Stephen E. Arnold: Is It Time to Terminate Microsoft?

IO Impotency

Phi Beta Iota editor created above title.  Below is original title and an extract.

Talking Down: A Specialty of High-Tech?

What problems?

First, Microsoft has warned 800 million users to install a specific patch in order to avoid terminating with extreme prejudice one’s computer. You can get ore information from the capitalist tool here. Will I trust Microsoft after it killed my computer? Nope.

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Robert Steele: Fox Betrays the President, Shepard Smith Has No Clue, We Need a Conservative News Network

Peace Intelligence

Fox News is now no better than CNN. Shepard Smith, who is probably a script kiddie and does not think for himself, is pushing the Deep State narrative on both the President's movement of 50 US special forces troops out of harm's way, and Turkey's move to establish a Syrian resettlement area.

NEWS FLASH: We are are not abandoning the Kurds — the very limited number of Kurds in Syria — rather we are stopping our tolerance of Zionist Israel's arming of the Kurds and incitement of them against every country in which they live — Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria — all of this alleged Kurdish military activity is actually funded, trained, and equipped by Zionist Israel, and most of those fighting are not Kurds, but rather Israeli-funded multinational mercenaries.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Fox Betrays the President, Shepard Smith Has No Clue, We Need a Conservative News Network”

Robert Steele: Hats off to the Southern Baptists, Seeking to Restore Civil Christian Discourse to the Failed American Democracy

Cultural Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

‘What killed American public discourse?' New report, survey examines civility and evangelicals

America's public square is a toxic place, experts say, but one evangelical Christian organization is trying to figure out how to change that.

“We hate our politicians, and we hate each other,” a new report examining the state of civility in the U.S. explains.

The new report by the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is an analysis of a recent “Courage, Civility and our Democracy” study by LifeWay Research.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Hats off to the Southern Baptists, Seeking to Restore Civil Christian Discourse to the Failed American Democracy”

Mongoose: FISA Report on Obama-Led Treason (Spying on Candidate Trump and His Campaign) Coming in Two Weeks

Corruption, Government, Law Enforcement

Congressman: FISA report on ‘spying on Trump' coming in 2 weeks

Could the Democrats' frantic push for impeachment have anything to do with the imminent release of the Justice Department inspector general's report on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation?