Richard Wright: More on CIA’s Continuing Implosion

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, Articles & Chapters, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, Government, Methods & Process, Movies, Waste (materials, food, etc)
Richard Wright

26 November 2011


Not surprisingly your feelings about CIA [Robert Steele: Iran Arrests Twelve CIA Agents] have been echoed by Bob Baer whose principal area of operations was the Levant. As in this ABC interview: Former CIA Agent: U.S. Has Lost Its Spy Mojo  [includes short video]

“But former senior CIA officer Robert Baer told ABC News this week that the loss of assets was more than a mere setback, and not an isolated incident but part of a disturbing pattern.

“When you lose your entire station, either in Tehran or Beirut, that's a catastrophe,” said Bob Baer, a legendary CIA agent whose Middle East exploits were fictionalized in the George Clooney film “Syriana.” Baer said the disaster was due in part to a new generation of agents that has forgotten, or never learned, the traditional methods of intelligence gathering.

  “They don't understand tradecraft,” Baer said. “And we have lost our touch in espionage.”” (Emphasis mine)

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Howard Rheingold: From ME Consumer to WE Community – The Collaborative Consumption Revolution

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process, Movies, Policies, Reform
Howard Rheingold

Lauren Anderson: the “We” of the our collaborative age will replace the “Me” of the industrial age

“Is this shift from the Me to the We as significant as the industrial revolution? And should we welcome this revolution with, so to speak, open arms?”

Lauren Anderson is the Innovation Director for Collaborative Lab, interviewed here by Andrew Keen:

Host Page for Video

As originally posted by Michel Bauwens.

David Brin: Ignorance, Greed & Ideology Killing Us All

Academia, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Commerce, Cultural Intelligence, Politics of Science & Science of Politics
David Brin

How Ignorance, Greed and Ideology Are Warping Science and Hurting Democracy

Julian Brookes

Rolling Stone Politics, 15 November 2011

“Whenever the people are well informed” an optimistic Thomas Jefferson wrote, “they can be trusted with their own government.” Sure – but what if the people have no clue? 

Most of the big challenges facing America and the world today – from climate change to disease to population growth – revolve around science and technology. If we – We, the People – are going to make smart decisions on what to do about these problems, we need to have at least a rough understanding of the basic science involved. Problem is, we don't.

As science writer Shawn Lawrence Otto points out in a tough-minded new book, Fool Me Twice: Fighting the Assault on Science in America, too many Americans are either plain ignorant of science or actively hostile to it, or both.

Read more.

Jon Lebkowsky: God, Cosmos, Science, & Singularity

Blog Wisdom
Jon Lebkowsky

Holy orbit

Aleksandra Mir collage via The Daily Beast. Blake Gopnik says “…when you think about it, a satellite and Jesus really do fit together in interesting ways. The cosmos has always had some place in our religious thought – we think of God as superlunary.”

TEDxBrussels – Peter Cochrane – Not HAL900

Pete Cochrane at TedX Brussels, speaking on the requirements for intelligence, entropy, singularity, the Internet and evolution. “Are we going to be smart enough to recognize new intelligences and new life forms when they spontaneously erupt on the Internet?”


Owl: NORTHCOM Invading USA with Shock Troops?

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call
Who? Who?

After today’s column by Justin Raimondo, in “Notes in the Margin,” he recounts some unusual happenings regarding a soldier policeman charged with espionage. But the story gets much stranger with the mention of the Northcomm connection during the recent US Emergency Alert System testing.

Raimondo’s says:

“The strange case of Army Specialist William Millay, a 22-year-old military policeman from Owensboro, Ky., continues to mystify. Millay was arrested and charged with espionage, but the military and the DOJ are keeping their cards pretty close: reports indicate he gave military secrets to a “foreign power,” but the country is not specified. Now we learn that he was nabbed because of emails scooped up by NSA snoops that warned his mother to “prepare for the end of the world.” Associated Content reports:

“Millay had growing concerns over a massive military buildup of NorthCom. This buildup is said to include troops and equipment being shipped in from Afghanistan, Japan and South Korea through the Alaskan base and then to “staging areas” in the US. NorthCom was created on October 1, 2002 after 9/11. NorthCom is charged with protecting the United States homeland in support of local, state, and federal authorities. This support is limited by the Posse Comitatus Act . AFNORTH would take charge of the situation or event in the case of national emergencies, natural or man-made.

“Specialist Millay believed that the redeployment of these tens of thousands of US troops to America was “somehow” related to the November 9 testing of the United States Emergency Alert System (EAS) that is occurring “coincidentally” with a vast number of disaster drills and exercises being planned for the same time period.”

Does Alex Jones know about this?”


See Also:

Strange case of Kentucky soldier charged with espionage

Strange Case of Kentucky Soldier Charged with Espionage (alternate)

Joint military/homeland security defense exercise underway

Vigilant Shield Tests Homeland Defense Processes

NIGHTWATCH on Pakistan-US-Who Knows What

03 India, 05 Iran, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Blog Wisdom

Pakistan-US: Special comment. This week, the Pakistani ambassador to the US submitted his resignation for his involvement as a conduit for conveying a politically explosive memorandum from Pakistani President Zardari to Admiral Mullen, when he was US Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Washington Post published the text of the memo whose authenticity, on a prima facie basis, is established by the ambassador's request to resign.

Continue reading “NIGHTWATCH on Pakistan-US-Who Knows What”