Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…

04 Education, 06 Family, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Hacking, Mobile
Howard Rheingold

Brown Alumni Magazine – Friending Your Child

“In November 2009, boyd traveled to New York City to deliver what she expected to be a major address at the Web 2.0 Expo, one of the year’s most important gatherings of Internet professionals. Her topic was what she terms “living in the stream,” or how not to drown in the flood of information that comes at us all the time. Teens, she believes, are especially good at this. The most web-savvy of them manage to stay open to all the digital stuff without having to process everything. They take what they can handle and remain untroubled that much may elude their grasp. It’s a kind of cyber-Zen. “The goal is . . . to be peripherally aware of information as it flows by, grabbing it at the right moment, when it is most relevant and valuable, entertaining or insightful,” she said at the Expo. “It is about a sense of alignment, of being aligned with information.” She talked about the high some Twitter users get “feeling as though they are living and breathing with the world around them, peripherally aware and in tune, adding content to the stream and grabbing it when appropriate.””

Continue reading “Howard Rheingold: Your Child Will Be Fine – They Live in the Stream…”

Eagle: Overwhelming PublicDemand for Weapons Stresses Production

03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
300 Million Talons...

Overwhelming Demand: Ruger Suspends All New Firearms Orders: “Incoming Order Rate Exceeds Our Capacity to Rapidly Fulfill These Orders”

Rob Richards, 22 March 2012

Editor’s Note: Amid a host of concerns that include, but are not limited to, rising crime, a lack of law enforcement during a crisis such as an economic collapse and, most notably, the potential re-election of President Barack Obama for another four years, Americans are stocking up on firearms and ammunition like never before. Last year alone we saw sales of guns in the United States exceed 10,000,000, and according to a recent report some three million Americans are among those preparing for worst case scenarios.

They are purchasing supplies that include self defense armaments, long-term food storage, and off-grid survival tools. Demand is so high for these essential “post-collapse” survival commodities that in December of 2010 it prompted Mountain House, the largest freeze dried food manufacturer in the world, to delay orders for months at a time. Now, similar to the ammunition shortages leading up to the 2008 Presidential election, Americans are increasingly worried about what may happen to their Second Amendment rights under another Obama term.  This has, once again, led to unprecedented demand. Ammunition shortages in popular calibers, for example, have been reported by numerous sources. Likewise, overwhelming demand for firearms has forced one of the world’s largest gun manufacturers to suspend all new firearms production orders because they simply cannot keep up.

Effective Immediately Ruger has stopped accepting Firearms Orders. The Company says that they have had to temporarily suspend the acceptance of new orders after receiving requests for more than one million units.

Here is the Official Statement form Ruger:

SOUTHPORT, CT –Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR), announced today that for the first quarter 2012, the Company has received orders for more than one million units. Therefore, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.

Chief Executive Officer Michael O. Fifer made the following comments:

  • The Company’s Retailer Programs that were offered from January 1, 2012 through February 29, 2012 were very successful and generated significant orders from retailers to independent wholesale distributors for Ruger firearms.
  • Year-to-date, the independent wholesale distributors placed orders with the Company for more than one million Ruger firearms.
  • Despite the Company’s continuing successful efforts to increase production rates, the incoming order rate exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders. Consequently, the Company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.
  • The Company expects to resume the normal acceptance of orders by the end of May 2012.

In the Rise of the Prepper article, we warned that with Guns, Gold and Emergency Food all setting record sales numbers we will likely see major shortages hit the marketplace. As people begin to stock up on preparedness related items in response to the coming election cycle, we will likely see nationwide shortages similar to what happened during the elections in 2008. I fear this is only the beginning.

Koko: 22% US Children in Poverty… + Poverty RECAP

01 Poverty, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society

Koko sign: Sad.

As seniors climb from poverty, young fall in

By Marisol Bello

USA TODAY, 15 February 2012


Nationally, official Census numbers show 9% of seniors in poverty. Among children, 22% — 15.6 million — live in poverty.

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A 2011 analysis by the Urban Institute, a public policy and research center, found public spending per child was $11,300 over the course of a year. The spending included federal and state programs for education, health such as Medicaid and nutrition, social services and housing. The report said some of those programs are being cut as states wrestle with dwindling budgets. By comparison, public spending on seniors was about $24,800 per person, mostly in federal funding for Social Security and Medicare.

Read full story.

Phi Beta Iota:  The US Budget is not based on a coherent strategic model, on a national strategy, or even on any fundamentals such as save the children, preserve the water.  How a nation treats its children can be a reasonable predictor of the future of that nation.

See Also:

Continue reading “Koko: 22% US Children in Poverty… + Poverty RECAP”

DefDog: Obama Outflups Romney, Loses Election?

06 Family, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency

A Battle the President Can't Win

His decision on Catholic charities makes Romney's big gaffe look trivial.

What a faux pas, how inept, how removed from the essential realities of America. Yes, I'm referring to President Obama. But let's do Mitt Romney first.

. . . . . .


But the big political news of the week isn't Mr. Romney's gaffe, or even his victory in Florida. The big story took place in Washington. That's where a bomb went off that not many in the political class heard, or understood.

But President Obama just may have lost the election.

