Libya Internet Flatlines–Spurs Autonomous Internet

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Government, Peace Intelligence, Technologies

Libya Internet is down again, according to Google tool

March 4, 2011 | 10:22 am  Los Angeles Times


Libya has shut off the Internet again, according to a Google monitoring tool.

As of about 8 a.m. PST Thursday (or 6 p.m. in Tripoli, Libya's capital), the nation's Internet traffic began to flatline, and has been at zero since, says Google's Transparency Report.

Phi Beta Iota: While the world watches Libya, the USA is in the process of making the Internet a monopoly that can charge by the application instead of by the packet.  In brief, Internet “neutrality” is a  fraud in the USA, and the FCC is a front for the very large ISP's just as the Federal Reserve is a front for the private banks.  Autonomous Internet is something that matters everywhere, including especially the USA.

See Also:

Autonomous Internet (55)

Field to Fork: Tracking produce back to farmers

01 Agriculture, Technologies, Tools, True Cost

Harvestmark offers a mobile phone application and website that allows consumers to trace their food back to the farmers who grew it.  How much do we know about what is on our plate, and how easy is it to trace its source?

Source BBC

Phi Beta Iota: This is HUGE because it enables “true cost” information for each individual product to be posted on the web and instantly available to the smart phone user (the billion that buy most of the toxic products).  In many ways, this one capability marks the beginning of the integration of the Internet of people, the Internet of things, and the Internet of facts.


True Cost Wiki

DEMO Spring 2011 Cyber-Social Launches

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Information Operations (IO), Key Players, Mobile, Real Time, Technologies
Click for Home Page

NEW: Below, organized by category, are names, links (first to overview, last to web site), and product descriptions for each of the companies launching at DEMO Spring 2011.  According to several of those who have attended past events, this one was “a cut above” an already high standard.  What came across clearly was the new level to which social media is going, being embedded deeply with all products and services, not just overlain.

Name Link leads to OVERVIEW page including company contact, financial, and video.  ON THE WEB leads to company site.  Categories are Cloud, Consumer, Enterprise, Mobile, and Social & Media.

Continue reading “DEMO Spring 2011 Cyber-Social Launches”

Autonomous Internet Video & Audio: Eben Moglen on Freedom & Technology

Audio, Autonomous Internet, Corporations, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Technologies, Videos/Movies/Documentaries

Eben Moglen, law professor at Columbia university (NYC) and founder of the Software Freedom Law Center.

Video: FreedomBox v Facebook

Audio: Before and After IP: Ownership of Ideas in the 21st Century (mp3)

See Also:

Autonomous [Free, Distributed] Internet

Reference: The Future of the Internet

Freedom Box Mail List

Freedom Box Archives

SPOT Connect: Any Cell Phone SatComm Capable

Autonomous Internet, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, InfoOps (IO), International Aid, Open Government, Reform, Technologies, Tools
Learn More

Today’s smartphones provide a level of social connection far beyond what we imagined just a few years ago. But when you go beyond the reach of the grid, your smartphone needs the help of SPOT Connect to keep you in touch with friends, family, and emergency personnel. Simply pair your smartphone with SPOT Connect, and get connected to a global satellite network that lets you send messages and GPS coordinates from virtually anywhere on the planet. Update Twitter and Facebook. Send email and text messages. Request non-emergency help from professional service providers. And in the case of a critical emergency, send an SOS message requesting emergency assistance.

Click to Learn More

WARNING NOTICE: This $169 device does NOT include the subscription fees associated with SATCOM.  There are some “relatively” low cost options, and a small crowd-sourcing effort to buy a satellite that will provide free SATCOM access to Africa, but the pieces are not there yet.  See Autonomous Internet for a larger discussion of the possibilities.

Tip of the Hat to Aaron Huslage for this pointer.

Inside the Business of Malware (infographic) + Resources

Computer/online security, info-graphics/data-visualization, Technologies, Tools, Uncategorized

Infographic: Inside the Business of Malware

Web resources found along the way: (security news)
(malware research) (magazine)


DIY: Free tools for removing malicious software (Techrepublic)

Malware Intelligence of Modern Crimeware

Shadowserver Foundation

FireEye Malware Intelligence Lab