Berto Jongman: Afghanistan For Real: This Is What Winning Looks Like — Article, Full Length Movie Online, and Book

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Media, Military, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

This Is What Winning Looks Like – Full Length



This Is What Winning Looks Like

My Afghanistan War Diary


Amazon Page
Amazon Page

By Ben Anderson

I didn’t plan on spending six years covering the war in Afghanistan. I went there in 2007 to make a film about the vicious fighting between undermanned, underequipped British forces and the Taliban in Helmand, Afghanistan’s most violent province. But I became obsessed with what I witnessed there—how different it was from the conflict’s portrayal in the media and in official government statements.

. . . . . . .

In February 2013, on his last day at the helm of NATO forces in Afghanistan, General John R. Allen described what he thought the war’s legacy will be: ‘‘Afghan forces defending Afghan people and enabling the government of this country to serve its citizens. This is victory, this is what winning looks like, and we should not shrink from using these words.’’ 


The US and British forces are preparing to leave Afghanistan for good (officially, by the end of 2014), and my time in the country over the last six years has convinced me that our legacy will be the exact opposite of what Allen posits—not a stable Afghanistan, but one at war with itself yet again. Here are a few encapsulated snapshots of what I’ve seen and what we’re leaving behind.

Read full article.

Chuck Spinney: Wanna Bomb Iran?: No Worries — Think Fukushima X 10 — Good-Bye Dubai, End of Gulf States — With Compelling Graphics

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 05 Iran, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

It is a brutal fact that no country benefited more from war during in the 2oth Century than the United States. World War I enriched and invigorated the US economy, and the self destruction of the 19th Century European state system left the US as the world's mightiest industrial power.  World War II ended the Great Depression, put the US on a pathway to unparalleled world military power, and set the stage a long economic boom that created a rich middle class that, not withstanding its recent hardening of the arteries, remains unprecedented in world history.  Pearl Harbour excepted, neither war visited any significant destruction on the American homeland.

While we think of war in terms of our sacrifices, it may surprise readers to learn that the United States suffered fewer military deaths in WWII than Yugoslavia, an allied country not usually thought of in the NASCAR mentality of the United States as being a major player that war. In fact, hundreds of millions of people — mostly civilians — died in the wars (and their aftermath) of the 20th Century, while the United States in comparison paid a relatively minor price in lives lost and a vanishingly small price in terms of material destruction wrought at home.

Indeed the most traumatic material destruction and highest number of civilian deaths suffered on the US mainland since the dawn of the unprecedented state violence of the 20th Century were caused by the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September of 2001 (the nearby NYSE was closed for only a week and the Pentagon never shut down).  While horrific and psychologically devastating in themselves, these attacks were a horrendous crime, not an act of war.

Moreover, when viewed in the grand sweep of the preceding 100 years, the material and human destruction of 9-11 was pinprick compared to that visited on the trenches in Flanders, the Somme, and Verdun, the cities of Nanking and Warsaw, London and Coventry, Hamburg and Berlin and Dresden,  Leningrad and Stalingrad and Minsk, or in the fire bombing raids on  Tokyo, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the now forgotten destruction of every city in North Korea, of millions of civilians killed by bombing (and sanctions) in North Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan.  Even casual readers of history know this summary just scratches the surface of carnage wrought by 20 Century warfare — carnage which, by the grace of good fortune, pretty much bypassed the people and land of the United States.  Perhaps some American even think this good fortune is a kind of entitlement.  Is it not surprising that President Bush's call on the American people to keep consuming and living the good life when he asked Congress to authorize a global war of terror in our national response to the crime of 9-11 was so well received?

None of these facts denigrates the bravery and sacrifice of the American soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen who fought and died in the wars of the last 100 years, but they are facts nevertheless, and they provide a backdrop against which the strength our national character is measured by others.

Nor should we be surprised, given this history of good fortune, that many leaders and opinion makers in America, especially strategic wannabees like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina or the armchair strategists in the Heritage Foundation (which receives a lot of grant money from arms merchants who benefit from war), treat war as a cavalier endeavor.  Nothing typifies this cavalier attitude so much today as the loose talk about bombing Iran's nuclear reactors (unless it be an intervention in Syria).  The attached essay puts this kind of warmongering talk into a perspective appropriate to those who, unlike most Americans during the 20th Century, would be on the receiving end of such an attack.

Chuck Spinney

Good-bye Dubai? 

Bombing Iran’’s Nuclear Facilities Would Leave the Entire Gulf States Region Virtually Uninhabitable

By Wade Stone

Global Research, May 11, 2013

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Jim Dean: Syria — Deception & Disaster — Time for Truth or Consequences

Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Military
Jim W. Dean
Jim W. Dean

Syria – Deception and Cover for Disaster

US  sinking down into the Syrian quicksand

“…I think it [intervention] is a mistake in Syria, even if we had intervened more significantly a year or six months ago. We overestimate our ability to determine outcomes.”  …former Secretary of Defence, Robert Gates

America sank down another foot this week into the Syrian quicksand. Israel is putting the next stage of the conflict’s tactics on display, not only to the world but to the Syrian military with its last two strikes.

As the rebel assault has ground to a halt, and the superior manpower of the Syrian army having shown it can conduct search and clear operations, the Free Syrian army is in a war of attrition it cannot win.

