Journal: Opinion on the Failure of “The System”

10 Security, Government, Methods & Process

Phi Beta Iota: From an individual who trained many of the NCTC analysts, is fully familiar with the database mess as well as the management mind-sets, and wishes to see America get the best value for its $75 billion a year.  We have added emphasis (bold) to the two paragraphs below.

18 January 2010

The New York Times article provides yet more evidence that the U.S. Intelligence System is indeed broken.  Now although such experienced experts as J. Briggs and Herb Meyer dislike thinking in terms of a ‘system’ I think it is a useful concept. In this case the Time’s article focuses on how this system did or did not operate in the specific case of the underwear bomber, Umar (Omar) Farouk Abdul Mutallab (how many analysts are aware that as transliterated from Arabic script his name can be spelled several ways).

Based on the evidence from the article, the U.S. Counter-Terrorism Intelligence effort consists of the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) in the ODNI, CIA’s Counter Terrorism Center (CTC) and an NSA Counter-Terrorism Office. The article argues that senior U.S. Government Officials failed to note, what in retrospect, were obvious warning signs of a possible al Qaeda threat to the U.S. homeland. The thrust of the article however is that working level analysts at the NCTC failed to “connect the dots” and that this failure was mirrored by CTC analysts at CIA.

The apparent basic failure lay in a false assumption by both Centers that al Qaeda was incapable of mounting sophisticated or carefully planned attacks. Although the assumption was without bases it was and probably still is accepted as fact by analysts in both Centers. This reminds one of “the Japanese lack the technical capability and training to attack Pearl Harbor” another false assumption that had disastrous consequences.

This erroneous assumption was compounded by failures of research and analysis by the analytic staff of NCTC. These failures were facilitated by what must be the most absurd organizational structure in the history of intelligence analysis. One group of some 24 analysts at NCTC are assigned as “watch list analysts”, whose job apparently is to maintain lists of names kept in several data bases including one with a reported 500,000 names. This group apparently did not interact with a second group of 300 ‘all source analysts’ whose job apparently is to sift through all available evidence to identify and asses threats to U.S. Security whether from individuals or generic, that is to connect the dots. They completely failed to do this. In the article individuals in both groups are called analysts or ‘specialist’ and are assumed to be CT experts. In point of fact when the NCTC opened this was not the case and is probably not the case now. It is an article of faith among senior intelligence officials that all analysts are the same and are interchangeable as long as they have the title of analyst. This is of course nonsense and causes unqualified people, including contractors, to be placed in sensitive analytic positions that are really beyond there abilities.

Contributing to this failure is the inexcusable fact reported in the article that of the some 80 data bases available to these analysts many are hard to use, there are apparently no relational data bases, and clearly no one has any training in the art of information retrieval and management.

Finally if one reads between the lines there were clearly multiple failures of technical leadership across the board so that managerial incompetence could not be corrected at the working level.

So when President Obama referred to a “systemic failure” he was right. The U.S. Intelligence System failed because its human sub-system (analysts) failed; its information management systems failed; and its frontline leadership sub-system failed.  Its management sub-system did not fail because it was not operable in the first place.

So what will come of all this? My guess is that even more unqualified or under-qualified analysts will be ‘surged’ to NCTC and CTC, more expensive and ill designed information systems will be added to those already there, and a host of bogus statistics will be dredged up to prove that both centers actually work perfectly.  And of course cash bonuses for all hands to prove what a good job they actually did.

See also:   Journal: Why Intelligence Keeps Failing

Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

Journal: CIA’s Poor Tradecraft AND Poor Management

Journal: Director of National Intelligence Alleges….

Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines

08 Wild Cards, Geospatial, Government, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process, Military, Reform, Strategy, Technologies

Taliban Overhaul Their Image In Bid To Win Allies

Phi Beta Iota: We've known since 9/11 that the asymmetric war is also marked by an asymmetric excellence in public relations, propaganda and perception management–not only do our opponents spend $1 for every $500,000 to $5 million that we spend, but they are better at this than we are.  The USA is spending billions (low billions) on Information Operations (IO) and Strategic Communications, and still has no idea how to do it in languages we still do not speak, from a moral base we still do not have in the context of a Grand Strategy that does not exist because we have a secret intelligence world that is incapable of thinking broadly and deeply or giving the President and the Secretary of Defense what they NEED to know rather than what our expensive ignorant technical systems make possible to give.  We are SO reminded of Catholic Mandarin Ngo Dinh Diem in Viet-Nam with his murderous sister Madame Nhu (Karzai's Brother….), only this time you have drugs, religion, and no competent Afghan military we can pretend we are supporting.  A reprise of Dereliction of Duty: Johnson, McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam?

