Seagrave (US/FR) Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave on Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold

Journal: $750 Billion Wall Street Scam, Russian Anger, Chinese Intent, We are NOT Making This Up!

Reference: Alternative Views of 9/11–Massive US Financial & Gold Fraud & 240 Billion Covert Fund Against Russia

Reference: US Intelligence & Global Banking

Review: 9-11 Descent into Tyranny–The New World Order’s Dark Plans to Turn Earth into a Prison Planet

Review: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids

Review: Soft Despotism, Democracy’s Drift: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Tocqueville, and the Modern Prospect

Review: The Naked Capitalist

Review: The New Rulers of the World

Review: Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time

Journal: Mother of All Frauds AFTER 9-11 Mother of All Atrocities–The Information Canivores Begin Circling Wall Street and the Two-Party Tyranny

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption

Chuck Spinney Sounds Off

The Foreclosure Game Tricks and Traps in the Fine Print

By RALPH NADER, Counterpunch

This time the big banks and mortgage servicing companies, with their long, one-sided fine print contracts, may have outsmarted themselves. The newspaper headlines and the network television news are blazing news of the erupting fraudulent foreclosure process. This long-overdue coverage is generating public visibility and suddenly hundreds of thousands of foreclosures may be questioned due to what one commentator delicately called “flawed paperwork.”

Ralph Nader

That is a euphemism for fraudulently executed contracts violative of state laws regarding home title changes. Read full article online….

Journal: Fox Finds DoD 9/11 Cover-Up, Forgets that It Started under Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Military

Witnesses in Defense Department Report Suggest Cover-Up of 9/11 Findings. A document obtained and witnesses interviewed by Fox News raise new questions over whether there was an effort by the Defense Department to cover up a pre-9/11 military intelligence program known as “Able Danger.”

At least five witnesses questioned by the Defense Department's Inspector General told Fox News that their statements were distorted by investigators in the final IG's report – or it left out key information, backing up assertions that lead hijacker Mohammed Atta was identified a year before 9/11.

Atta is believed to have been the ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers who piloted American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center. Claims about how early Atta first tripped the radar of the Department of Defense date back to 2005, but those claims never made it into the Inspector General's report. The report was completed in 2006 and, until now, has been available only in a version with the names of virtually all of the witnesses blacked out.

Fox News, as part of an ongoing investigation, exclusively obtained a clean copy of the report and spoke to several principal witnesses, including an intelligence and data collector who asked that she not be named.

No Plane, No Seats, No Bodies, No Luggage....Go Figure...

IBD: Did We Know About Mohamed Atta? Why would the Pentagon buy and destroy copies of a book by a former Army intelligence officer? Could it be perhaps because it contained information on how the 9/11 attacks might have been prevented?

The impulse to dismiss this as just another conspiracy theory is overwhelming. Yet the fact is that the Pentagon bought and destroyed 10,000 copies of a book, “Operation Dark Heart,” written by Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a Bronze Star recipient and career Army intelligence officer, that contained a chapter on a pre-9/11 intelligence operation, Able Danger.

Tip of the Hat to the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO)

Phi Beta Iota: The precision hit allegedly wiped out all the computers holding all the forensic evidence on the missing $2.3. trillion that Rumsfeld was being grilled on the day before, 10 September, by Cynthia McKinney.  One day, between this and the $240 billion “settled” without record, this will be known as the Mother of All Atrocities.

See Also:

Secrecy News Extract: Operation Dark Heart

Review: Operation Dark Heart–Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan — and the Path to Victory

9-11 Truth Books & DVDs (29)

Journal: Palantir, Flush with Cash, Sued for Industrial Espionage and Racketeering

Commerce, Corporations, Corruption, info-graphics/data-visualization, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process

Snapshot of the Case with Links

Palantir according to Palantir: How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade

Palantir: The Next Billion-Dollar Company Raises $90 Million

Hysterical.   Silicon Valley fell for a front job.  Too much money, not enough due diligence.

The Fit or Fat Startup

Nails it.  Limited technology, rotten user interface, dumb current audience will not scale.

Palantir Describes Lucene Searching with a Twist

Locked in to the venerable Java search engine Lucene.  Aw shucks.

