REPORT (PDF 27 Pages)
Identifying and Structuring the Objectives of Terrorists
by Gregory L. Keeney and Detlof von Winterfeldt
Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, August 2009
Phi Beta Iota: The report is interesting, and provides a useful methodology for approaching the relationship between intangible values and tangible manifestations, but it has one major flaw: it does not provide for the reality that expelling dictators and the US from the Middle East might be related to actually seeking to create a prosperous Middle East at peace. Because of that flaw, the report also fails to point out that the best strategy against Al Qaeda is NOT to try to hunt down individual Al Qaeda members, but rather to pull out of the Middle East, stop supporting dictators (and Israel) and begin waging peace at one third the cost of war. One should not throw stones when one lives in a glass house. The USA today is a glass house on a sand foundation.