Continue reading “Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines”

Journal: Intelligence Priority Theater, Weak Strategy

08 Wild Cards, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Methods & Process, Military, Reform

China Removed As Top Priority For Spies

The decision downgrades China from “Priority 1” status, alongside Iran and North Korea, to “Priority 2,” which covers specific events such as the humanitarian crisis after the Haitian earthquake or tensions between India and Pakistan.

One new area that has been given a higher intelligence priority under the Obama administration is intelligence collection on climate change, a nontraditional mission marginally linked to national security. The CIA recently announced that it had set up a center to study the impact of climate change.

Phi Beta Iota: The priorities are primarily influential on collection by the National Security Agency (NSA), determining whether the “system” stays on Beijing or goes to Central Asia instead, and this is probably the heart of the matter.  HOWEVER, in combination with the DoD concerns that CIA is totally ineffective with respect to China, Afghanistan, or anything else of immediate concern (e.g. Somalia, Sudan, Yemen), and the idiocy of creating a Climate Change Center rather than restructuring to attack all ten high-level threats to humanity, this latest “theater” must be labeled for what it is–naked Emperors parading their very expensive rags.  CIA is an utter travesty in all respects.  The DNI is treading water for lack of vision, understanding, authority, and the will to confront “the system.”  DoD is not much better–paper-pushing stuffed shirts and politically-correct uniforms disconnected from ground truth and the real needs of policy directors, acquisition managers, and operational commanders down to the company level.  Not pretty at all.

See also:

Continue reading “Journal: Intelligence Priority Theater, Weak Strategy”

Journal: Guantanamo “Suicides”–Shamed Again

08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Methods & Process, Military, Peace Intelligence

Marcus Aurelius

Murder and Cover-Up

The Guantánamo Suicides


My friends who served in the military speak of the pride with they performed what  they viewed as their duty. This duty included the obligation to act with honor, including, above all, following the Geneva Conventions when handling detainees and prisoners of war. My friends tell sadly of the despair they felt in seeing this obligation shredded during the Bush administration as word came down that they should do “whatever it takes.”  Some of them resigned in disgust. Others resisted what they viewed as moral decay from within.

A new story by attorney Scott Horton at Harpers reveals yet another very disturbing episode of dishonor. Horton reveals strong credible evidence that three alleged “suicides” at Guantanamo in June 2006 were really homicides. The official story is that during the night of  June 9, 2006, three prisoners were found hanging in their cells in Alpha Block of Guantanamo's Camp 1.

– – – – – –

Stephen Soldz is a psychoanalyst, psychologist, public health researcher, and faculty member at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis. He edits the Psyche, Science, and Society blog. He is a founder of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology, one of the organizations working to change American Psychological Association policy on participation in abusive interrogations. He is President-Elect of Psychologists for Social Responsibility [PsySR].

See also:

Continue reading “Journal: Guantanamo “Suicides”–Shamed Again”

Journal: Haiti Log-Jam Situation Report

08 Wild Cards, Gift Intelligence, Methods & Process, Military

With the Military in Haiti: Breaking the Supply Logjam

…after dozens of U.S. military 
helicopters began arriving in force Friday, using the aircraft carrier USS 
Carl Vinson a few miles offshore as their base, the delivery of food, water 
and medical supplies got galvanized. “We're still running out of water 
faster then we can deliver it,” Marine Maj. Will Klumpp told me above the 
deafening roar of copter rotors. “But at least we feel like we've started to 
keep up with what the Haitians need now.”

TIME Magazine's Comprehensive HAITI Home Page

Hunger And Misery Amid Haiti Aid Logjam

The log jam at the airport has put the 82nd behind schedule. An 800-man battalion was supposed to be on the ground Friday but by yesterday there were only 240.