I2 Sues Palantir Over Alleged Trade Secrets Theft

In what i2 called a “multiyear scheme of fraud and industrial espionage,” Palantir knowingly used fraudulently obtained software to design new intelligence products that would help Palantir compete directly and…

Court Filing 10 August 2010

One of the most interesting open source information documents in some time….the day will come when the beltway bandits are brought to justice as well, one can only hope that happens before they go bankrupt.

Lawsuit Tracker This Case

Lastest news: court has rejected Palantir's preliminary defense, the RICO charges are sustained.

Journal: Financial War, Expropriation of Assets Next?

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government
Chuck Spinney Sounds Off

Economic historians have long recognized that one of the biggest mistakes deepening and prolonging the Great Depression was the establishment of beggar-thy-neighbour policy wars, like trying to protect domestic production by imposing protective tariffs.  But these tariffs hurt everyone, because the reduction in world trade depressed demand and  production to a greater extent than tariffs protected production.  The US contribution to this debacle was the infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, passed by Congress and signed into law in June 1930.  Smoot-Hawley raised the already high tariffs of the US by an average tariff by 20%.  This prompted retaliatory — i.e., beggar-thy-neighbour — tariff increases in about two dozen other countries, thereby contributing materially to a collapse of world trade by two-thirds between 1930 and 1934 and materially worsening the global depression.  FDR began to reverse course by reducing tariffs in 1934, but the damage was done.  Some  historians have argued that nationalistic beggar-thy-neighbor policies in the Depression's early years contributed to the rise in political extremism in Europe and to a lesser extent in the US.

The information contained in the attached report by Professor Michael Hudson suggests beggar-thy-neighbor policies are again raising their ugly heads.  This time, they are taking the form of the predatory financial policies evolved by the US and its copycats in the Eurozone, who are trying to handoff the pain to each other and others in the world economy.  Whereas Smoot-Hawley related directly to the real economy of production and consumption, and in that sense was at least theoretically related to the well being of the working class, the predatory financing policies described below are both parasitic and speculative.  They benefit an already wealthy financial class that does not produce things.  Moreover, the pattern of speculation described below may be even more dangerous economically, because, it is being financed by the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing policy, which like TARP, has the effect of postponing inevitable asset revaluations (downward) and debt liquidations, thereby feeding a festering cancer that is threatening to metastasize into a full-blown global debt deflation — i.e., a collapse of demand and consumer confidence via a massive repudiation and/or liquidation of debts.

Ominously, like the 1930s, right-wing political extremism is again on the march, but this time that extremism is evolving more rapidly in the US than in Europe.

I urge you to read the attached report carefully and … fasten your seat belts.

October 11, 2010

A CounterPunch Special Report

“Who Needs an Army When You Can Obtain the Usual Objective (Monetary Wealth and Asset Appropriation) Simply by Financial Means?”

Why the U.S. has Launched a New Financial World War — And How the the Rest of the World Will Fight Back

By MICHAEL HUDSON, Counterpunch

Coming events cast their shadows forward.”

– Goethe

What is to stop U.S. banks and their customers from creating $1 trillion, $10 trillion or even $50 trillion on their computer keyboards to buy up all the bonds and stocks in the world, along with all the land and other assets for sale in the hope of making capital gains and pocketing the arbitrage spreads by debt leveraging at less than 1 per cent interest cost? This is the game that is being played today.

Finance is the new form of warfare – without the expense of a military overhead and an occupation against unwilling hosts. It is a competition in credit creation to buy foreign resources, real estate, public and privatized infrastructure, bonds and corporate stock ownership. Who needs an army when you can obtain the usual objective (monetary wealth and asset appropriation) simply by financial means? All that is required is for central banks to accept dollar credit of depreciating international value in payment for local assets. Victory promises to go to whatever economy’s banking system can create the most credit, using an army of computer keyboards to appropriate the world’s resources. The key is to persuade foreign central banks to accept this electronic credit.

Read Entire Article Online….

Phi Beta Iota: The obvious global response could be–should be–the immediate nationalization and expropriation of all US corporate “assets” derived from a history of predatory capitalism in the context of virtual colonialism and unilateral militarism.  This means that the US stock market will crash again.  It could mean that domestically the US could begin to see local movement expropriating land from absentee landlords such as the mega-agriculture companies that have destroyed agriculture, communities, and the land.  These are interesting times.  Washington is operating on 2% of the relevant information, lacks integrity, and has zero focus on “the public interest.”

See Also:

Journal: Five Myths Debunked–Treasury Run by Crooks