The president signed off on a Health and Human Services ruling that says that under ObamaCare, Catholic institutions—including charities, hospitals and schools—will be required by law, for the first time ever, to provide and pay for insurance coverage that includes contraceptives, abortion-inducing drugs and sterilization procedures. If they do not, they will face ruinous fines in the millions of dollars. Or they can always go out of business.

In other words, the Catholic Church was told this week that its institutions can't be Catholic anymore.

Read full article.

Mini-Me: Farmers File Suit Against Montanto…What Next?

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society

The system is “out of control” because corruption has put so much sand in the gears as to make nature grind to a halt in pain.  Seeds that commit suicide is a man-made threat to humanity.

The non-violent antidote to this tsunami of corruption across all forms of organization (including “think tanks” that are nothing more than intellectual prostitutes, and media “empires” that use news holes to anchor weapons of mass deception) is Open-Source Everything.  Transparency, Truth, & Trust.  From local to global, humanity needs to begin the Long March that begins with rejecting all goods, services, and regulations that are crimes against humanity.  We do that with True Cost Economics, total Transparency, and individual virtue: do not buy crap from evil doers.  It will take 25 years to undo the damage that has been done to the Republic.  2012 is an opportunity to achieve electoral reform sufficient to take the White House and create a swing vote center in both houses of Congress.  Open Seeds and Open Government and Open Society are one public away.

Farmers Issue Lawsuit Against Monsanto for Widespread Genetic Manipulation

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Farmers are taking a stand against Monsanto, launching a landmark lawsuit against the mega corporation for widespread genetic contamination.

The farmers are concerned that Monsanto’s aggressive agenda to genetically alter the planet will ultimately result in a severe threat to the organic integrity of farms worldwide. It is not hard to believe that many ‘organic’ farms have already been contaminated with GMO crops, as nearly 93% of soybeans are now admittedly genetically modified.

The Public Patent Foundation originally filed the lawsuit in March of 2011  in a case known as Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) et al v. Monsanto.

The organization launched the suit in the name of the very individuals and organizations threatened by Monsanto’s widespread GMO crops: family farmers, farming organizations, and seed businesses.

The intent of the case is to dispute Monsanto’s patents on GMO seeds and ultimately safeguard farmers from Monsanto’s own vicious lawsuits.

In fact, between 1997 and 2010, Monsanto actually filed 144 lawsuits against American family farmers. In addition, another 700 were settled out of court for unknown amounts. Monsanto has an agenda to take out American family farms and dominate the agricultural industry with their own mutant seeds. This is the same kind of practice that Monsanto operates outside of the United States as well, driving thousands of poor farmers to suicide by ruining their family farming practices.

The first phase of the case began yesterday on January 31, 2012.  More than 50 farmers and plaintiffs have gone to Manhattan to listen to verbal debates surrounding Monsanto’s attempts to dismiss the lawsuit.

You can take action now by voicing your opposition to Monsanto and their corrupt practices. Your submissions are reportedly to be shared with farmers around the globe who will ultimately play a vital role in the determination of whether or not Monsanto will be able to continue its mass manipulation of the food supply.

See original article and more sources.

Mini-Me: Army of Unemployed Persistent Structural Issue

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Budgets & Funding, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, DoD, Ethics, Government, Legislation, Methods & Process, Military, Policy, Reform
Who? Mini-Me?

Army of unemployed is now entrenched in U.S.

Commentary: Structural woes in economy creating ‘permanent underclass’

Howard Gold

Wall Street Journal, 14 October 2011

The public knew this much earlier than economists or pundits did, and as for politicians — don’t ask!

. . . . .

Listen to Charles Plosser, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, in a speech a couple of weeks ago.

“These numbers are troubling, especially when more than 40% of the unemployed, or some six million people, have been out of work for 27 weeks or longer,” he said.

“Millions of unemployed workers may take longer to find jobs because their skills have depreciated or they may need to seek employment in other sectors. These structural issues will take time to resolve. Jobs and workers will need to be reallocated across the economy, which is a long and slow process.”

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  The US Government is in grid-lock, with 1950's mind-sets, 1970's technologies, and 1990's spendthrift ways–in other words, it is completely out of touch with reality and has no idea how to cope with the need to retrain a quarter of the population across all age groups in a year or two.  Hint:  bail out the public, not the banks and certainly not the multiple complexes of corruption.  Start by using military to ingest the entire unemployed population into receiving and retraining centers with full salary for each individual committing to retraining.

See Also:

Read Howard Gold’s analysis “White-Collar Recession, Blue-Collar Depression” on

Marcus Aurelius: Romney Slams Obama, Postures At VMI

02 China, 06 Family, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
Marcus Aurelius

Romney Criticizes Obama at Military College

This morning, Mitt Romney used his foreign policy address at the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina to criticize what he called the Obama administration's “feckless policies of the last three years.”

“I believe we are an exceptional country with a unique destiny and role in the world,” Romney said, with an audience of cadets sitting behind him. “Not exceptional, as the president has derisively said, in the way that the British think Great Britain is exceptional or the Greeks think Greece is exceptional. In Barack Obama’s profoundly mistaken view, there is nothing unique about the United States.”

Romney criticized the president on cutting the defense budget, as well. “I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts,” he said. “I will begin reversing Obama-era cuts to national missile defense and prioritize the full deployment of a multilayered national ballistic missile defense system.”

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: Romney Slams Obama, Postures At VMI”