World leaders have pledged aid to rebuild earthquake-hit Haiti – but survivors are still waiting for food, water and medicine.

Five days after the 7.0 magnitude tremor killed up to 200,000 people, international rescue teams were continuing to find victims alive under the rubble in capital Port-au-Prince.

Hundreds of thousands of hungry Haitians desperately need help, but logistical logjams kept major relief from reaching them.

Beset by logistical challenges, Haiti relief presses on

WASHINGTON — With many nations vying to get urgent relief into horror-struck Haiti after the devastating earthquake, US officials acknowledged Saturday it was “critical” to better coordinate the massive influx of aid.

Though the aid operation was picking up steam, it was still not reaching many of the survivors desperately scrambling for badly-needed food and water four days after the quake believed to have killed tens of thousands.

Bringing the Military's Might to Aid Haiti

Water, water everywhere, and yesterday it finally got to people who need it.

Paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne landed on a hill where survivors had gathered. So often these days, the face of America is that of a soldier – in this case, Captain Jonathan Hartsock.

The log jam at the airport has put the 82nd behind schedule. An 800-man battalion was supposed to be on the ground Friday but by yesterday there were only 240.

The main port is a disaster area, and until a second one can be opened up at Cap-Haitien on the north shore, the American military is trying to move into Haiti through that single-runway airport.

Your search – 95th civil affairs brigade haiti – did not match any documents

Phi Beta Iota: This is a fascinating peace challenge that the WWII D-Day planners would have appreciated–the US does not appear to leveraging all of the instruments of national power, including Sea Bees, landing craft, combat bridge repair, etcetera.

See also: Journal: Haiti Rolling Update (Chronology with Links)

Journal: Haiti Op-Eds

08 Wild Cards, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies

Guantanamo Base

Guantanamo To The Rescue

The base has two airfields, a state-of-the-art communication system and brand-new water and sewage lines that could accommodate as many as 45,000 refugees. And the base is large enough to stage an aid effort without impinging on prison operations.

Put The Pentagon In Charge

The other truth is that the only entity on the planet with the capacity to bring help to Haiti on the scale needed is the U.S. military. The United Nations will find it impolitic to admit this; the big international relief groups, proud of their noncombatant status, will shy from acknowledging it. But it is the reality

Frictions Between Nations Rise Over Struggle Of Getting Aid To Haiti

But there were growing tensions over which country's planes were allowed to land here first, with each nation insisting its aid flight was a priority, according to an official involved in the relief operation.

France, Brazil and Italy were said to be upset, and the Red Cross said one of its planes was diverted to Santo Domingo, the capital of neighboring Dominican Republic.

Le Bret said that the Port-au-Prince airport has become “not an airport for the international community. It is an annex of Washington.”

Phi Beta Iots: Haiti is an Information Operations (IO) challenge.  Obviously the Pentagon is not addressing it as such, so they will continue to have log-jams because they are not pushing the “information perimeter” out to the take-off and loading points.  A needs matrix should be in place, and the stuff should be coming in via four landing masters (Air Wheels, Air Drop, Beach, Road) with an intelligence-driven load and deliver flow plan.  This is not rocket science.  It just takes the right mind-set and a global C4I grid that DoD does not have at the same time that it refuses to use the obivous existing public networks.

See also: Journal: Haiti Rolling Update (Chronology with Links)

Journal: Haiti Earthquake Unconventional C4I

08 Wild Cards, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, IO Mapping, IO Multinational, IO Sense-Making, Methods & Process, Mobile, Non-Governmental, Peace Intelligence, Real Time, Technologies, Tools

Sample Commercial Image

Apps for Haiti: An SMS 911, a People Finder, and more to come

Haiti Earthquate Person Registry (Seeking/Found) (Merged with Google Person Finder)

Spreadsheet of 152 Organizations Rendering Aid to Haiti

Wikipedia Page Participants on the Ground and Unconventional Communications

Haiti Crisis Camp Page and Feedback

GeoEye Post-Earthquake Sample Image

ESC Imagery Aid

See also: Journal: Haiti Rolling Update (Chronology with Links)