It is much easier to recruit when you are winning and casualties not too bad than when the tide turns to stalemate and losing ground.

The al-Nusra Front has been bleeding fighters away from the FSA. They are paying better and the AN brigades now have access to weapons the FSA does not. The al-Nusras had strategically focused on key infrastructure acquisition including some of the oil revenue prizes. Win or lose, Assad or no Assad, or even with a negotiated settlement, they aren’t leaving.

Complete article with photographs below the line.

Continue reading “Jim Dean: Syria — Deception & Disaster — Time for Truth or Consequences”

Berto Jongman: 3 Iranian Sponsored Attacks in USA including a Mumbia Hotel-Type Attack — Iranian Exile, CIA, or NeoCon Disinformation as Prelude to Another False Flag?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Source strongly suspected of being a front for Iranian exiles trying to give Iran a black eye and neocons a reason to press for US attack on Iran.

Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S.

Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah

Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned.

A full report with many details of the missions has been passed on to U.S. officials.

Three targets have been chosen within America for imminent attack, and the terror teams have now cut communications with the operational center in Iran, a sign that they are moving ahead with the attacks, according to a high-level intelligence officer within the Islamic regime.

If only one of the attacks occurs, the regime will consider the operation a success, the source said. Tehran believes, he said, an attack would not be traced back to Iran due to the nationalities of the operators.

Read full article with video.

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Chuck Spinney: Syria, Regional War, and Turkey — Let the Ethnic Cleansing Begin!

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Misinformation & Propaganda
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

This email builds on the information in my 8 May email entitled, The Real Scare in Syria Is Not Chemical Weapons.”  Attached below is a post from Joshua Landis’s Syria Comment blog.  Landis is a professor at the University of Oklahoma and a specialist on Syria — his blog often provides useful, insightful information.

Particularly important, IMO, are Landis’ comments relating the conflict in this region to its spillover effects into Turkey (for more background see also: “Will Syria’s Revolt Disrupt the Turkish Borderlands?.”

Spillover is a very serious issue, because the Turkish province just north of the map below, Hatay Province, used to be part of Syria — it was in effect ceded to Turkey by France (and the UK and the League of Nation) in the late 1939s as part of a subtle deal to elicit Turkey’s neutral if they became involved in a war with Germany (WWII) — a promise Turkey kept.

chuck mapThe map herewith shows where Hatay is located:

Landis' comments, among other things, highlights some of the forces sucking Turkey may  further into the Syrian quagmire.  Note text marked in red below are my comments.  The first half of this essay is a summary of Landis’ personal views on the situation in Levantine Syria, the second half is a series of essays outlining reasons why the US should not intervene militarily.

Chuck Spinney

Do the Massacres in Bayda and Banyas Portend Ethnic Cleansing to Create an Alawite State?

by Joshua Landis, Syria Comment, May 13, 2013

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Syria, Regional War, and Turkey — Let the Ethnic Cleansing Begin!”

4th Media (Wayne Madsen): USA-CIA-Soros-NeoCons vs Russia in Caucasus

06 Russia, IO Deeds of War
Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen

The Other Tsarnaevs in Waiting: The US CIA, Soros NGOs, & the Neocon- Salafist Interference in Russia, China, Sudan, …


It is clear that Jamestown and its CIA bosses are stoking Salafist radicalism in Russia in the same manner as the CIA’s «Al Qaeda» spurred the radical revolts that led to the ouster of Muammar Qaddafi in Libya and that are currently attempting to oust Bashar al-Assad in Syria. Jamestown has also called for Russia to accept thousands of Circassian refugees from Syria into the North Caucasus, clearly an attempt to infiltrate additional «Al Qaeda» elements into the volatile region.

One goal of the neo-cons and Salafists is the creation of a Commission of Inquiry led by a globalist – Zionist South African Judge Richard Goldstone has been mentioned as a possibility – to investigate human rights abuses in Chechnya. Of course, the end game is to seek International Criminal Court (ICC) indictments against Chechen and Russian government officials.

Read full article.

Sheila Casey: Photographic Essay on False Flag Theater — Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage + Boston False Flag Meta-RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media
Sheila Casey

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage

 “Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?”Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.

 By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon bombing is of Chechen terrorists who unleashed weapons of mass destruction, killing four and wounding 264 in an unthinkable scene of “bodies flying into the street”, “so many people without legs” and “blood everywhere.”

Everyone ignores the man who just lost his legs.
Everyone ignores the man who just lost his legs.

A massive police response followed, with 9,000 federal, state, FBI and Department of Homeland Security troops conducting door-to-door searches to find and subdue the “armed and extremely dangerous” suspects. Cops unceremoniously ousted residents from their homes to set up impromptu battle stations, and one aimed a gun at a resident who was snapping his picture from a window.

For the vast majority of the American population, this is the truth and they feel no need to look further. Yet those who are willing to question the narrative we’ve been sold and take a hard look behind the curtain may be in for a surprise. Based on the video and photo record, it seems clear that the lead actor in this production—the most grievously wounded, as well as the man who fingered Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as the bomber—was faking his injuries, as were most of those allegedly hurt by the first bomb.  We were told his name is Jeff Bauman, but since that can’t be verified and his survival is unbelievable to the point of being miraculous, we’ll simply call him Miracle Man.

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