Robert Steele: True Cost of War a Hot Topic Within Pentagon? Plus 5 Steps to Peace with Iran and More Politico Idiocy on North Korea

Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

As Theresa May loses battle of Britain, West Coast oligarchs sue for peace

ROBERT STEELE: Benjamin Fulford's weekly report, a $11/month subscription, is absolutely recommended to one and all. This week's report sets the stage for multiple announcements by the President between now and the 4th of July, when he will start campaigning in earnest.

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Caitlin Johnstone: Twitter Discloses True Cost of War with First-Person Veteran Tales of Gut-Wrenching Truth About Wounds and Veteran Administration Treason

03 Economy, 04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

The US Army Asked Twitter How Service Has Impacted People. The Answers Were Gut-Wrenching.

After posting a video of a young recruit talking to the camera about how service allows him to better himself “as a man and a warrior”, the US Army tweeted, “How has serving impacted you?”

As of this writing, the post has over 5,300 responses. Most of them are heartbreaking.

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Zero Hedge: Disclosure Declassification Begins — Trump Empowers Barr over FBI, CIA

04 Inter-State Conflict, 06 Russia, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Trump Orders FBI, CIA To “Fully Cooperate” With Barr; Grants “Full And Complete Authority To Declassify”

President Trump on Thursday announced that he has directed the US intelligence community to “quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General's investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election,” adding that Attorney General William Barr has been given “complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation.

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Yoda: Thierry Meyssan on Venezuela, Iran: Trump and the Deep State Robert Steele on Why Trump Merits Re-Election

05 Iran, 06 Russia, 07 Venezuela, 08 Wild Cards, Ethics, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Brilliant analysis. Rigged system all around.

Venezuela, Iran: Trump and the deep state

Thierry Meyssan

The US Press is spreading a false narrative of the events in Venezuela and the rise of tension between Washington and Teheran. Given the contradictory declarations of both sides, it is almost impossible to discern the truth. After having checked the facts, we need to deepen our analysis and take into account the opposition between the different political currents in these countries.

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Penguin: #GoogleGestapo #UNRIG American Spy State Timeline & Commentary on Patent Fraud, Mass Surveillance, and Full Integration of Facebook, Google, Et Al with CIA and NSA…

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Officers Call

Michael McKibben, developer of the original concept for social media, and still fighting the theft of his intellectual property by Facebook from Leader Technologies, appears to be the primary author of this report. The two graphics are extracted to provide a sense of the report's importance.

Executive Orders & James P. Chandler Graphic Below the Fold