Ever worry that that gadget you spend hours holding next to your head might be damaging your brain? Well, the evidence is starting to pour in, and it's not pretty. So why isn't anyone in America doing anything about it?
Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines. Users performing Google searches related to the three congressional races the study focused on were significantly more likely to see pro-Democrat stories and links at the top of their results.
As Epstein’s previous studies have shown, this can have a huge impact on the decisions of undecided voters, who often assume that their search results are unbiased. Epstein has called this the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME). –Breitbart
Increasingly, companies use a variety of tactics to block access to repair. Companies either don’t sell replacement parts, or they sell them at ridiculous markups. They don’t make repair information, such as manuals or schematics, publicly available or open-source. They manipulate the software so that if you get unauthorized repairs done, the device locks until the manufacturer unlocks it. This forces the customer to take any problem to the original manufacturers, who can charge whatever they want. This means the manufacturing companies have all the cards to decide if, when, and how much it costs to fix something.
Looking at the below simplified depiction of the One Belt One Road Initiative, I have to ask myself:
1. Has Australia lost its mind and given up on being a force for peace and prosperity in the South Pacific and southern Asia toward India, Iran, and East Africa?
2. Has Brazil not realized that it could become the colossus of South America and also the bridge to West Africa?
3. Is the USA going to continue to abuse or ignore South America at the same time that it neglects the undeveloped Canadian frontier and the Arctic?
I have the impression Russia is planning to own the Arctic and may perhaps be making peace with China in terms of developing the vast Russian eastern lands. Net net: USA does not have a serious grand strategy for anything.