Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009

09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Reform
Robert Steele
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference

New York City, 13 September 2009, 1400-1430 EST

Planned Remarks for Robert David STEELE Vivas

9/11 discussion was yesterday, it is however central to today’s reflections

9/11 was about predatory economics, failed intelligence, and zero transparency

I only have 30 minutes to speak, but I can stay for an hour after that on the side

I’m going to cover three areas briefly.

First, my take on 9/11, partly as published in my second book, partly new stuff

Second, my take on what is happening right now between Wall Street and Washington

Third, my take on what you can do about it using legal, ethical intelligence sources & methods Continue reading “Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009”

Event Report: 9 Sep 09 GMU N Va Economic Liberty Series

Budgets & Funding, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Policies, Reform, True Cost Meme
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Mr. Rockwell is a very gracious and well-spoken person.  He delivered a prepared speech that will be posted online by the Ludwig von Mises Institute at some point.  Our bottom line up front: the hard-core Libertarians are a one-trick-pony with an obsessive focus on one thing and one thing only: all against the State.  Sadly, despite a great deal of hand waving about Austrian economists, there is not much in the way of economic reflection visible, and the gentlemen was specifically unable to address a question about a natural alliance between the Libertarians armed with scarcity-centered Austrian economics, and the Greens, armed with Ecological Economics, Natural Capitalism, and “true cost” accounting; nor was he able to engage with a subsequent question on a natural alliance with those interested in Evolutionary Living.

Mr. Rockwell, who served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Ron Paul and is now Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute at a time when it is experiencing extraordinary growth and drawing a great deal of attention, sought to do several things with his planned remarks:

Continue reading “Event Report: 9 Sep 09 GMU N Va Economic Liberty Series”

Journal: Obama Fires the One Authentic Person on His Team

Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Van Jones
Van Jones

Van Jones is authentic.  He was fired as a convenience by the white-half of Barack Obama, the half that is slicker than goose shit on a hot day.  The black half of Obama, the authentic half that “would no more renounce Reverend Wright than my own mother,” that half has been bought off and silenced.

Continue reading “Journal: Obama Fires the One Authentic Person on His Team”

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights Labor Day in a Kleptocracy

07 Health, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Reform
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

Where have All the broad Shoulders Gone? Or, Labor Day in a Kleptocracy

posted by Juan Cole
Sept 7, 2009
The unemployment rate as I write is inching toward 10 percent nationally, and that is only counting people who were still looking for a job recently. A vast bank robbery by the corrupt on Wall Street has deprived them of the credit that made the economy go. Labor Day was passed by Congress under Grover Cleveland to celebrate not only the individual American laborer but the labor movement– yes, unions, workers' parades, hard hats and blue jeans (before the youth movement of the 1960s appropriated them, blue jeans were working class clothing, and my working class relatives upbraided me for wearing them as an undergraduate). It is to celebrate all those icons that shills for the barracuda billionaires, such as Glenn Beck, now castigate as “fascist” and “communist.” It is to celebrate what Carl Sandberg did in his poem, “Chicago:”
Hog Butcher for the World,
Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat,
Player with Railroads and the Nation's Freight Handler;
Stormy, husky, brawling,
City of the Big Shoulders;
And of course, the home-makers and retail workers who move the manufactured goods and the teachers are all doing the hard foundational work as well.
Who is not working are the Wall Street thieves who have largely gone unpunished or been actively rewarded for their peculation.
Now Americans have convinced themselves that we don't have a working class. Everybody is middle class, even those who make minimum wage in the fast food industry, or those who are kept as part-timers so that the store (I'm looking at you, Walmart) doesn't have to enroll them in a health care program.